Chapter Fifteen

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Song: Seventeen - Heathers:The Musical(Barrett Wilbert Weed and Ryan McCartan(yes, that's the two casts here in the story and that's their voices(in case you don't know)!)

I woke up early in the morning because I hear a voice that is telling me to wake up. Why does this keep happening? When I'm sleepy and depressed, and when I need more sleep and rest, people keep waking me up! Ugh, who is it? Oh, it's my mom. To be honest I want to stay longer in here and sleep here before we go home, my parents just need to help me prepare. I can request it..

Mom: I need your laundry, Emily!

Seriously?! Why did you wake me up only to get my laundry?!! I'm supposed to have a nice, peaceful, and continuous sleep here! My mom loves disturbing me, it's her specialty. I'm very upset whenever somebody or something disturbs my sleep, seriously. She could've asked Chloe.. ugh. Freaking peeved me, mom.

Emily: mom, can I sleep here before we leave tomorrow? I just want to be with everybody again for the last time before we leave..
Mom: no, Emily. You're sleeping in the house, okay?
Emily: *sigh* okay..

My mom left and.. I went back to sleep because it's too early, six in the morning. I usually wake up at almost lunchtime.. so I mostly get brunch when I wake up.

*time skip*

Ugh, I'm still so depressed. And I have no idea what to do, I can't even do the things I love.. I can't take selfies, because when I see my face in the camera, all my insecurities start to hit me again, I feel ugly, I feel weak, and whatever I do to my face, hair, or whatever clothes I wear, I will still look ugly and I won't be able to transform into someone else. Because I'm ugly. I look at my face on the camera, and I can't even smile.
I try to draw something, but all my drawings come out as null. Or sometimes I can't even draw anything because I have no ideas and definitely no inspiration.
I wanna songwrite, but songwriting will make me recall the situation I am in even harder, because what I'm trying to do right now is trying to forget about it and pretend that nothing happened.
Hm, but writing.. I haven't wrote anything, not even a short story ever since I graduated in senior year. Writing helped me a lot, writing made me express the kind of person who I am, and if no one would listen to me, writing would make someone curious and read. If I can't express my feelings verbally or say something verbally, writing is always another way for me. Writing helped me through.. I'm an art major but writing as a hobby never washes off.

You know, there's this famous app and website called Wattpad. It may sound like an addictive thing that you can't relate to, and let me tell you, I have an account in there and published a few stories, but I never really touched it after a year. Maybe I can write a story about my summer romance and share it with people, because sharing your story with others is totally helpful. Not only for yourself, but also for the other people who need to hear it and relate to it and think, "maybe I'm not the only one after all!"
Alright then, it's planned! I'm writing a story in Wattpad, and name it "Summer Fling: A Short Story". This may actually help me and I'll feel better after that.

Okay, one message from Sheena. But I'l check Instagram first, because I posted something new yesterday. Which is vent art and vent post. I didn't tell the whole story, and I didn't mention anything, but what I said was only two sentences of how I was doing this whole time. I need my friends to help me.. even my mind is a negative prick, gaining support will always be useful.

I checked the comments, and I have replied to all of them. Hayley commented too, she was trying to make me feel better. But like I told you, I'm negative and my situation keeps me from trying to be a positive person. So my replies to Hayley are negative.. I actually felt bad at this one.


Hayley: no, it's okay.. you may have lost your friend but at least you have your other friends! You have me, you have us! You're not alone.
Emily: whatever..
Emily: I lost my friend and it's probably my fault.
Hayley: no, it's not..
Emily: if that's what you think then fine.
Hayley: Emily..

And that's where me and Hayley both stopped replying to each other. Let me explain things to you;
I know I said "fine" but that doesn't mean I'm mad. There are some people who say "fine" but they're not mad, it's like their other term of saying, "okay" or "okay then". That's what I meant by my "fine" to Hayley, but looks like she misunderstood. I can always explain to her! And since she sent a message, I'm checking it.


Hayley: you know what, I'm just gonna say this..
I think I hurt you and I know you'll leave me.. That's okay.
You haven't even been chatting us for a week.. That's okay.
I'm trying to help you but looks like I'm weak enough to do that.. that's still okay.
School is even near, and even we talked about it I'm still scared... but that's okay.
I think you hate me.. that's okay.
And for my question about selling my art, it's okay, you don't need to reply.. I'll just find another way..

First, that's a long message.

Second, Hayley stated it. I haven't been chatting with anyone for so long that I didn't realize it was a week!
And I understand if Hayley is hurt by me not chatting with them, but like.. does she even know why..? I wish she knew the truth, because I'm hurt, and she doesn't understand why I haven't been chatting. It's not like that, Hayley.. if you only knew. But.. th-that's okay..

Third, there we go with my saying of "fine", Hayley thought I was mad but I'm not.. It's not like that, Hayley.. but fine, it's okay..

Why does it always happen like this?

There really are some people who get hurt when someone tells them that they're hurt and why but, I hate it.. I REALLY hate it!




I want to cry right now, but someone will get hurt anyway. So what's the use?
I want to scream right now and punch the wall, but someone will get hurt anyway. What's the use?
I want to vent and open my feelings but someone will get hurt anyway. Then what's the point of telling people how you feel? If their feelings will also shatter y-you..

You would or would not understand the feeling, but seeing all of this makes the knife in my heart stab even deeper and harder.. Great job, Emily Sanders. Somebody blocked you, you're hurt, now you're hurt and vented, someone else got hurt. Especially, it's a friend. Great job! You're making everything in life even more difficult. What's wrong with you? You're always the start of things. I'm always the start of things. I'm always the reason why my friends have arguments with each other including me.. I'm always the reason why people cry.. I'm always the reason why everyone gets bothered and upset.. I'm always the reason why my friends think our friendship is gonna end.. I'm always the reason and start of everything..

No one sees the me inside of me..

No one thinks that I have feelings..

Never mind, I'll stop venting and crying on the inside. People will just get hurt anyway, and Hayley is probably waiting for a reply.. it's time that she needs to know everything behind all this.


Emily: I'm sorry, Hayley.. I'm sorry for how I made you feel. See? It's always my fault, right? And no, you're wrong about everything you said. No matter what happens, I'll never leave you, and I'll never hate you. You know, I haven't been feeling emotionally well and I'm just.. scared enough to talk with anybody. So please, please don't think I intended to hurt any of you. I just don't wanna be the reason to why all my friends get hurt.. anymore.. at least once.
Emily: I'll answer your question; if you're holding out drawing adopts, it's actually your choice if you want to add a price to it or not. 
Hayley: oh, Emily!! I'm glad you replied! Are you okay? Are you okay now? Are you actually talking to me?
Hayley: I'm sorry if I kind of hurt you, I'm just.. worried. Worried about your condition.. please, please be okay again, at least just for us.
Emily: of course, I'll try. For you. :)
Hayley: that relieves me! So uh, hello? You're back..?
Emily: I think I'm back.. I don't know if I'll be replying to messages again.
Hayley: oh, but you replying or texting me after a week is like a miracle or a dream come true!
Emily: you really missed me that much?
Hayley: of course! Everyone misses you, Emily! The group chats you left, we were talking about you.. Sheena, me, and the others are wondering what's wrong with you.. So, I'm glad that you're replying now..
Emily: oh, I see..
Hayley: well, I have a lot of things to tell you!

We continued talking and our conversation isn't a deep, serious one anymore. We are happy again, just like the normal and old times.. I missed the old times. No relationships, just friends, and just with friends, my life was whole and much better.
W-wow.. did I.. forget that much about how my past life was so well without Jeremy?


*time skip*

Chloe is running out of groceries, and they're all going. Of course, I have to go with them because I'll be the only one left here in the house.. In which I'm used to, but they won't allow me. Also, I want to go outside and see the public here before I leave.


Chloe: uh, I hate to ask but.. are you already unblocked by you know who?
Emily: well, still blocked.. I bet he won't even unblock me anymore..
Chloe: hey Emi, don't be like that! You need to learn on how to look at the brighter side of things.
Emily: I can't when I'm depressed..
Chloe: that's okay, but still in my gut, he's gonna unblock you.
Emily: fine, I'll have it in my gut too..
Chloe: that's good.

So we went home and.. Natasha, her mom, and Jeremy's mom is sitting in the bench outside the house.

J's mom: come, Chloe! Tell me what you want to buy for school because I'm going to the city tomorrow.
Chloe: alright! *runs to J's mom*
N's mom: we have to be pretty serious now about these stuff, school is starting next week!
Natasha: hey Emi! Come over here!
Emily: *approaches Natasha* what?
Natasha: since we have nothing better to do, let's go to my school!
Emily: what? Why are we going there? Is it open?
Natasha: yeah, it's open! Even school haven't started yet..
Emily: what are we gonna do there?
Natasha: since you're going home tomorrow, you need a little tour..
Emily: uh, this is legal..?
Natasha: yes, it is! It's my school! Come on! *holds Emily's hand and walks*

So me and Natasha walked the highways and roads to her school without asking permission, and we're finally in her school! I was still denying to go inside as we faced the gate, but Natasha keeps telling me that it's fine and it doesn't matter, so we went inside.

Wow, her school's campus is a lot bigger and wider than my school. Since we were the only people in school, I felt free to act like my crazy self.

Emily: holy moly, this is amazing! *runs to the center of the campus and swings around* woooo!!!!!
Natasha: slow down, slow down!
Emily: *calms down* I'm sorry, I actually just feel free in here.. And since the place is wide, I can roam around!
Natasha: we just went inside and you're liking the place already, good! But that's just the campus. You see the doors around the school? That's the rooms.
Emily: wow, so many classrooms..
Natasha: we switch classrooms every subject. And.. *points to the cafeteria* let me show you my cafeteria! *walks to the cafeteria with Emily*
Emily: and your cafeteria's really huge as well.. my school doesn't even have a cafeteria, you just buy in the canteen and it's up to you where to eat. Either in your classroom or you wanna stay in the campus with your friends.. *sees the theatre room* whoa! A theatre room! I'm heading right over there! *runs to the theatre room*
Natasha: wait!! *runs to Emily*

I walked inside the theatre room and it really is a theatre. It's so big and.. it's like the real broadway!! Dangit, I wish my school had more stuff like these and not everything has to be held on the campus..
I ran to the stage since there's nobody else in here anyway except for me and Natasha.

Emily: come up here!
Natasha: nahh, I'd just watch like I'm the audience!
Emily: *makes a motion that she just ran to the stage* *sings "Beautiful" from Heathers* and you know, you know, you know.. life can be beautiful! You hope, you dream, you pray, and you get your way! Ask me how it feels, looking like hell on wheels! MY GOD it's beautiful!! I might be beautiful!! And when you're beautiful.. it's a beautiful freaking day! *hits the riffs*
Natasha: *clapping her hands*
Emily: *bows*

Even Natasha is the only one who watched me perform the end of the song, and even she's the only one clapping, I felt happy and wonderful. Going to broadway and be casted as Veronica for Heathers:The Musical is one of my biggest dreams ever, because Veronica is badass and singing has always been a talent of mine since as a kid.

And Heathers.. JD and Veronica.. their relationship reminded me of me and Jeremy. No one bombed anything, no one died, but they had to give up on each other because in the end.. it was the only choice.

Natasha: you're so talented, Emily! I told you you're my favorite singer!
Emily: *takes a deep breath as a sign of relief* someday Natasha, you'll see me at broadway. *smiles*


Natasha: so, you have no friends in LA, Emily?
Emily: I do, but only a few friends.. and only in school. No friends on the neighborhood.
Natasha: then.. what do you do on weekends?
Emily: nothing, just inside the house with my gadgets. If we have the mood to go to malls, then we go to malls.
Natasha: oh.. so in vacations you have.. no one to hang out with?
Emily: *nods slowly*
Natasha: my bad, you really are so lonely.. now I get the reason why you enjoyed a lot here.
Emily: yes, because I never experience happiness like this before I went here. My parents making this decision is a good choice. I met a lot of people, new friends, new.. family. You guys made me feel like this is where I belonged. *sigh* I want to stay longer, and honestly, I WANT to live here. But, maybe next time..
Natasha: I'll miss you, Emily..
Emily: I'll miss you so much..

We went home and it's almost nighttime, and we're leaving tomorrow, so I need group pictures as a souvenir!

Emily: hey, everyone gather round! It's time for group picture!
Chloe: *calls everyone* group picture, everyone!

We took several group pictures with each other. Too bad, Jeremy and Ray are not included, but it's worth it. It's better to have group pictures than having nothing as soon as I get home.

Emily: *to herself* *soft voice, looking at Chloe, Rene, and Natasha* I'll miss you all.. *a tear streaks on her face* *wipes it*


Chloe and Emily: *just doing own stuff in their phone*
Emily: *gets a messenger notification* ?

"Jeremy invited you to messenger."

Emily: *shocked* *in mind* what?! *looks at her and Jeremy's chatbox* oh.. my.. god.. CHLOE!!
Chloe: *surprised* aah! What?
Chloe: shh!! *softly* ayeeee, she's happy!~
Emily: I'm gonna ask him why he blocked me and I'll chat him!
Chloe: are you sure..?
Emily: what?
Chloe: if I were you, I'd pass it for a little while and message him next time.
Emily: you're right, doesn't mean when he unblocks me everything's okay..
Chloe: but ooh, he finally unblocked you! The thing you've been waiting for!
Emily: *sigh* the new thing I'm waiting for is the right time to message him again.. I need some courage for this first.

An hour later, our car came. I'm.. actually going home now. With the puppy, since we own it now. Sigh..

I went inside the car and we waved bye at each other. I closed the window and got emotional as we went home..

I walked inside our bedroom and I saw the bags ready and packed, I have to prepare my things as well. It's so quiet in here, and yet again.. no friends. I'm bored, I'm alone, it's.. back to normal. I'm so scared to go back to reality..
I sat on the bed and scrolled my news feed on my phone, because I have nothing better to do. I missed Chloe so easily, so I messaged her.

"Hi Chloe, I'm at home now. I miss you already.. see you next month."

I started crying. I'm not used with reality anymore.. I'm not used with silence, I'm not used with being lonely and alone anymore..

Dad: *enters Emily's room* hey Emily, why are you crying?
Emily: *just crying* ...
Dad: who are you crying for?
Emily: *crying* Ch-Chloe..
Dad: aww, why? You two are best friends now?
Emily: *nods*
Dad: aww, that's okay, Emily.. there's no choice. You'll see each other next month anyway!
Emily: *sobbing*
Dad: shhh, it's okay. Stop crying now.
Emily: *wiping her tears*

I tried to stop crying, but my tears and emotions just kept on flowing. I need to let it all out. I need to let out the feelings I've been holding this whole time about going home. I packed my bags, and I prepared the outfit I'll wear tomorrow.

Aww, this chapter is so emotional! And in my opinion, it's the second most emotional chapter next to chapter thirteen. By the way, let me explain the video I chose for this chapter.

From the chapters and casts that I chose, you can tell I'm a huge fan of Heathers, both the movie and musical. In my opinion, "Seventeen" is the most emotional song in the musical. First off, mind the lyrics. It tells about no matter how damaged or messed up things were, there can always be a way to put things together and fix yourself and other people.
"Seventeen" described this chapter in so many different ways. First, Emily and Jeremy. Emily and Jeremy's the greatest couple in the story, but they were broken when Jeremy blocked her. Emily still wants him back, but it's hard for her to do so, but is still concerned if Jeremy still even likes her or at least would choose to stay with her.
Second, Emily and her

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