Chapter Five

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Disclaimer: I do not own the picture. All credits goes to the original owner/s.


After eating, we played another game. I don't really remember the name of the game but, you form a circle. The person who's "it" has a handkerchief, and he will go around and around the circle and drop the handkerchief to someone. When the person finds out that the person dropped the handkerchief to them, they will need to throw the handkerchief to them successfully to save their spot. But you need to watch out, because the person might steal your spot while you are trying to target them. If they do that, you're the next person who have to drop the handkerchief to someone else. If you successfully thrown the handkerchief to the person, they have to step inside the circle.

But what if you don't realize that the handkerchief is dropped to you?
If that happens, the person who's "it" have the chance to make you "it" and yeah, you're the next person who have to drop the handkerchief to someone else.

Anyway, enough explaining. So yeah, we played that, and Jeremy is "it". I concentrated deeply and tried to see if the handkerchief is still with him, or if he already dropped it.
To see it, I touched the ground behind me and guess what, he dropped the freaking handkerchief behind me! I grabbed it and Jeremy started to run away. What the, he only took a few steps and he's already so far away from me! Sigh, this guy will be hard to beat. He's too good at everything.

Everyone is just shouting at me(especially Chloe)to just throw the handkerchief at him, or at least attempt to run to him. I can't choose between two, because the handkerchief is too light to reach Jeremy, and at the same time, if I run to him, he'll steal my spot!

Chloe stood up from her position and whispered to me.

Chloe: *whispers* give him a taste of his own medicine.
Emily: huh? How?
Chloe: *takes some rocks and puts it in the handkerchief* there!
Jeremy: oh my, that's gonna hurt!
Chloe: *whispers* go. *goes back to her spot*
Emily: *sigh* *runs to Jeremy*

I ran to Jeremy and he successfully and quickly escaped. I threw the handkerchief at him but he dodged it! The only choice now is to chase him and pass him the "it".

So I ran to him and tried to corner him but I was too late. He's really speedy, and he already stole my spot. Great! Thank you for making me look weak and you unbelievably made me the first loser of this game!

I took the handkerchief and I dropped it on Ray. He realized it and Chloe screamed to me "RUN!" So I ran, and Ray is just getting ready to throw the handkerchief at me. He threw it at me, and I luckily dodged. Hell yeah! At least I get a spot again.

So we played the game for several minutes, then Jeremy and Ray's mom made them go home. Jeremy didn't want to go home yet, so when they're walking back home, Jeremy's so mad. Ha! Well, there's always a tomorrow!

Me and Chloe's clothes are soaked by sweat, so we changed our clothes. After that, we spent some minutes watching TV and we all ate dinner.


I scrolled on my Facebook. The second day I stayed at Chloe's, FB told me that someone from Saudi freaking Arabia logged in to my account. What the hell! Who could that be and how come they got to know my password? Or like, what even made them think of logging into my account? What bro?

That made me pretty aware, so I decided to make a second FB account. Ever since the second account was created, I have never logged in to my other account again. I don't know, maybe I just find it funner in my second account because it's more private and personal?

I saw one friend request, and it's.. Jeremy Williams? Who could that be?

I checked their account and saw their profile picture. Ohh, so it's Jeremy! How did he find my account? Oh well. Maybe because Chloe is my friend in Facebook, and he saw my account.

Of course, I accepted it. And me and Jeremy are friends anyway.


Today was so fun! And it's so fun I can't help to talk about the games we played.

Emily: hide and seek today is intense! *chuckles*
Chloe: hah, yeah!
Emily: when you were "it", how come you never saw me?
Chloe: you mean, when you guys were hiding in the other house?
Emily: yeah! The other drawer of the cabinet opened, and I just put my head and body down a little bit.
Chloe: wait, you were there?!
Emily: you never saw me?
Chloe: no I didn't!
Emily: and when you were about to walk to the other side of the window, I ran away somewhere else.
Chloe: you're pretty pro yourself! But wow, how come I never saw you?
Emily: *chuckles* and remember Natasha from awhile ago?
Chloe: hm, when..? What happened?
Emily: she just embarrassed me! And do I say, it also must have been embarrassing for Jeremy. She keeps assuming we have a thing for each other.
Chloe: oh, you know Natasha. She's normally like that.
Emily: I don't know. It's just humiliating! She breaks the silence by saying something awkward!
Chloe: *laughs* don't worry, she have already victimized me by the same way.
Emily: I just can't believe it. And Jeremy is so fast, at the same time, he likes climbing at things.
Chloe: he's good at everything! Jeremy likes to climb trees and everything else ever since as a child.
Emily: what? Epic.
Chloe: here's the thing. When Jeremy and Ray were little children, they moved somewhere more... provincial. There are many trees in there, and Jeremy climbed a lot, so yeah. He took that climbing manner until here.
Emily: that's so awesome.
Chloe: it's just something he developed!

Me and Chloe talked a lot more about what we did today, and we were laughing so hard on everything that happened.

Maybe it's the moments? The people? Or the game itself? Maybe it's everything.

We finished talking in 12AM, then we slept.


"Emily... Emily.."

Emily: *wakes up* what..?
Chloe: rise up, we're going to the mall.
Emily: *yawning* who said so..?
Chloe: your mom said!
Emily: wh-what..? But today is Thursday, she said we're going to the mall in Friday..
Chloe: my dad doesn't have work today, and they decided that he can drive for us. Since your dad's not really good at driving to far places..
Emily: oh, okay then... *yawns*

Chloe then went outside and her dad asked again.

Chloe's dad: what time did you sleep?
Chloe: at-
Rene: 12:30AM!
Chloe: what..? Twelve-thirty..?
Rene: how come you don't know? You pretty much stayed up late.
Chloe: it's not twelve-thirty, okay? How come you can assume?
Rene: I woke up at twelve and I heard some talking.
Chloe: oh.. Okay. But that wasn't twelve-thirty! When we started talking, it's not exactly twelve!

Yeah, Chloe's right! I completely remember what time is it. Before we started the conversation, I shut down my phone and the time is 11:49PM. So it means, we didn't sleep at twelve-thirty!
But how could Rene even know? When you wake up from your sleep you can't tell what time it is. When it's midmorning or in the night at least.

I rose up from the bed and same daily morning routine. Though, we're going to a mall. I looked at the clothes my parents left for me and, I realized, I'm out of public clothes(clothes that are worn for going outside or somewhere). But my dad's gonna drive here anyway, and I'm sure they're gonna drop me to the house to get my clothing.

While we are waiting, we watched TV. Natasha came, all prepared and ready. Natasha likes going out! This is why she's always.. So ready.

Anyway, several minutes later, my parents finally came! They were parking the car. I mean, it's just dad. I guess mom is in the house doing something or still getting ready.

And I went outside to check for them. While they're still parking the car, I decided to spend a little time skateboarding. Ever since I saw a skateboard in Chloe's house, even I don't know how to use it, I step on it and practice my balancing.

So I stepped on the skateboard and- WHAT THE HECK?!

Before I could even put my other foot in the skateboard, the skateboard slid and it stumbled and I fell! I fell and good thing my head didn't bump the ground or the bench or, anything. But what I hit is my legs, my elbow, my arm, and most especially.. My wrist. My wrist hurts so much!

I was so shocked. Everyone from the house saw what happened, and they went out when they heard me and saw me stumble. I was just sitting in the ground, but then suddenly my arm starts to feel numb and the numbness.. causes pain..? It's so freaking painful that I have to lay down on the bench and rest it.

I breathed  heavily because for now, I think that's the only thing that can relieve my pain. My dad went outside, worried and asking.

Dad: what? What now?
Emily: my wrist and arm freaking hurts!!
Chloe: why did you do that anyway?
Emily: you guys see me using this skateboard everyday and it's completely harmless!
Chloe: and now?
Emily: I don't know! I just put my feet in it!
Dad: don't ever use that skateboard again! Why did you decide to so that?
Emily: this skateboard doesn't fall on me!
Dad: but now it did, don't use it again.
Emily: yeah sure.
Dad: are you okay?
Emily: *stands up* yeah, I'm fine. Well, I'm gonna change in the house!
Dad: oh, okay! You don't have any clothes for outside anymore?
Emily: yep.

My dad drove us to the house. I went to the bedroom and changed clothes. But that's not all I have for a good impression. Whenever we go outside or on public, I wear makeup. Yes, because I'm insecure and wearing it makes me feel better and confident.

But I'm not really in the mood to apply eyeshadow, or foundation, or concealer, or lipstick, whatever. I didn't do my brows, I just did eyeliner.

So I came out and Natasha noticed I'm wearing eyeliner because there's the cat eye wing.

Natasha: hey Em, you're wearing eyeliner?
Emily: yeah, I need it with me everyday.
Natasha: you're on fleek! Use some lipstick!
Emily: I'm not in the mood, okay? Just, eyeliner is all I need.
Natasha: okay then.. *nods*
Mom: so, are we all ready?

We are all ready and we drove to the mall. It took hours to get to the mall, because my mom always chooses the fanciest. The fanciest mall in Malibu is.. Very far away from us.

And we are hungry from the trip. So when we are near to the mall and before we could even go to the mall itself, we ate at Shakey's. I mean, I ate a lot! I even got a sundae.

When we came to the mall, we separated. Chloe and the others are at the arcade, and I stayed with my parents because I might need something and ask for something.

Oh no, we'll probably go home late. Me and Chloe even planned a lot of stuff for today, because we thought we might be able to go home in time, so we could play again but oh well.

We came home late and yeah, Jeremy and Ray didn't even come because it's already late! And their mom wouldn't allow that.

There's always a tomorrow though.

I went inside the bedroom and scrolled on my messenger, I got messages from Jeremy. But it's all just the like emoji, and one attachment saying that he invited me to use messenger. Hm, I wonder why? I'm already using messenger.

After that, me and Natasha spent the night roaming around places. Just trying to taste a little bit more freedom, and trying to escape from everyone. Like, trying to have a time of our own.

So yeah, nothing much has really happened today? We all just went to the mall and done.

But that was tiring. Me and Chloe didn't get to watch YouTube tonight because we're tired of the long trip, and the long day of course. We can probably save it for tomorrow!

Emily all thought that what she had with Jeremy is friendship, and Jeremy only treats her as a friend. But in the next chapter, Emily will be proven wrong. Or is it Jeremy just fooling around? We'll see.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, and please keep supporting this book. As in, so much support because I will love that. Comment down your thoughts and feedback too, I appreciate it all.

Hope you'll enjoy the next chapter again, thank you for reading. -Jamie


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