8. Fever

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"Is that you.... SinB-ya....?", Yerin ask with her soft voice. But SinB didn't answer her back.

"I think.... she's deep in her sleep...", Yerin slowly walk towards her bed again and laying her bed on the bed again.

Yerin still shock with what she saw. She is sure that the girl beside her is SinB. It must be SinB.

Yerin keep staring at her. Like what she thought she would be, her heart beating so fast. At the end, Yerin try to sleep again, ignoring the existence of another human beside her right now.

"Let's just pretend I didn't know about it...."





8 am.

Yuju knocked Yerin's door few times already, trying to wake the older girl up. But there's nl reply from the inside.

"Eonni! It's time to work. You need to wake up!", Yuju said but still no reply from Yerin.

SinB who already wake up from her sleep peeking at Yerin, and the cat was shock when she saw what happen to Yerin.

"No... I need Yuju eonni right now!"

SinB walked towards the room's door and scratching it from the inside, making Yuju who is curious because of the noise opened the door.

"Aigoo~ SinB-yah. Wae? Are you hungry?", Yuju pick SinB up and caressing her gently.

"Meow" - SinB

Yuju look at Yerin who still sleeping, and walk closer towards the bed. Then she shake Yerin's body a few times.

"Eonni? Yerin eonni?", Yuju was confused. But then when she look at how pale Yerin face was, Yuju put her palm on Yerin's forehead. That's when she know that Yerin had a high fever.

"Eotteohke... you're so hot eonni....", Yuju panicked. She can't bring Yerin to the hospital, cuz she was a ghost. What will people tell when they saw a weak Yerin walk to the hospital by herself?

"Yu... ju-yaaa.....", Yerin called her, with a low voice.

"Eoh eonni. We need to go to the hospital. Your fever was totally bad!"

"Aniya~ I'm fine don't worry~", Yerin tried to make Yuju not worry about her.

"Aniyo! Here your phone! Calm Eunha. NOW!", Yuju handed Yerin her phone. Yerin could just smirk with her ghost-friend silly act.

"Haih... Arasseo arasseo~"





Yerin having some rest on the hospital bed. Beside her was Eunha, her bestfriend and Yuju, her ghost-bestfriend. But Eunha couldn't see bor hear Yuju.

"The doctor said maybe you are just tired eonni. Yeah you know~ you manage the flower shop alone", Eunha said to Yerin.

"Gwaechana~", Yerin smiled.

"Lucky you have me! At least I could help you when people are not around!", Yuju exclaimed herself to Yerin. But Yerin tried to ignore it because of Eunha right beside her.

"You can go home Eunha-yah~ Thanks for bringing me here~ I'm gonna go home later by taxi", Yerin smiled brightly towards Eunha. Even tho Eunha didn't want to go for real, but she had some business to do later so she can't stay that long.

"Mianhaeyo eonni. Because I leave you alone...", Eunha kinda feel guilty towards Yerin.

"Aniyo. Don't feel like that. I understand~", Yerin smiled while holding Eunha hand softly.

Moments later, Eunha bid her goodbye to Yerin and finally leaving the hospital.

"Did you... really having fever because you are tired eonni?", Yuju ask all of sudden.

Yerin look around her to see if someone might hear her talking to an invicible human aka ghost. Gladly there's no one.

"Aniyo...", Yerin said.

"Then why?"

"I had a dream Yuju-ya..."

"About what? Your parents? Only when you dream about your late parents gonna make you sick like this..."

Yerin didn't want to tell Yuju what she saw last night. That's the real reason she's having fever right now. Instead, Yerin gave Yuju another answer.

"It's just... nightmares...", Yerin sigh.

"But Yuju-ya...."


"Can you go home for a while? We didn't even give SinB her food yet this morning. She must be hungry~", Yerin smiled towards Yuju, full of hope.

"Hmmm arasseo~"





Yerin was sleeping silently on her hospital bed, with the water drip still sticking into her wrist.

But Yerin wasn't alone tho. Someone else was there right there with her.


She was there, with Yerin.

Knowing that Yerin going to the hospital just now, SinB secretly follow them until the hospital. After Yuju was gone and Yerin finally fell asleep, SinB changed into human to accompany the sleeping Yerin.

"What's wrong with you eonni? Did you really had a nightmare last night?", SinB ask.

"Please be healthy again... and take care of me... with love.... as you always do....", SinB sigh.

She slowly holding one of Yerin's hand and caressing it gently, trying not to wake Yerin up.

SinB keep staring at Yerin, until she's not aware that someone already there behind her for a moment.


SinB eyes widen, but she turn her head over, slowly looking at the source of the voice direction.


"Who are you?", he asked SinB.



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