[Chapter 13] - The Only One

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(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(E/C) - Eye Color
(A/N) - Author's Note


(Your POV)


(Y/N): (yawns while rubbing your eyes) Morning already? Jesus, time flies as if King Crimson skipped time.

I looked to my left to see Sayori still sleeping soundly, which gave me a small smile.

(Y/N): I'm so glad you're still alive and well Sayori. I'm happy that I was able to help you with your depression and be there when you needed it...

As I quietly said that, Sayori started to stir awake. She let out a huge yawn as she sat up from my bed.

(Y/N): Morning sleepy head.

Sayori: (tiredly) Huh? Oh hey (Y/N)...

(Y/N): Go ahead and snooze for a bit, I'm going to go and take a shower.

Sayori: Okaaaayyy...

(scene break)

After cooking both of us some eggs and toast, Sayori was staring starry eyed at the cupcakes that me and Natsuki baked. I was texting Natsuki that she can come over to help me get the cupcakes, in which she replied and said she was on her way.

Sayori: Oh my goodness! Those cupcakes look sooooo gooooooood~

(Y/N): Yeah, they do look amazing.

Sayori: Can I have one??? Please let me have one.

(Y/N): If I letted you have one I'm basically writing my own death sentence Sayori.

Sayori: (pouts) But they look so tasty...

(Y/N): One way or another you're going to get a cupcake you know.

Sayori: But I want one nooooooow...

I mean I couldn't blame her for wanting one. Natsuki's cupcakes are literally THE SHIT. At least I can enjoy them at the festival too.

(Y/N): Sayori I don't want to die by the hands of a pink-haired otaku.


(Y/N): Speaking of which...

Sayori and I walked over to the entrance. I then open the door, revealing a smiling Natsuki.

Natsuki: Hey (Y/N)!

She then notices Sayori, and her smile falters just a little bit. However, Sayori didn't notice it.

Natsuki: Hey Sayori, glad to see you back from the hospital.

Sayori: Hey Natsuki, and thanks! Here to help (Y/N) with the cupcakes?

Natsuki: I-I mean of course! I did most of the work after all.

The insult didn't really hurt me as much, since she just wants to act high and mighty to impress her peers. Which, I wasn't too affected by it.

(Y/N): Hehe. And who was the one who helped you with the icing?

Natsuki: ...Okay you helped me a little but still!

Sayori: (giggles)

(Y/N): (sighs) Anyways, let's start getting the cupcakes. We're going to be late for the festival if we don't hurry up.

Sayori: I'll help carry some!

(Y/N): Yeeeeeeah no. You're going to just eat some while we're walking.

Sayori: Eh?! No I'm not!

(Y/N): Sayori, I do not want to get beaten up by a person who can do something similar to Ippo Makunouchi.

Sayori looked at me confused, probably because she didn't knew who Ippo was. However, Natsuki just smirked at me.

Natsuki: Hmph, at least you know what I'm capable of.

Sayori: (Y/N) you're so meeeeeean...

(Y/N): No hard feelings. I just want my stomach to actually be inside my body.

(stop music)

(timeskip brought to by Yuri painting the literature club banner)

After a careful walk from my house to the school, we finally made it to the clubroom where Monika was organizing some papers.

Monika: Oh, you guys are here, great!

(Y/N): Yeah, it was quite a walk, but we're here. Where do you want these cupcakes at?

Monika: Just put them on this desk over by the window.

I nodded as me and Natsuki placed the cupcakes down.

(Y/N): Good work Natsuki. (high fives)

Natsuki: Yeah! (high fives back) Can't wait to see the people's faces when they eat my scrumptious cupcakes.

(Y/N): Hahaha. Well they're going to enjoy it so don't worry.

I then notice that Yuri, who was standing on a stool, was struggling to hang up the giant banner. Being the kind friend I was, I decided to walk over and help her.

(Y/N): Hey Yuri!

Yuri: EEP!

Yuri lost her balanced after getting startled. Thinking fast, I caught Yuri as she fell off the stool.

(Y/N): Sorry... You alright Yuri?

Yuri: Y-Yeah... I just sort of lost my balance is all.

She then got off and stood in front of me, her face slightly red.

(Y/N): Sorry for scaring you. I was just coming over to see if you need any help.

Yuri: Help would be nice... Thank you.

My eyes suddenly drifted over to Natsuki, which was glaring at Yuri. The reason? Possibly jealousy.

Taking the stool, I grabbed one side of the banner and placed the string that was attached to it onto the nail that was hammered into the wall.

(Y/N): How's this?

Yuri: Perfect. Thanks for helping me.

(Y/N): No problem Yuri. You did amazing on the painting by the way.

Yuri: I-I... I mean... It wasn't too difficult to manage.

(Y/N): Well good job Yuri. (thumbs up) Anyways, you can go ahead and start reciting the poem you were going to present.

Yuri: Oh right! I almost forgot about it.

(Y/N): The festival will start in thirty minutes, so get ready.

Yuri: I will...

Yuri then goes over to her bag and pulls out a sheet of paper, which I assumed was her poem. Seeing her happy, I walked over to Sayori who just snuck one of Natsuki's cupcakes behind her back.

Sayori: Can't... Resist.

She then proceeds to chomp half of the cupcake into her mouth. By look of her expression, I could tell she was enjoying herself.

Sayori: (mouth full) Sho... Gooooood...

Natsuki suddenly noticed Sayori dreamily chewing on her cupcake, and she was not happy.

Natsuki: Hey! Come on Sayori those are for the other people!

Sayori: But they're delicious!

Natsuki: Argh... Whatever, just try not to eat anymore.

Sayori: Yaay~

I chuckled, everybody was getting along well and being super happy with each other.

Monika: Hey (Y/N), can you come over for a second?

(Y/N): Sure.

Monika called me, so I walked over to the front of the classroom to where she was sitting. She looks at me with a genuine smile.

Monika: I just want to thank you for changing this world. I guess I was just blinded with love and tried to get the player to notice me, but now I realized my mistakes...

(Y/N): Don't worry Monika, I forgave you. Even the player did too.

You: Yep.

(Y/N): And besides, it must have been hard for you to be all alone. I understand your pain, and I'm sorry you had to go through that.

Monika: (smiles) Thanks for listening. But hey listen, we are about to start in a few minutes. You got your poem ready?

(Y/N): Yep. I made it last night.

Monika: Great! I'll call you up when it's your turn okay?

(Y/N): Alright. Thanks.

(scene break)

So far it the festival has been pretty good for the literature club. As candles lit up the room, curious minds come in and enjoy everything that Yuri had displayed. Along with that, they really enjoyed the cupcakes Natsuki and I made, and saying that Natsuki is happy is an understatement.

In any case, Yuri, Sayori, and Natsuki already presented their poems. Everyone seemed to like the poems, so that's a good sign. Maybe we can have more people in the literature after all.

Monika: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have you attention please?

Monika, microphone in hand, got the crowd's attention and the chattering began to quiet down.

Monika: Thank you, we have our next poem presenter today sharing his inner emotions through magical words and metaphorical phrases. Presenting, (Y/N) (L/N).

Everybody started clapping as I stood in front of the class with my poem in hand. Although I'm a little nervous, I pushed them all aside as I begin reading.

(Y/N): Thank you. This poem is called "After".



Pressure, Pressure is what looms over me.
Growing up with sense and some type of task,

Forced to be the best I can be.
School covers the face of stress with a mask.

The future holds relief, I deeply need.
The choice is mine to decide. What’s next?

I will take the bull by its horn, and lead.
A chance to figure out, a time to flex.

A piece of mind is certainly given.
Down the road may seem far, but it is near.

A peaceful future which seems so thrilling.
Fate and Fortune is what I hold dear.

The bridge to the past will lastly shatter.
Now is the time to ask, what is after?


(A/N): Original credits to jannathomas.

I smiled as I expressed power and sincerity into my reading. Afterwards, I recieved applause from everyone in the room. My could feel my face burning up a little as I thanked everyone for listening. I approached Monika as she gave me a caring grin.

(Y/N): So... How did I do?

Monika: That was great!

(Y/N): You sure it wasn't too short? This was actually a bit shorter than the other poems I made.

Monika: (giggles) (Y/N), sometimes the shortest amount of words paint a totally different picture for you to imagine. So don't be too anxious, alright?

(Y/N): I guess that is a pretty good point. Thanks Monika.

Monika: No problem (Y/N). Go ahead and find the others, I'll need to find my poem for the next performance.

(Y/N): You sure you don't need any help?

Monika: I'm good, don't worry.

I smiled as I patted her shoulder.

(Y/N): Thanks for helping me Monika. With me and the literature club I mean.

Monika: I understand, and you're welcome. (smiles) As long as you and the player are happy, I'm happy.

(Y/N): I'm glad. I'll go over and talk to my friends now, I'll see you soon.

Monika: See ya (Y/N).

Smiling, I walked over to Yuri, Sayori, and Natsuki, who were all talking while drinking some of Yuri's tea.

(Y/N): Hey girls.

Sayori: (Y/N)!!

Sayori ran up to me and gave me a massive hug, knocking me back slightly.

(Y/N): W-Woah! Sayori you're still not a football player!

Yuri: (giggles)

Sayori: Hehe... Sorry. But your poem was really good!

(Y/N): You really thought so?

Sayori: Yeah! It was amazing~

Yuri: I agree. Even though it was kind of straight to the point, it painted vivid images in my head. Great job.

Natsuki: Yeah, it was pretty good I guess...

I smiled as I walked over next to Natsuki. I then patted her head, making Natsuki slightly embarrassed.

(Y/N): Aww come on Natsuki. I know that your poems will always be better than mines. So don't worry.

Natsuki: (pouts) Hmph...

She crosses her arms as her face gains a tint of red.

Natsuki: I-I mean... I already knew that...

Sayori: You two look so cute together!

And of course, Sayori spoke out something that I'm pretty sure Natsuki wouldn't have liked to hear.

Natsuki & (Y/N): W-What?!

Blood rushed to my face as Natsuki's does the same.

Yuri: I mean I saw it coming. You two always hanged around each other and and talked about manga together.

Sayori: It's cute, I ship it.

Natsuki: S-Shut up!

Yuri: I ship it too.

Natsuki: Not you too Yuri! UGH!

I could feel Natsuki's embarrassment skyrocketed. She then started walking towards the door.

Natsuki: I'm out of here!

She pushed passed people and exited the classroom. Worried about her, started to go after her.

(stop music)

(Y/N): Stay here guys, I'll go find her.

Sayori: (Y/N) wait-

(Y/N): Make sure Monika does okay Vice President!

I went into the hall and saw a faint pink color among the sea of people flooding the hall. Sighing to my self, I tried my best to go the opposite way people are going without making too much of a hassle.

(Y/N): 'scuse me. Pardon me. Going this way, sorry.

After what felt like an eternity of swimming through the stream of students, I eventually chased her towards the top of the building, which was the roof. Normally this area is off limits since the festival is going on, but that didn't stop me from getting to Natsuki. Eventually I caught her at the rooftop as she was panting, holding on to her knees.

Natsuki: (pant) (pant) ...

(Y/N): Natsuki!

Natsuki: (Y-Y/N)... I-I...

With no more energy left, she collapsed on the ground. I ran over to her, even though my legs were extremely exhausted, and kneeled down next to her.

(Y/N): A-Are you okay?!

Natsuki: (exhausted) Y-Yeah... I just... Need some time to rest...

(Y/N): Let's sit over here, there's some shade.

Natsuki: Okay...

I acted like Natsuki's crutch for a moment as I helped her walk over to the area where a wall was blocking the sun. I set her down by the wall and let her legs get some energy. After about ten minutes of just the sound of our breathing, I broke the silence.

(Y/N): Do you like me Natsuki?

Natsuki: H-Huh?

(Y/N): I know I know it's a question out of nowhere, but I just really need to know.

Natsuki: ...

I guess I was kinda worried. If she doesn't like me, then I'm pretty sure I'll be pretty upset. Sure I'll be able to help her with her father, but-

Natsuki: In all honesty... Yes, I do.

(Y/N): W-Wait really?

There was a moment of silence...


Then, Natsuki finally spoke.

Natsuki: You have been so nice to me... Even though after everything I did to you. Insults, laughing, even punching you... I-I'm just confused...

She looks at me. Her facial expression looks like she's about to cry.

Natsuki: Tell me why, even after everything I done to you, you still like me? I'm worthless...

(Y/N): Hey, don't you DARE say that you're worthless, because you're NOT.

I wrapped my arm around both of her shoulders, bringing her closer to me.

(Y/N): I like you because that even though you did all those bad things to me, you did some good things as well. Such as reading manga, teaching me how to bake, watching anime, hell just hanging out with me makes my day even better.

I could see her blush rising to her face as she asked a question to me.

Natsuki: B-But what about Yuri? She has a nice personality with a banging body to go with it...

(Y/N): I don't care about body types Natsuki. I told you this already. Plus, Yuri has a crush on someone already.

Natsuki: I guess you're right... Well what about Sayori? You two known each other for the longest time, I bet you could've had feelings for her.

(Y/N): I. Don't. Have. Any. Feelings. For. Her. (sighs) She's literally just my best friend since elementary.

Natsuki: What about Monika? Surely you could be swoon by her any day right?

(Y/N): I... Don't want to talk about Monika right now.

Natsuki: Why is that?

(Y/N): It's... Personal.

Natsuki: (raises eyebrow) Personal?

(Y/N): Yeah. It's kinda complicated between me and her right now.

I stared into her beautiful pink eyes as she looked into my (E/C) ones.

(Y/N): Natsuki, you're the only one that I like. I want to help and support you every possible moment I can get.

Natsuki: What if people see you with me? What if they see you date some ugly, skinny, pink girl who-

(Y/N): Stop. Just stop Natsuki. You're not ugly or anything of the sort. Also you're probably just skinny because you don't eat alot, and that's fine.

Natsuki: ...

(Y/N): Natsuki, I don't care what other people think. You aren't any of those things you said either. You're cute, sweet, beautiful, and just plain amazing.

Natsuki's face was blushing super hard right now, that and she was looking the opposite direction from me.

(Y/N): I... I-I... (sighs) I love you Natsuki. Okay?

Silence filled the air as we both stared at the ground, avoiding each other's gaze.

Natsuki: (Y/N)...

(Y/N): Yes Natsuki?

Natsuki: Do you want to know why I'm skinny like this?

(Y/N): I mean... If you want to talk about it.

Natsuki: Well... You see...

She fidgets a little bit.

Natsuki: It's... My dad.

Even though I, unfortunately, pretty much knew the answer, I asked anyway.

(Y/N): What about your dad?

Natsuki: My dad... Beats me up. He let's me starve when giving me little to no food at all in some days. I have done so much in the house to the point that if I make one tiny mistake, I'm going to get beaten. My life has been pretty much miserable...

I could see the pain and sorrow in Natsuki's eyes. Her pink Pearl's started to fill up with tears as she finally confesses why she basically never talks about her dad to anyone.

Natsuki: People don't take into consideration on why I bake or read manga. I do it to escape reality, to be myself. It's the only things that make me happy.

She paused for a moment.

Natsuki: Well... Until you came around.

(Y/N): Huh?

Natsuki: You were so kind to me, even though I treated you like garbage. You made me laugh, made me smile, made me enjoy being around you... You... You are the only one who ever made me feel this way.

(Y/N): Natsuki...

Natsuki: (Y-Y/N)... Please...

Suddenly, she pulled me into a aggressive hug, wrapping her arms around me very tightly. Even though it hurts a little, I hugged her back. She needed love, since most of her life she hasn't recieved any.

Natsuki: I-I accept you being my b-boyfriend... But you better take care of me okay?!

(Y/N): Of course I will, I wouldn't ever forgive myself if anything would've happened to you.

Natsuki: Good... I'll take care of you too, but it's not like I'm worried about you or anything! It's just what a good girlfriend will do.

(Y/N): (chuckles) If you say so-

I was interrupted by a force pressed onto my lips. It took a few seconds to realize that Natsuki was kissing me. Even though I was shocked that Natsuki had the will to do this, I knew she was an impatient girl. So, in return, I started to kiss her back. It was a true

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