Ulquiorra Cifer x Orihime Inoue (Ulquihime) [Bleach]

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Intro: Well... this is an interesting ship if I ever saw one... But it works!

Proof: I can't give any first hand experience with this couple's proof, I can go by what H20FLAME says, since he has said experience and explains it a lot better in his shipping book than I can here. So I'll keep this brief.

In a certain arc, Orihime was kidnapped by Ulquiorra and taken to JOSH GROBAN. The girl was held captive, threats being tossed at her from every direction. Every direction... except from Ulquiorra, who took an interest in her. Despite being an underling of JOSH GROBAN and a member of the 10 Espada, Ulquiorra's not that bad of a guy. The two do have good chemistry when communicating

What I think: Keep in mind, I haven't watched all of Bleach yet, so I can't give a full opinion on this couple. In fact, I'm only going off of three things: the words of my friends, random spoilers, and Bleach (S) Abridged by BlazingAzureCrow. Like I said before, H20FLAME explains it better than I can.

Oh well. I had hoped that Ulquiorra would become a good guy and help everyone defeat JOSH GROBAN. But oh well. Good night, sweet demon. And a fight of winged Hollows sing thee to thy rest.

(A/N: Still a better love story than Ichihime. I regret nothing.)

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