Talks of the future! Truths Revealed!

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The three of them looked at their friend in complete silence, before Bakugou said, "What does Time Travel have to do with this conversation?"

Izuku sighed and brought out some papers before saying, "Because, Eri is my biological daughter from the future. These papers tell who the parents are and my blood is flowing through her veins and one of the girls' blood is also flowing through her as well. I can guess that you know who, am I right?"

Bakugou smiled and said, "Oh man that is rich. You and Pony tails having a child."

"W-What?" Momo asked stuttering, "B-But Time Travel is impossible."

"So is a Quirk that is able to be passed on, but look at where we are," Izuku said not meaning to say it aloud.

"Idiot," Bakugou said facepalming, "you weren't supposed to say it aloud."

Shoto's eyes widened at what Izuku said.

"Are you sayin' that there is a Quirk that is able to be passed onto another person?" he asked.

"Can I trust you with one of my biggest secrets?" Izuku asked them both, "Katsuki already knows, but since I accidentally said that aloud you two have a right to know. So again I ask, can I trust you two with one of my biggest secrets?"

The two of them nodded.

"Good," Izuku said, "now where do I start? Oh I know. One for All. A Quirk that is able to be passed onto another. It all started with two brothers, a Hero and a Villain."

"What were their names and their Quirks?" Shoto asked.

"I killed one of them," Izuku said, "while the other is long dead."

Momo's eyes widened in realization.

"All for One?" she asked as Izuku nodded.

"His brother was deemed Quirkless and so All for One gave him one that stockpiles power," Izuku continued not missing a beat, "but in reality, the younger brother did indeed have a Quirk, just one that was useless."

"He could give Quirks to people," Shoto said piecing together the mystery, "a Quirk that stockpiles power and one that gives others a Quirk."

"That is the birth of One for All," Izuku said, "the younger brother tried to defeat his older brother, but failed in doing so. He then decided to entrust his quirk, to different people to try and make it more powerful."

"How does passing it down make it more powerful?" Momo asked confused.

"One person cultivates the power and then passes it down," Izuku replied, "then the successor cultivates it and then passes it down. In reality, I'm more powerful than All Might with One for All, because I'm the successor."

"Basically, the more it's passed down the powerful it gets," Katsuki stated, "it was originally used to combat All for One, but now that he's dead well...."

"There are still more than one All for One Katsuki," Izuku replied, "there might be more powerful and dangerous opponents out there."

"Like Uravity," Eri muttered, luckily no one heard her.

Shoto nodded at what Izuku said.

"What about your other Quirk?" Momo asked him, her arms crossed, "What did you call it? Saiyajin?"

"It's called being a Saiyan," Katsuki retorted.

"Our fathers are a few hundred years old," Izuku explained, "there are these objects that when gathered together make a dragon that is able to grant 2 wishes. Our fathers wished for immortality."

"But what does Katsuki's comment have to do with any of this?" Momo asked her expression saying, "Give-Me-Answers-Before-I-Knife-You-In-The-Back".

"Because our fathers are Aliens," Izuku told her, "we are half-saiyans, giving us the ability to transform into Super Saiyan. We also have the ability to shoot energy blasts like the ones you saw during training earlier today, we can also fly, and of course have inhuman strength, speed, durability, and reflexes. All in all we are the perfect fighters."

"So all in all," Shoto said, "you are the Successor of One for All, Eri is the offspring of a half saiyan and an earthling, namely you and Momo, and your fathers are aliens. Did I get all of that or did I miss something?"

"No that is all," Izuku said.

"Good," Shoto replied, "now if you all will excuse me, I'm going to bed. Night."

"Night," Izuku replied before turning to Momo and Katsuki, "you two going to bed?"

"Yeah," Bakugou replied leaving the room, but not before turning to Eri and saying, "night little one. Also don't tell anyone what I said."

Eri yawned and said, "Night Uncle Kacchan. Night Mama, night Papa."

"May I put Eri to bed?" Momo asked Izuku who just smiled.

"She's your daughter as well," he told her.

Momo just rolled her eyes and tucked Eri in her bed before kissing her forehead.

"Good night Izuku," Momo said before walking towards the door, but not before kissing Izuku on the cheek.

A/N: Thank you for reading the chapter! Next one I have a little surprise for you all.

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