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I woke up in a cold sweat. My breathing was heavy and I'm pretty sure my leg was bleeding again. I had another nightmare.

I turned the bedside lamp on and rewrapped my leg. The clock read 4:37a.m. I sighed and put on a pair of black sweatpants, my black converse, and a fitting white v-neck t-shirt before going down to the bar. I walked out to the street, where everything but a few cars were quiet.

"What brings you out here so early?" Eliot asked, scaring the daylights out of me.

"Nothing. I don't sleep a lot. What about you?" I leaned against the side of the building.

"I only need 90 minutes of sleep."

"Right, right." I nodded. "I'll be back later." I started to walk away.

"Don't cause any trouble."

"You know I always do." I shrugged as I kept walking down the street. I went to the little corner store that was always open. I walked in and went back to the drinks. The old cashier man watched me, I knew he had his hand on his shotgun under the counter. Lacey and I would always come here at all times of the night and the man did the exact same thig every time. "How ya doing?" I asked, looking through the drinks.

"Pretty good. Why're you up this early in the morning?"

"Couldn't sleep." I sighed.

"Where's that little girl that's always with you?"

"Um. She had to go away for a while."

"Oh. I'm sorry for your loss." I looked over to him, my eyebrows furrowed. "She looked young."

"She was. Twelve years old." I nodded, taking my Mountain Dew and bag of Cheetos to the counter. I started to pull money out of my shoe when the man stopped me.

"It's all on me. You don't have to pay." He smiled a little. "You two came in here a lot. I wasn't worried about the girl, I was worried about you. You have pretty eyes, eyes that've seen too much. Take the items. I'll pay for them."

"Thank you." I smiled and started to leave when I saw the back of a familiar guy's head. "Alright, Mr. Spencer. Stop hiding." I sighed. Eliot turned to me with a grin. The cashier's hand went back to his shotgun. "Oh its fine. Eliot ain't nothing but a pussy cat." I ruffled my hand through Eliot's surprisingly soft hair and left.

"Next time you touch my hair, I'm gonna hurt you." Eliot came out of the store a few moments later with a Coke in his hand and a bag of Doritos.

"Sure you will. I almost called you a pussy back there. I'm sure you would've killed me over that, ruining Eliot Spencer's ego."

"You bet your little ass I would've hurt you then."

"Little ass? What're you talkin' about?"

"You've got a tiny ass." He chuckled.

"No I don't! That's like saying you have a tiny dick!"

"Well I don't."

"Well I don't have a tiny ass." I saw his eyes go down to my bum then look back up at me.

"Yeah you do." He nodded.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and continued on walking. "If its so tiny, why do you keep looking at it?"

"Because I'm trying to figure out if you even have an ass."

"You're an ass."

"Mine's bigger than your's." Eliot chuckled.

"You are so weird and annoying!"

"Just how I like it." He shrugged. It started to rain, making my white fitting v-neck t-shirt stick to my body and show my black bra.

"Great." I laughed and brushed my hair back.

"Wet t-shirt contest huh?"

"You know it." I shrugged. "I love the rain. Its soothing to me sometimes."

"Come with me, then." Eliot walked down the alley beside the bar and climbed on to the fire escape. I followed behind him, pulling myself up. We sat on the edge of the roof, a little close together. We were eating whatever we bought.

"This is beautiful up here." I looked over the city of Boston, or some of it at least.

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