A/N: This is the one and only chapter that everyone has been waiting for..... Tony's ass kicking will happen here! Enjoy!
It's been 3 months since the Karaoke night at the bar and Mei is now 8 months pregnant.
"Hey Mei," Momo said walking into the kitchen, "can I... uh.... Speak with you about something?"
"Sure," Mei said as she gave her a cup of coffee, "what is it?"
"How do you tell someone that you're with child?" Momo asked not looking into Mei's eyes which widened.
"You're with a child," Mei stated.
Momo nodded and said, "It's Izuku's and I don't know how to tell him."
"Well I think a congratulations are in order," Mei said receiving a small smile from Momo, "also... Turn around."
Momo looked behind her and saw Izuku with Bakugou, Todoroki, Eri and 21 with him.
"I-Is it true Momo?" Izuku asked stuttering a bit, "Is it true that you are carrying my child?"
Momo nodded and Izuku gained a huge smile on his face before he picked up her and spun her around in the air before kissing her on the lips.
"What the...."
The two turned around and saw Jirou with wide eyes and a dropped jaw.
"Uh.... Hi," Izuku said with an awkward wave.
"Why did you kiss her?" Jirou asked, "What are you two so happy about?"
"Me and Izuku are in a love affair," Momo told her, "and I just found that I'm going to have his child."
"H-How long has this been going on?" she asked.
"Ever since I returned to UA after being gone for a few months," Izuku replied.
"So 6 months," Jirou stated.
Shoto saw that she was a bit fidgety and so he said, "Any other questions?"
"What's a Saiyan?"
They all froze and Izuku walked up to her and said, "What we are about to tell you is confidential. No one, not even the heroes at the school know about this. Are you sure you want to know?" Jirou nodded and so Izuku held out his hand for her and everyone gathered around before Izuku put two fingers on his forehead and he used Instant Transmission and they all appeared at the Lookout.
"Back already Deku?" Vegeta asked.
"It seems like someone found out about the family secret, Uncle Vegeta," Izuku replied as the Prince's eyes narrowed, "is my father here?"
"Kakarot!" Vegeta called, "Your son is here to talk to you!"
Goku then stopped training for a bit and appeared in front of the group.
"What's up?" Goku asked.
When Izuku was done explaining, Goku turned to Jirou and said, "Follow me."
"Why?" Jirou asked him.
"Sense her energy Vegeta," Goku told his rival, "whose does it feel like?"
"17," Vegeta replied, "she's his descendant."
Goku nodded and Shinrin said, "Don't worry Jirou. He's just going to show you the same thing he shown me."
Jirou looked at Shinrin then back at Goku and nodded. The two then walked away and Vegeta said, "How are you doing Mei?"
""I'm good Vegeta," Mei replied, "just ready to have this child."
Vegeta nodded and looked at his son.
"And you?" the Saiyan Prince asked.
"I'm good Father," Katsuki replied.
With Jirou and Goku
"Where are we going?" she asked.
"To a room that me and the original Z-Fighters made in case the world was ever in danger, much like it is now," Goku replied as he opened the door, "in here are doors that have family crests on them. These crests are enchanted, by the witch Baba, to give their descendants the capabilities that they each had. Take Shinrin for example, she's a descendant of Majin Buu and so when she opened the door that has the fancy 'M', she gained the new look and her attacks that she's been using the past few months."
Jirou nodded in understanding as the two walked towards a door that was a dark green and had the word 'Ranger' on it.
"Once you open this door, you'll gain immense power," Goku told her, "you might lose your quirk, but retain the earphone jacks. Are you sure you want to do this?"
Without hesitation, Jirou opened the door and walked into the room beyond, before dropping to the ground as she felt her insides burn and her bones become heavier. After a few minutes, Jirou was fine she then got up and walked out to see Goku who had a look of surprise on his face as he couldn't sense her energy.
"You've become an Android," Goku said, "you can more than likely stand against Super Saiyan 1 then, if my memory serves correctly."
"Is that why I feel so light and powerful?" Jirou asked while flexing her fingers.
"More than likely," Goku said before a thoughtful expression came upon his face, "you know..... I'm starting to wonder how I could sense Android 17's energy back when I went to recruit him for the Tournament of Power. I had to use Instant Transmission to get to him and the only way I can use it is if I sense him."
Shaking his head Goku walked out with Jirou right behind him.
When the group saw them, Izuku walked up to them and asked, "Is it time?"
Goku nodded and Izuku took Jirou to the others who were just sitting on a couch in a resting area that Dende added when Goten and Trunks were around 10 and 11.
When she was situated, Jirou looked at Izuku and asked, "What is a Saiyan?"
"Let me ask you a question first," Izuku said, "do you believe in time travel?"
Time skip
After the explanation, Goku sent them all back to the Dorms and when they arrived, Mei felt liquid drip down her leg and she froze
"Uh.... Katsu?" Mei said as Katsuki looked at her, "My water broke."
"Shit," Katsuki said before looking at Izuku, "Midoriya! Take us to RG!"
"Why?" Izuku asked.
"She's about to go into labor you jackass!" Katsuki shouted as Izuku's eyes widened and he put one hand on Mei's shoulder and Katsuki took hold of Izuku's shoulder as the three of them vanished and appeared at the infirmary where RG was.
"Mr. Midoriya what is going on?" RG asked before seeing Mei and realized what was going on, "Put her on the bed and go get Midnight. She could help since she's trained in this."
"I'm on it," Izuku replied using Instant Transmission to get Midnight.
Minutes later, he returned with the heroine and Midnight immediately got to work helping Mei.
"I'll stay, you go tell everyone what's going on," Katsuki said.
"I was just about to suggest the same thing," Izuku told him before using Instant Transmission once again and appearing in the dorms.
"Where's Katsuki?" Shoto asked the Son of Goku, "And Mei?"
"With RG," Izuku replied, "when we got back from the Lookout, Mei's water broke and so I had to take them to RG."
Izuku then looked at the TV and saw that there was another Android attack going on right at that moment.
"Why is there another one?" Izuku asked no one, "Come on. We need to take this one out quickly and...."
"Wait," Shoto said not even looking at Izuku, "who is that? It looks like Super Saiyan."
Izuku looked back at the TV and his eyes widened.
"That's because it is," Izuku replied, "Momo! Shinrin! Eri! Jirou! 21! Get in here quick!"
The 5 girls then ran in and Momo asked, "What is it?"
"Look at this," Shoto said still looking at the TV, "another one."
"Super Saiyan?!" Shinrin exclaimed as she got a quick glance at the TV," How?!"
"What's all the racket?" Kirishima asked holding his head before seeing the TV, "What the hell?! That looks like your power Izuku."
"That's because it is," Izuku replied.
When Eri got a good look at the screen, her face went white while 21 began to smile and said, "Hey Eri isn't that your....."
"No he isn't!" Eri screeched before putting her hands over her mouth as her mother and father looked at her.
"Who is he Eri?" Izuku asked his voice stern, "So help me if you, or 21, say that he's your boyfriend I'll ground you for a week."
"He's a friend of ours," Eri replied, "you know who is his father."
Shoto and Izuku both facepalmed before Kirishima said, "What are you guys talking about? And where's Bakugou and Mei?"
"Ooohhhhh, Kiri!" Mina's voice called, "Ready for another round?"
Everyone looked at the hero in training and Shoto said, "I don't know if I should feel sorry for you or if I should give you 20 man points."
"You all have a lot to explain, but first I have a booty call to answer," Kirishima said before running back to his room.
Shoto looked at Izuku and said, "I owe you 555.2 yen."
Izuku just nodded numbly before looking at Eri and 21.
"You two go and help him out," Izuku said, "me and Shoto will keep watching and if we decide you need help we'll come."
The two girls nodded and ran to their parents' rooms to change into their Gis. Moments later, the two girls ran back into the living room of the dorms.
"We're leaving now Papa," Eri said.
"Alright, but be careful," Izuku said, "just follow your instincts and you won't go wrong."
Eri nodded and 21 put her hand on her friend's shoulder and the two vanished.
Before they find out about the battle
Blasts were hitting buildings and people were running as three Androids were attacking. Just as one of them shot a blast at a group of civilians, another one hit it and made it explode.
"Who did that?" the one who blasted at the civilians asked.
"That would be me," a kid replied wearing Saiyan armor and having his family's signature smirk on his face.
"Who are you?" one asked.
"Who am I?" the kid asked before 'thinking', "I'm the one who is going to kick your asses into next year."
"You're just a kid," another said, "you can't beat us."
The kid smirked once more and said, "But I can hold you off."
The kid then vanished and kicked the Android into a building before blasting the other two.
"Come on," the kid said, "is that all you've got?"
"You are powerful kid, but not as powerful as we are."
The kid then got into a stance and so did one of the Androids. The two had a classic DBZ standoff as the only thing moving was the wind. Then the two dashed towards one another and their fists, as well as their feet, were moving faster than the human eye can see.
When the two floated backwards, the Android said, "You're good kid."
The kid frowned and said, "My name isn't kid. It's Trunks and this is my family's greatest weapon."
Rocks started floating around him as he gave a mighty shout and his hair turned gold and his eyes turned teal. (A/N: He looks like Trunks from DBZ when he goes Super Saiyan)
"I'm the son of Katsuki Bakugou," Trunks said making the Androids back away, "my name is Trunks Bakugou. Androids like you killed my little sister who was only 3! I will send you to HELL!"
The young Super Saiyan then shot forwards and he kicked the Android into several buildings before vanishing and cupping both of his hands a this upper left side and shouting, "Galick Gun FIRE!"
Thrusting his hands forwards, a purple beam shot at the Android and destroying the building along with the one next to it.
"Easy," Trunks said before looking at the others, "whose next?"
"How are you so powerful?" one of the Androids asked, "How do I get that power?"
"Wow, a bitch like you is jealous of my Super Saiyan swagger?" Trunks said with a huge smirk on his face, "That is totally a first."
Eri and 21 then appeared and looked at Trunks.
"Hi Trunks," 21 said, "how you been?"
"So, so," Trunks replied, "hello Eri. Did you manage to find them?"
"You do know that you are on TV right now, right?" Eri asked him with a little glare, one that she got from her mother that makes Izuku step back, making Trunks take a step backwards from the normally adorable little girl.
"Hehe," Trunks said scratching the back of his head sheepishly, "I didn't really think this one through."
"Damn right you didn't," Eri said in a condescending tone before looking at the Androids, "we'll talk more later. Right now though, we have a job to do."
She then went Super Saiyan and got into her stance. The Android that Trunks beat down got up from the rubble of the two buildings and flew back in front of the three kids.
"Two more?" the Android asked, "No matter. We'll still defeat you."
"That's what you think," Eri said as she went right into battle mode, "I am Eri Midoriya the Daughter of Izuku Midoriya and I will defeat you!"
"Agreed," 21 said as she also got into her stance, "I am 21 Todoroki the Daughter of Shoto Todoroki! We will defeat you three right here and now!"
"GO!" Eri shouted as the three kids dashed towards their opponents as the Androids did the same.
Eri went for the one who was apparently the leader of the three, 21 went for the weakest of the three and Trunks went for the one that he beat down just seconds ago.
Time skip to when two of the Androids are destroyed
"Is that all you got little girl?" Eri's opponent asked as he charged up a blast with both of his hands showing a hole that was in his chest, "Any last words before you die!?"
"Yeah, actually one word does come to mind," Eri replied her teal colored eyes shining with power as she brought both of her hands to her side and a blue sphere starts shining in her palms and then she starts chanting the most well known attack in all of the world's history, "Kaaaa...... Meeee..... Haaaa..... Meeee...... Haaaaa.... Meeee."
"This is the end of the line for you girl," the Android said, "now DIE!"
The Android then shot a green blast at the Daughter of Izuku and Eri shouted, "HAAAAA!"
The blue beam took immediately took over the green and the Android shouted out, "NOOOOO!"
Eri then let the beam dissipate and she, not only returned to normal, but she went to one knee panting. 21, seeing that she needed it, flew over and handed her a Senzu Bean helping Eri restore her energy and stamina back to normal levels as well as her wounds, that she received from the fight against the Android, were healed.
"Lets get back shall we?" Eri asked her two friends who both nodded.
Trunks and 21 then took hold of her shoulders and the three disappeared from the area before reappearing at the Dorms in front of Izuku and Shoto.
"That was a good fight you three," Izuku said walking over to the fridge and getting 3 water bottles, "so you're Katsuki's son. You look more like your mother more than your father."
"Dad always says that," Trunks replied catching a water bottle that Izuku tossed at him.
"Did you know that you're now a full blooded Saiyan?" Izuku asked as Trunks' eyes widened,
"Guess you didn't. Before we talk about this, your parents are in the infirmary where your mother is in labor."
Trunks nodded before looking at Izuku and asking, "Where's Aunt Momo?"
"With her husband, Stank," Shoto replied ,"they aren't together yet Trunks, but I have a feeling that it's gonna happen soon."
Trunks nodded and jumped out of a window before flying towards the main building to meet with his parents.
Time skip brought to you by Hit
It's been a few days since Mei's had her child, a healthy girl that has her father's eyes and dirty blond hair, but her mother's complexion, and they were all having breakfast together for the first time in forever (A/N: DO NOT START SINGING THAT DAMN SONG!!!!!).
"So, Momo," Mei said walking into the kitchen after breastfeeding her child, "have any names chosen?"
Everyone stopped eating and looked at the Class Vice President.
"What's she talking about Yaomomo?" Mina asked confused.
Izuku just took a sip and everyone looked at him.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY WIFE YOU BASTARD?!" Tony exclaimed completely forgetting that there were children there.
"At least I'm having a child with the one that I love!" Momo shouted at him making everyone go completely silent.
"Y-You. Cheated. On. Me. With. A. LOWLY PEASANT?!" Tony exclaimed before smacking Momo, "I COMMAND YOU TO TERMINATE YOUR PREGNANCY RIGHT NOW!"
Izuku then stood up and bitched slapped the Stark through several buildings before he finally stopped when he crashed into the wall that surrounded the school. When Eri saw, she bursted out laughing.
"Now that that is out of the way," Shoto said looking at Izuku, "I believe that it's time they knew."
Izuku, taking a deep breath, said, "Agreed."
Izuku then looked at all of his friends and said, "Now then, do you all believe in time travel?"
With Goku
"Hello Nezu," Goku said as he walked into the principle's office, "I want Mr. Frost and Mr. Namek to stay until Izuku and his class graduates and I won't take 'No' for an answer."
"Why do you want them to stay here?" Nezu asked, "They are both promising 3rd years."
Goku then showed him a flash drive and said, "This has everything on it. I ask that it is kept private."
Nezu nodded and took the flash drive, before looking at Goku and saying, "Does this have your history Goku?"
"Not only that, but also the history of the Dragon Balls," Goku said before turning around to leave, but not without saying, "also, Mr. Stark is in a bit of trouble with my son."
Nezu nodded and, after Goku left, put the flash drive into his computer and began watching the History of the Z-Fighters and their fights from the beginning to the end.
A/N: Hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Have a good day/night!
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