My Dream (March 1 2022)

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It was a typical Friday afternoon and there was only one student in the classroom, since it's exam day and most students had their exams earlier in the week, so they could have some more days off.

I sat at the center tables in the Communications Technology classroom (which is basically a computer lab), while the teacher Mr. Moore was sitting at the back of the class, scrolling on his phone.

He put on CATS (2019 version) movie and it was almost done. We were at the part where all of the cats were standing/sitting in front (and on top of) of a giant lion statue when the teacher said out loud:

"It's almost over".

I turned around in my chair to face him.

"I know the movie is almost over".

Mr. Moore moved his gaze from his phone to my eyes.

"No the pandemic is almost over".

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Public Health just posted an announcement on their website saying that in 3 months =, the COVID-19 pandemic will be over".

The End 

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