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Xiao Zhan POV

I was with Yibo who went to FanXing's house and I did not expect that the over night they said was a pool party.

"Hey Wang, we thought you'd ignore us ..." - FanXing hugged my beloved on the shoulder. The one who seems to see no Xiao Zhan next to him.

"Excuse me .."

"Hello Zhan Thanks... you allowed Yibo when we could not complete we will take care of him..."

"FanXing,. He is with us ..." Yibo said shyly.

"Oh .." FanXing said in shock, I was annoyed that he was still cool. Im irritated with that asshole's attitude.

"Ok come in .."

Just like when I did not expect a party celebration to take place. I am not comfortable with this thing. But Yibo I saw that  he is happy.

"Dear .." - I held his hand so that those who were with Yibo were not too clingy

"Zhan Ge, are you ok ??"

"No I'm not .."

I almost stared at his companions. They were having fun while I was watching the actions of the men who seemed to want to seduce my Yibo.

FanXing offered me a drink I accepted but I did not drink first.

"Don't you trust us as a friend of Yibo?"


"You're selfish Xiao Zhan, you're his boyfriend but you can't control his world .. Do you know that he is having a hard time with your accompany. He look ok but look at his face his real joy is being free His friend is with him. What he can do is what he wants .. "

"I'm not selfish .. I love Yibo everything he wants if he tells me I can give it to him.

"You know .. What Yibo wants is freedom ..."

I was so annoyed that I almost broke the glass I was holding in front of him.

"Zhan Ge ....."


Wang Yibo POV

I don't expect FanXing to stare in front of us all. I can see the shock on the faces of the people around us.

I approached and grabbed Zhan Ge's arm

"Yibo if you don't want me to loose control, let's go"

I bowed to everyone who saw. I led Zhan away from himself.

"Gege, why are you like that ??" I can't stop crying because of what happened.

"That friend of yours made me angry .. Do you know ever since I no longer trust them? Are they still the friends you chose ??"

"There's nothing wrong with FanXing, why did you hurt him like that ??"

"If you only knew you were just saying that .. He made me look like he was not happy in our relationship, he insist me that every time I tried to tighten you, they would see you sad. Tell me you know everything I can do until you are happy I do .. "

I did not expect a very savage and cold hearted person to cry in front of me in front of people. Ever since we became a lovers I can only see his happy smile. Now he doesn't seem to be the Xiao Zhan that others need.

"Do you still lack all my efforts for you ??" ..

I shook because I didn't want to see him like that

"Do you want to let me go first ??"

Zhan Ge walked out while I was crying because I was an idiot because before we were just happy now I can't imagine that we will reach this point.

"Gege." - I chased him and he ran even faster. I follow his as fast as I can.

Until I reached his arm.

"Please don't be like this .. Let's talk Gege ..."

I hugged him and waited for him to respond to my hug.

"We are not enemies here Gege so please don't be like that ."

"But I saw that you were very happy when you were with them."

"They're just my friends .. Zhan please look at me .. My Zhannie .."

"I'm jealous.."

"Stop it please.".

"If you are not happy with me then tell me .. The other person is not yet paying attention .."

"I like your overprotectiveness .. Gege, don't think about that .. I'm happy with you .. Please Zhannie ... Smile .."
I saw Zhan Ge smile I want to see him happy ..

"I don't want to see you because of me .."

He kissed my forehead and hugged me back.

"I will do everything just to see my Yibo Happy..."

Heavy rain fell and we were in the middle of Gege's road for those of us who returned to childhood because Gege was playing with the water pouring on our bodies.

I almost got out of balance because he suddenly picked me up.

"My Love, this rain is a witness to how much I want to shout that I love you so much .. The amount of raindrops is also the amount of love I have for you. I hope you will not change .. We still Together Forever..."

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