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TW: Self Harm, mentions of Suicide

I heard Bexley and Katelyn yell my name, then everything went black. Meanwhile... 


*third person*

"Oh for Merlin's sake! What are we gonna do?" Bexley yells. 

"Well grab her and put her on the couch!" Katelyn says. 

"I'm gonna need your help for that!" Bexley says. 

"Move out of the way." Draco says. 

Draco picks up Ivy carefully and walked her slowly over to the couch. He set her down laying her head on a pillow and covering her with a blanket. 

"If it wasn't for you spying, this wouldn't have happened!" Draco yelled while brushing hair out of Ivy's face.

Beckett and Nate came running down the stairs. Nate saw Ivy and panic set in.

"Oh god! Wake up Ivy, please wake up." Nate says running over to Ivy.


*back to first person*

An hour later, I wake up and don't see anyone. While sitting up my head started to throb. I grab my head in pain but it fades a bit. Making my way to the kitchen I go to the fridge and grab a water. I take a sip and walk upstairs. I make sure to be very careful. As I pass Draco's room I  hear people laughing. I open his bedroom door and see Bexley, Katelyn, Beckett, Draco, and Nate laughing at a photo. I walk up behind them and look at the photo. It was me in a bathing suit. 

"Is this really what you do when I'm not around. I just fell down the stairs and hit my head. I could've died. But while I'm passed out downstairs, your all up here laughing at a photo of me in a bikini?  You all are terrible." I say walking out while tearing up.

 I felt tears streaming down my face. Quickly running to my room I ran into the bathroom and fell to the floor and cried. I let it all out. I pretend to be happy but I am dying inside. I can't handle this. I see the blade sitting on my bathroom counter, I grab the blade and cut along my wrist. I cried my eyes out. Knowing that my best friends actually would do that broke my heart, my twin brother. I cut again, and again. There was blood everywhere. I knew I had to stop. Personally, I could go and jump off a cliff right now and wouldn't think twice. 


I sat in my bathroom for the rest of the night crying. 


I heard someone say a spell. I heard footsteps come towards my bathroom, the door opened and Draco was standing there. 

"Get out." I say in tears. 

"I'm so- where you cutting?" Draco says in panic.

 "Yes, why do you care?" I ask weakly.

"Because, I care. I went through the same thing. I cut everyday. It took me forever to get out of this spot." Draco says sitting down next to me.

 "Why, why were you all doing that?" I ask. 

"I don't know, Beckett took out his phone and showed us that photo. He said how he was embarrassed knowing that you were siblings. He said you were fat and should commit. I felt pressured into laughing because everyone else was. I would never do or say that to anyone, not even my worst enemy." Draco says hugging me. 

Hearing Draco say that made me burst. I couldn't believe it. My brother wants me to commit. 

"Now, I need you to pull yourself together and get ready. We have to head to King's Cross Station." Draco says helping me up. 

"Thank you." I say. 

"Why?" Draco asks.

 "Thank you for telling me the truth. Also for comforting me." I say hugging him. 

"No problem, I know what your going through." Draco says hugging me back.

 We pull away from the hug and Draco leaves. I change into a Slytherin hoodie and a pair of baggy mom jeans, then I put on my black doc martins. I grab my trunk and my owl Echo. I walk downstairs and don't see anyone besides Draco. 

"Where is everyone?" I ask him. 

"I told them to leave, I said I would drive us." Draco said. 

"Oh, okay!" I say walking outside.

 I put my trunk in the car and go sit in the passenger seat. 

"Are you excited?" I ask Draco. 

"Yes, I very much am. Are you?" Draco asks. 

"Yes I am, I heard that people are gonna have to share dorms this year." I say. 

"Really? I hope we get to chose who we share with." Draco says.

 We sat in silence for the rest of the car ride. 


We arrived to the train station about an hour later. We grabbed our trunks and got on the train.  We walked down the hallway and found an empty compartment. Me and Draco sat next to each other. 

"Ya know, your not that bad." Draco says. 

"Your not that bad either." I reply.

 A few minutes later someone opens the compartment door.

 "Hey Ivy." Bexley says nervously.

 I ignore her and stare out the window. 

"You won't be able to ignore me forever." Bexley says. 

"Why would you do that?" I ask. 

"I felt pressured into laughing. Everyone else was so I did." Bexley says. 

"That is what Draco said too, do you think Nate and Katelyn meant to laugh?" I ask unsure.

"I think they did the exact thing me and Draco did. Your brother is a disgusting human." Bexley says with a face.

"Do you know where Beckett is?" I ask. 

"Yes, he is in a few compartments down." Nate says. 

"I wanna talk to him." I say getting up, I walk up out the compartment door and walk down the hallway.

 I see Beckett in one and I open the door. 

"Your dead to me." I say to Beckett. 

"What did I do?" Beckett asks. 

"You really have the nerve to say that. You body shame me then tell my friends that I should commit. How sick is that. Your my fucking brother. Your all the family I have left, and you say that." I say. 

"It's true. I never liked you. I'm embarrassed of you. Your fat, and ugly. I can't be seen with you." Beckett says laughing.

As Beckett finished talking, Draco walking into the compartment.

"I'm embarrassed to be your friend. I can't believe you would say that about your sister." Draco says with anger rising in his voice.

I tried stopping my tears from streaming down my face but I couldn't stop it. They just came pouring out. Draco wrapped his arms around me. I put my head into his chest and cried. I tried to block out all the yelling but I heard Bexley, Nate, and Beckett yelling at eachother. 

A/N: Oh my! The story is already starting to get interesting! 

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