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"Eliot's coming in now. He'll be a few ways down from you." Nate announced. I pretended Eliot didn't exist for a few minutes while he stayed in his seat. "Now Quinn's coming in and he's going to flirt with you, Skye. Be easy and don't show any hostility."

"Why does it have to be-"

"Skye, one of them is coming towards you." Eliot cut me off.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and took a sip of the drink the bartender had placed in front of me.

"Hey, gorgeous." I looked over to see one of the guys sitting beside me.

"Hi." I giggled, brushing my hair back. Oh how I hated fake flirting.

"Why are you here alone? A pretty girl like you shouldn't be alone in this side of town."

"My. . . boyfriend is stupid." I shrugged. Eliot grunted from down the bar.

"Oh. Well then, princess, do you want to hang out with me and my buddies?"

"Um, sure." I nodded with a smile, taking his hand to the table he was at before. "He called me princess, Eliot."

"Yeah you should grab his crotch too." Quinn mumbled. I rolled my eyes and sat beside the man.

"Now you have to get this guy to take you home, Skylar." Nate said. I nodded and glanced over to Eliot. He winked at me and smiled a little. My eyes were quickly brought back to the man beside me when his hand went to my thigh. Oh hell. I'm going to kill somebody.

"What's your name, babe?" The man asked.

". . . Kayla. . .?" I replied, though it sounded like I asked it.

"Kayla, huh? That's a nice name." The man chuckled. His hand on my thigh wasn't going to work out. The dress was too short and I wasn't comfortable. He wasn't attractive either so it was hard to let him touch me.

"I'll be right back. I have to go to the bathroom." I got up and nonchalantly went towards the bathrooms. "There's no way in hell I'm doing this, Nate. I'm sorry but he's ugly, his breath smells like he ate ass for breakfast, and he's touching me. If he was hot I'd totally let him touch me-"

"Really, Skylar?" Eliot was leaning against the wall next to the door to the girl's bathroom.

"I can't do it." I shook my head and went into the bathroom. Eliot followed me, locking the door behind him.

"Do you have any other plans? Anyone?" Nate sounded irritated. Perfect.

"I have one." Eliot took his earpiece out then took mine out and kissed me. "You can do it, Skye. Once we're done with this job, you can take as long of a break as you want." I shook my head closing my eyes as I rubbed my temples. "What's wrong?"

"I'm her mother, Eliot. She died not even a week ago and I haven't cried about it." I whispered, my eyes were watering. "Does that mean I have no heart?"

"Skye, of course that doesn't mean it." Eliot brought his arms around me. "We need to get this done, Skylar."

"I-I can't, Eliot." I shook my head. My mind was running a hundred miles a second and I couldn't think straight.

"Okay. Come on. Me and Quinn can handle it." Eliot gave me back my earpiece and put his back in.

He kept his arm around me as we walked out of the bar and to Hardison's van.

"Oh damn. Is she crying?" I heard Quinn mumbled. As I was about to turn around and punch him, Eliot stopped me by holding both of my hands.

"She's almost having an anxiety attack, Nate. Keep an eye on her." Eliot said.

"You know I can hear you, right?" I mumbled. He shook his head and patted my arm before leaving with Quinn.

"Sophie'll drive you home." Nate put a hand on my shoulder.

"I thought she went home." I spoke quietly, keeping my eyes on my hands.

"She went to do something else. She's just outside the van."

"I can't believe I left them to do it by themselves, Lacey." I slapped my hands against my forehead.

"I kind of understand why you did though, if that helps." Lacey shrugged. We were laying on my bed, my legs were across her back, and we were watching tv. Well, she was and I was complaining about myself.

"Damn it. If Eliot comes back with a black eye or- or a broken nose-" I could feel myself breaking down mentally. I covered my face with my hands and screamed as loud as I could.

"Feel better?"

"Little bit." I wiped my cheeks off with the sleeve of my hoodie. "I hate crying more than I hate Moreau at the moment."

"Sometimes it's easier to let it all go instead of keeping everything pinned in place until you blow."

"Where the hell do you get all this from, Lacey?"

"You have your secrets, Skylar. And I have mine." She grinned. I shook my head with a laugh and ruffled her hair. "Besides. Everyone needs a good cry every now and again. When was the last time you cried?"

"Cried like what? Full on snot and all? Or just a half way normal cry?"

"Full on snot and tears."

"Eww. Um. . . Over three years ago." I sighed.

"Oh. When was the first time you just cried in front of Eliot?"

"When Eliot kissed me first."

"You cried because he kissed you?"

"No. I was already crying because Damien told me you and Noel were dead so I just had sort of a mental breakdown. . ."

"When did you last cry?"

"Umm. I was talking to mom a couple weeks ago and nothing good ever comes from talking to her."

"Skylar? Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, Lacey." I nodded and ran my fingers through her hair.

"What's it like to be in love?" Oh shit.

"What do you mean?"

"Were you really in love with Damien when you two were together?"

"I don't think so. Not at all." I shook my head. "What we had wasn't love. It was lust."

"What about with Eliot? Do you love him?"

"Honestly, Lacey. . . I don't know."

"How do you not know?"

"I don't know what love feels like." I shrugged. "Oh my God. Lacey. I hate you. Quit making me talk about this stuff."

"You're not as rock solid as you think, Skylar. I'm your sister. We should cherish these moments."

"I'm gonna cherish punching you if you don't stop." We both laughed until the front door opened. "Eliot!" I jumped up and ran into the living room. He didn't look damaged. I literally jumped on him and wrapped my arms around his neck, my legs went around his waist.

"Ouch." He winced a little, but still caught me.

"I'm sorry. What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He shook his head. I left him go and stood back on my feet.

"Oh my God! You've got a black eye!" I put my hand on the side of his face and moved his head so I could see what was damaged.

"I'll be fine, Skye. I just need some sleep."

"Okay. Come on." I took his hand and led him back to my room.

"Night, guys." Lacey flicked the lights off as she left. Eliot took off his shirt, leaving him in a white tank top and jeans, before going towards the bathroom. I laid in the bed, waiting for him. When he returned, Eliot was in a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

"You feeling okay?" I asked softly as he got into the bed beside me, grunting in discomfort when I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah. I'll sleep it off."

"I don't think you can sleep this off in ninety minutes, Eliot."

"What was bothering you today, Skylar? Besides the whole Noel issue?" Eliot kept his blue eyes on the ceiling when he spoke. I put my hand on his shoulder that was farthest away from me and rubbed down his arm until I found his hand.

"Nothing." I pressed my forehead to the shoulder facing me, closing my eyes to let a shaky breath escape my lips.

"Skye. You know if you tell me anything, I'd never tell another person, right?"

"I-I have nothing to tell you."

"That's because you don't want me to think you're weak. Skye, I don't care about any of that. Just talk to me. I like the sound of your voice."

I took a deep breath, keeping my forehead on his shoulder so he couldn't see my face.

"You should be pissed with me, Eliot."


"I'm perfectly incapable of loving something." My voice cracked. Here we go.

"What? What're you talking about?" Eliot tried to make me look at him but I shook my head and kept my face hidden.

"She was my daughter, Eliot. My fucking daughter!" I screamed into the pillow and began to cry. "I didn't even shed one damn tear when she died and Parker and Sophie and Hardison and even fucking Nate was crying! She was my daughter, Eliot! Mine! And I didn't cry! My child-" I was cut off when Eliot pulled me up and out of the bed so we both were standing on our feet.

"Skye! Skylar!" He barked, holding my shoulders. "You're crying now! That shows you loved her-"

"It shows I'm a fucking weak parent!" I smacked his chest and started hitting him, though there was no technique or skill behind the hits. They were just weak, tired hits to his chest and arms with my forearms and the sides of my fists.

Eliot gripped my arms again, holding me against the wall now. I hung my head as he watched me with that intense gaze of his. My dark hair fell into my eyes, though I knew he knew I was crying. My chest and shoulders moved as I cried, a pitiful sound left my lips as my knees gave out. Eliot's grip was no longer tight, so I was no loner supported by him and I fell to the floor on my knees. Eliot sat on the floor beside me, running his hand over the back of my head gently.

"It'll be okay, Skylar. Everything will be okay." He spoke quieter than usual, pulling my body closer so he could kiss my forehead.

"Is this God's way of getting back at me for all those people I've- I've killed?" I choked out, giving up and throwing my head into Eliot's chest. "Does He want me to suffer?"

Because if He does, it's working.

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