Family Bonding. Discussions of the Future!

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Later that Night

"Are you sure this is his father Jarvis?" Tony asked for the hundredth time, "I mean, from these pictures and the most recent one, he shouldn't be alive at all."

"His name is Vegeta Briefs sir," Jarvis replied, "he is a 5 time world martial arts champion and his rival is Son Goku. Both have the same type of DNA. Katsuki Bakugou is the son of Vegeta, while the boy who did a speech is the son of Goku."

"Show me a picture of Goku," Tony said.

A tall man with gravity defying air, wearing an orange and blue gi smiling came on screen.

"He is 49 years of age sir," Jarvis said, "but physically he looks 39."

"Show me any and all records of his family, birth and Quirk," Tony said, "same with Vegeta."

"There are no birth records of his family sir," Jarvis said, "the last of his family is a Son Goten and Gohan, his wife Chi-Chi Son and finally his grandfather Son Gohan. Nothing on Vegeta other than his wife Bulma Briefs and his son and daughter Trunks and Bulla Briefs. They are also all dead sir. For the last 500 years."

Tony's eyes widened at that as he said, "He's over 500 years old?!"

"Yes he is sir," Jarvis replied.

"How the hell is he that old?"

"I do not know sir," Jarvis said.

"I want you to keep these files under wraps," Tony said, "tell no one about what I've discovered. Got it?"

"Yes sir."

Tony then walked out of his room in the dorms and he immediately saw Eri and Momo, with Momo braiding Eri's hair.

I will defeat you Izuku Midoriya and claim what is rightfully mine, Tony thought as he watched Momo braid her future daughter's hair, Momo's hand and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it!

Izuku then decided at that moment to walk into the dorms and smiled when he saw Eri and Momo, but frowned at Tony with teal green eyes.

"How is my favorite girl doing?" he asked when the two noticed him.

"Daddy!" Eri exclaimed, "Look at what Mama did to my hair!"

Izuku smiled at his future daughter and said, "You look great Eri. Now come on. It's time for bed. Tomorrow we are getting up early and I'm going to begin training you in martial arts."

The little girl yawned as she smiled and said, "Does that mean that I'll be as strong as you someday?"

"Yes Eri, you will be as strong as I am someday," Izuku said, "now then, get dressed and I'll be in there in a bit. I've gotta talk with Momo. Okay?"

Eri nodded and she went to Izuku's room to get ready.

Izuku sighed and went to sit on the couch as Tony left to go to his room.

"So how was training with Cap?" Momo asked him.

"Even with my enhanced condition and my martial arts skills, without using my powers, I can't defeat him when he has his shield," Izuku said rubbing his left shoulder where the Vibranium shield hit him, "so I guess, in a word? Terrible."

"You'll get him next time Izuku," Momo said, "speaking of Cap, I thought that you and him were going to come back here together."

"He decided to train a bit longer," Izuku replied, "I left because I wanted to get Eri to bed and then go to sleep myself."

"If you lose, will you really force me to stay away from Eri?"

"No, no I am not," Midoriya said, "a little girl needs a mother figure and who better than her real mother?"

Momo smiled as she looked at him.

"Also don't tell anyone, but I'm working on a little technique," he told her.

"What is it?"

"It's a secret," Izuku replied before he looked at a clock, "it's getting late. I should turn in for the night."

Just as he got up and began to walk to his room, Momo got in front of him and kissed him on the lips before saying, "Once you win, there will be more where that came from."

She then walked to her room with a little more swing to her hips, leaving Izuku to just stand there like an idiot and stare at her as she walked. Unknown to him, Katsuki and Shoto just walked in and saw, as well as heard, and Todoroki reluctantly gave Bakugou 555.20 yen. Bakugou smirked as he was given the money and whispered to his teammate, "And that is why you should never make a bet with me, Todoroki."

It was the next morning and Eri woke up before her father and being the little mischievous girl she is, she jumped on Izuku waking him up.

"Eri?" he asked, "What time is it?"

"You said that you were going to train me today, so I wanted to wake you up," Eri said a little excited.

Midoriya groaned and looked at his clock, before saying, "Okay, let me and you get dressed, get our breakfasts ready, and then we can begin your training. Does that sound good?"

Eri nodded and got off of her father's bed so Izuku could get up.

I think that I should leave a note for Steve once he wakes up, Midoriya thought as he got dressed.

Once he was done getting ready and got the note written down, Izuku went to the kitchen and began cooking breakfast for both him and Eri, while Eri was watching cartoons on a TV that comes out of a wall with a touch of a button. Izuku chuckled a bit at the show she was watching. Dragon Ball Super.

"Why are you watching something that grandpa could just tell you about?" Izuku asked with a small smile, "You do know that he was there."

Eri nodded and said, "I know, but I wanted to watch it."

Izuku shook his head and said, "Breakfast is ready. Eat up and then get ready for some minor training. Don't wanna work you like dad and All Might did to me."

Once the father-daughter duo were done eating, the two went to the roof.

"What are we going to learn first Papa?" Eri asked.

"First up is summoning your Ki," Izuku replied as he sat down, "just focus and bring it out into your palms."

Eri sat down in front of her father and focused on bringing her own ki out. A dim white aura surrounded her as she focused her ki into her little hands.

"Just like that Eri," Izuku said his voice sounding far away to her.

At that moment an image of a tall woman with brown hair cascading down her back appeared in her mind and made her lose focus and an emotion was present in her eyes.... fear.

"Eri?" Izuku asked, "What's wrong?"

"A-an i-image of h-her Papa," Eri said hugging him tightly, "s-she's g-going to k-k-kill...."

Izuku began to whisper soothing words into his daughter's ears and soon she calmed down enough for him to talk to her.

"Who is this 'her'?" Izuku asked Eri as the young girl stiffened a bit, "Eri, I can't help if you don't tell me. So please, tell me who she is that has you so scared."

"I can't Papa. I promised that I wouldn't."

Izuku sighed, knowing that he isn't going to get any answers at the moment. He then got to his feet and said, "I think that we should begin with some martial arts. Do you know standard form?"

Eri suddenly became very serious as she took fighting stance, her once mirthful eyes became that of a martial artist's... cold and calculating.

"Ready?" Izuku asked knowing that he is going to have to use some skill, "BEGIN!"

Eri then charged at her father and and tried to punch him, but Izuku blocked it as the little girl kicked the arm that he blocked with and back flipped backwards surprising Izuku. They then continued on sparring and a few hours later, Izuku said, "Alright, I think that's enough for today."

Eri nodded and went back to her cute and adorable self.

"How was that Papa?" she asked as Izuku just stared at her.

Okay, how can she be cute and adorable one minute, but cold and calculating the next, he thought.

He shook his head and asked, "Where did you learn to fight like that? I had to use half of my skill to even stand a chance."

"You, Uncle Kacchan and Uncle Shoto," Eri said, "you all trained me in martial arts saying that since you have a lot of enemies that I'll need to be able to protect myself. Then, when I turn ten you were all gonna start to train me in Ki, but then she attacked...."

The little girl's mood turn sobber as she said the last few words.

"Can you tell me who the woman is related to at least?" he asked, "If you did, maybe I can defeat her before any of that happens."

"She is the Mistress of Android 12," Eri muttered, but Izuku heard loud and clear, "she hates me and Mama for some reason. She said that it was your fault."

Tears threatened to spill from the little girl.

Izuku frowned as he thought over what she said, All my fault? Hates Momo and Eri? Who the hell is this woman?

"Okay Eri?" Izuku asked, "I want you to go get Uncle Kacchan and Shoto for me, while I get Uncle Cap. Okay?"

Eri nodded and ran back into the dorms and Izuku used Instant Transmission to get to Cap faster.

"I was wondering when you'd get back to me," Cap said before noticing Izuku's face, "what's wrong?"

"Come with me and you'll find out," Izuku said holding out his hand, "take my hand and we'll go get Momo as well. She needs to hear this as much as you, Katsuki and Shoto do."

Cap took his hand and the two of them appeared before Momo who was in her room reading.

"What's going on Izuku?" she asked.

"No time, take my hand," Izuku said.

Momo sighed and took his hand and the three of them vanished and reappeared back on the roof where Eri and her two Uncles were waiting.

"What are we doing here Deku?" Katsuki asked, "I was just about to kick this guy's...."

He hesitated as he looked at Eri.

"....Butt in Xenoverse 2."

"Eri tell them what you told me after we had our spar," Izuku said.

After Eri told them what she told Izuku, Shoto said, "Alright this does change a few things."

"What's her name Eri?" Cap asked softly.

Eri just shook her head as Izuku spoke up, "She told me that she made a promise not to tell anyone who this Mistress is."

"Who did you promise sweetie?" Momo asked.

"You all," Eri said getting them all to look at her, "you all made me promise on not only Kami herself, but also the Eternal Dragon and my own Saiyan pride not to tell anyone."

"Who are the future Z-Fighters Eri?" Shoto asked.

"You 5 are the unofficial team that citizens call the Z-Fighters," Eri told them, "you all defeat many powerful enemies over the next 10 years. Mama and Papa actually get together right before his toughest battle against Mistress of Android 12. I can't tell you anymore than that, for fear of the timeline being erased."

"You're smarter than you appear," Cap said.

"Of course she is," Momo replied, "she's my daughter after all."

"How powerful is Android 12's Mistress?" Izuku asked.

"More powerful than normal Super Saiyan," Eri replied her voice quiet, "you train for 3 years just so you can stand up to her. The only forms I can think of are Super Saiyan Blue or UI."

"Dad told me about both of those," Izuku said, "Super Saiyan Blue is a form that surpasses that of Super Saiyan God, while Ultra Instinct or Ui as you called it is just a technique that my father achieved once and he hasn't been able to do it since."

"What does Ultra Instinct do?" Cap asked.

"It enables the user to dodge any and all attacks that are thrown at the user," Izuku replied, "according to my father, it can also be used to attack without thinking."

"In easy terms," Katsuki said, "it makes you dodge and attack without thinking."

They were all silent as the 6 of them just stared up at the sky.

"What are we going to do now?" Cap asked after a few minutes, "We become, according to Eri here, a force that protects the entire world from people like this new villain."

"But you and Momo need to learn how to harness Ki," a voice said from behind.

They all turned around and saw Goku standing behind them.

"I can teach you two how to harness your energy and give you some tips on fighting, but considering your skill levels," Goku trailed off, "anyway, I should tell you that school will be out for the next week starting Monday. Oh and another thing, Cap you owe me 2229.14 yen."

"Damn it Goku," Cap said surprising them all hearing Cap curse, "I'll give you the money tomorrow."

Goku gave his signature grin and said, "Alright, well see ya!"

Cap shook his head and turned to the others, before saying, "I think that we should all get ready for a long week of training. See you all tomorrow."

"Night Uncle Cap!" Eri said waving goodbye.

"Night Eri," Cap said, "night everyone."

The 6 of them then went back to their rooms and went to sleep after a long day.

A/N: Hope you all liked the chapter, to me it feels rushed though at the end. Oh! And if any of you are willing to do a collaboration for this story just message me. But I do have a few things that must be in it if you do this, the first is that it must not only be the Boku No Hero characters, but also RWBY (which is a really good show btw) characters as well.  Have a good day/night and I'll see you on the next episode of My Saiyan Academia!

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