Hope you like this chapter :)
1 week later...
"Finally! I'm so happy your out of that hospital!" Craig happily said.
"M-me t-too!"
The two walked back to Tweek's house in the dark. The past week has been great. Tweek was finally out of the hospital.
"I-I'm h-home!" Tweek yelled, but there was no response. Nobody was home. "G-guess n-nobody's h-home.."
"Clearly. So what do you want to do?" Craig asked. "I-I d-don't k-know.." Tweek said while picking at his fingernails.
Craig went to sit on the couch, and a few minutes later Tweek joined him. This was really akward, since there was really nothing to talk about.
Tweek tried to start a conversation. "S-so, I-I'll b-be g-going b-back to s-school t-tomorrow.."
"So I'm going to be here alone?" Craig asked.
"I-I w-was w-wondering I-if y-you w-wanted t-to c-come?"
"Um, me and school don't go well together. And it sucks ass."
"P-please? I-It w-would b-be n-nice I-if y-you d-did.."
"UGHHHHH! Fine!" Craig whined.
"Y-yay! Y-you c-can s-see m-my f-friends!" Tweek cheered.
"Or I can just kill them.." Craig mumbled.
It was morning, and sadly time to wake up. Why can't we stay in bed forever? Tweek sat up and- "AHH!"
And there was Craig, floating upside down, staring at Tweek with those red eyes. "Finally your awake.."
"W-WHAT A-ARE Y-YOU D-DOING?" Tweek yelled. This was embarrassing.
"Watching you sleep. Duh."
"W-WHY?" Tweek blushed.
"I got bored. And watching you move and talk in your sleep got me excited."
"W-well t-thats n-not c-creepy a-at a-all.." Tweek mumbled with sarcasm.
One day of him being back home, and he sees a vampire watching him sleep. Lovely. Wait.WHY WAS HE EVEN WATCHING ME SLEEP??
"So, you going to get dressed now?" Craig asked excited.
"Y-yes.." Tweek looked at Craig and cleared his throat.
"C-can I g-get s-some P-PRIVACY?" Tweek yelled, clearly stating the obvious.
"Your no fun!" Craig flew out the room, while Tweek slammed the door shut.
--15 minutes later :3--
"What the fuck is taking him so long?" Craig has no patience at all. Finally, he heard Tweek coming downstairs.
"S-sorry.." Tweek grabbed his book bag.
"What where you doing? Jacking off?"
"H-huh? N-no!" Tweek blushed.
"Sure. So can we leave now?"
"W-wait! P-put t-these on.." Tweek handed Craig blue contact lenses.
"What the fuck is this?" Craig asked frustrated.
"I-I d-don't w-want a-any r-risks o-of p-people w-wondering if y-your a v-vampire.."
"Fine." Craig looked into the mirror, and put on the blue contact lenses. This felt weird as fuck, but they did look nice.
"T-they l-look g-great on y-you! N-now w-we c-can l-leave!" Tweek walked out the house, but Craig remained inside.
"W-whats w-wrong?" Tweek asked, worried.
"The sun... It's sunny outside.."
"W-what d-do y-you m-mean?"
"If I go out into the sun, I'll burn up and turn into dust."
"O-oh.. w-wait! I-I've g-got a-an I-idea!" Tweek ran back into the house and picked up an umbrella, and handed it to Craig.
"Oh. This will do I guess...." Craig opened the umbrella, and could not feel the sunlight. He usually came here in the past at night, but never in the morning.
School, here we come.
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