"Hey mom," Izuku said when he got home that night.
"I-Izuku is that you?" Inko asked her eyes wide, "You look like a...."
"That's because he somehow tapped into his Saiyan DNA which was never supposed to happen according to Shenron and the Kais," Goku said surprising Inko, "hello Inko it's been awhile."
"G-Goku?" Inko asked her eyes wide.
Goku nodded and Eri asked, "Grandma?"
"I said it once and I'll say it again," Goku said, "I hate time travel."
Inko then fainted from what Eri said, making Izuku laugh before looking at Goku and saying, "Bakugou wanted me to tell you that the Prince says, "Hello"."
Eri then looked up at Izuku and asked, "Where's Mama?"
"Well Eri," Izuku said, "Mama and Papa don't live together yet, but I'll take you to school tomorrow and then you'll meet your mommy. Okay?"
Eri nodded and then yawned.
"Well looks like it's time to put you to bed," Izuku said, "I'll let you sleep on my bed and I get the couch."
Eri then began to shake her head and said, "No. Please stay with me. I don't want the bad people to get me again."
Izuku sighed and said, "Alright, but on one condition. Don't call your Mama 'Mama' at school in a few weeks, I'll talk with her after school and then you'll meet her. Alright?"
"Because.... I want it to be a surprise," Izuku replied with a smile.
"Is Uncle Kacchan going to be there?" Eri asked innocently.
Izuku couldn't help but smirk at what she said and replied, "Oh yeah. He'll be there. I can promise you that."
In the next couple of weeks, the teachers of U.A. went around to all of the student's houses and told them all about the dorms. When Aizawa went to the Midoriya's, he was initially surprised to see a young girl running around being chased by Izuku. When he learned about what happened from Goku, even he couldn't help, but smile. He even allowed Eri to stay with Izuku as long as he stayed caught up with his school work. Eventually though, it was time to go back to U.A.
Also over the last few weeks, Goku has taught Izuku how to fly using his "Quirk" and many other things. Another thing they did was a DNA test to see if Eri was really his daughter and low and behold she was.
"You ready?" Goku asked Izuku who was hold his daughter.
"Ready," Izuku said, "hey dad. Can you hold Eri for me?"
"Why?" Goku asked.
"I need to carry my backpack and my duffle bags," Izuku replied, "so I can't carry her at all."
"Or I could use Instant Transmission to get there," Goku told his son, "you two could fly and I know what Ezaserhead's energy feels like."
"Good point," Izuku replied, "alright let's go!"
He and Eri then took off into the sky and minutes later appeared right outside of U.A.
"You remember what to do right Eri?" Izuku asked his daughter with a sly grin.
"Yes Papa," Eri replied.
When the two of them walked into the dorms, Izuku shouted, "I HAVE A DAUGHTER!!!!"
Mina instantly rushed towards him and yelled, "YOU WHAT?!"
"Papa who is this?" Eri asked innocently.
"That is Mina," Izuku said then pointed to Bakugou, "and I bet you know who that is."
"Uncle Kacchan!" Eri exclaimed before running up to him and giving him a hug.
Bakugou immediately glared at Izuku, who glared back immediately.
"Is this really your daughter Deku?" he asked as Izuku nodded.
"I'll tell you all about it later today," Izuku replied, "but only if...."
He was cut off by his father as he walked through the door.
"Hey everyone I'm Goku father of Izuku Midoriya," Goku said smiling, "and I'm also your battle teacher now that All Might's well you know."
Everyone nodded.
"Now then," Goku said, "there won't be any classes today."
Everyone went wide eyed.
"Why?" Mina asked.
"To get you used to your new quarters," a voice said which made Bakugou stiffen.
"Uncle Kacchan?" Eri asked getting the mystery man to look at her with a raised eyebrow, "Who is he?"
"My guess is that he's Vegeta," Izuku said, "or better known as Bakugou's real father."
Vegeta looked over at Izuku and back at Eri, then at Goku asking him a silent question, Time Travel?
Goku nodded making Vegeta facepalm.
"Hey everyone," Momo said walking through the doorway, "my mother was talking to me about something."
"Papa?" Eri asked looking at Momo.
"Yes Eri?" Izuku asked.
"Who is that?" the little girl asked innocently.
"That is.... Uh.... that is a friend of mine," Izuku replied looking at Momo.
He saw that Goku was smiling and trying not to laugh.
"But she looks exactly like Mama," Eri said causing everyone to look at Momo and then Izuku.
Finally, after 5 minutes of complete silence Mineta spoke up, "How in the fucking hell is Momo the mother of your daughter?!"
In less than a second, Izuku was holding him up by the throat. His eyes a teal green color.
"Don't ever speak like that in front of my daughter again if you want to live," Izuku growled at him causing Mineta to piss himself, "do I make myself clear?"
"Y-Y-Yes," Mineta replied.
"Good," Izuku replied dropping him, "and Eri if I hear you saying any words like that, you say goodbye to cookies and other sweets."
Eri quickly nodded her head.
"Now then I have two rules," Izuku said, "no cussing around Eri, no perverted words or actions when she's around...."
He glared at Mineta.
"Also Momo," Izuku continued as she looked at him, "do you know anyone who can take Eri to school? Or is there a preschool on campus?"
"There's one on Campus son," Goku said, "I'll take her there myself so you can get to class on time."
"Thanks dad," Izuku said, "also I may need some help raising her. So if you could all help out then I'll be very grateful for it. In addition to that, if she calls you all either Aunt or Uncle, then it means that she's really comfortable around you and considers you family. Any questions?"
"Yeah I have one," Bakugou said, "biological or adopted?"
"I'll speak to you about that when the I get the chance," Izuku replied getting a nod from Bakugou.
"What about a mother figure in her life?" Mina asked.
Eri pointed at Momo and asked, "Why not her Papa?"
"Only if she wants to," Izuku replied.
"It's fine with me," Momo replied, "but could I talk to you later?"
Izuku nodded.
"Thank you."
"Papa will you and mama go out tonight?" Eri asked her face showing innocence, but her eyes showing a hint of mischief.
"Uh....." Izuku said his face bright red.
Momo's face was also bright red and she couldn't even talk without stuttering.
Bakugou laughed and said, "I really like this kid Deku."
"Where's Aunt Mei?" Eri asked realizing her favorite Aunt isn't there.
"Aunt Mei?" Izuku asked confused.
"She told me that her Quirk is called Tele-scopic vision," Eri replied.
"I'll go get her," Izuku replied as he walked over to a window while he muttered, "if she's even here."
"What's he doing?" Mineta asked.
"He's going to jump," Eri said excited.
"He's going to what?!" they all screamed.
(A/N: They are on the 5th floor. Forgot to mention that.)
Izuku then jumped and to everyone's surprise, he flew towards the ground and landed in an Iron Man pose causing cracks to appear around him.
"Guess I used too much strength on the landing," he muttered as he walked off to the Support Class.
30 minutes later, he arrived back at the the dorms with Mei Hatsume.
"Auntie Mei!" Eri exclaimed making Izuku give a smile, "You're here!"
Mei then looked at Izuku and Izuku explained everything about Eri, leaving out that she's from the future and what not.
"So you brought your daughter to your school to meet your friends," Mei said, "but why did she call me Aunt Mei?"
"Aren't you and Uncle Kacchan together?" Eri asked innocently.
Everyone's eyes went wide and Bakugou and Mei instantly went red.
"......Well I do think that they'd go well together," Goku said after a moment of silence causing everyone to laugh.
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