Demon vs Saiyans and Namek! Remeeting Mr. Yaoyorozu!

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The two heroes, plus the villain, rushed at the Frost Demon and before they could even lay a single hit, Kelvin shot his hand down vertically sending the three fighters flying backwards.

"What was that?" Katsuki asked frowning a bit, "Could he do that before?"

"I don't know," Izuku replied, "all we did was chat and power up. I think we should take this to the next level soon."

Piccolo looked at the Sons of Goku and Vegeta before saying, "You two can go Super Saiyan 2 can't you?"

The two Saiyans nodded.

"Then how about you do it?" Piccolo asked, "It'll give you enough of a power boost so that it'll be easier to defeat Kelvin."

"It also drains our stamina too much for our liking," Katsuki retorted, "plus, we don't need ascended for this."

Izuku looked at his rival and said, "We might need it, but we also need to preserve our energy."

"Fine," Katsuki replied, "we'll call that Plan B. What's Plan A?"

"If you two can keep Kelvin occupied long enough, then I can try to surprise him with a Kamehameha or a Perfect Kamehameha," Izuku replied, "is that good enough?"

"Or we could attack him from three different sides at the same time," Piccolo replied, "that way, at least one of us has a chance of dealing damage to him."

The two Saiyans looked at one another and nodded in silent agreement.

"Lets go," Izuku said the three of them splitting up before appearing at different angles and then began attacking Kelvin at different angles.

"Is this all you three have?" Kelvin asked as he blocked a punch from Piccolo before using his tail and throwing him into a building, "It's pathetic."

"I'll show you pathetic!" Katsuki shouted as he shot towards him and began fighting him one on one, but none of his attacks hit him.

"I'm bored now," Kelvin said before throwing the Son of Vegeta into the ground, "and you are the definition of pathetic."

Kelvin then turned to Izuku who was just floating in front of the Frost Demon.

"Are you going to attack me now?" Kelvin asked, "Or are you going to be smart and surrender yourself to me?"

Izuku then landed on the ground and looked at Piccolo and Katsuki, before saying, "Can you two get up?"

Struggling, the two fighters got up and looked at Kelvin.

"We need a new plan," Izuku said, "he is just too powerful now."

"Lets just attack him head on," Katsuki said, "I'm tired of holding back."

Izuku just stared at Kelvin and said, "Wait."

"Why?" Piccolo asked.

"I want to see something," Izuku replied, "hey! Kelvin! Why are you doing this?"

"Because I have the power to do so," Kelvin replied, "I'm more powerful than you three. Also, say hello to Kami for me."

Kelvin then raised his finger up into the sky and a dark orange, with a little red, sphere appeared above them all.

"DIE!" Kelvin then threw his arm downwards and the sphere followed.

"We need to stop that attack now!" Izuku shouted getting into his favorite stance as he charged up his family's attack.

"Agreed!" Piccolo and Katsuki shouted back as they charged up their own attacks.

"NOW!" Izuku shouted, "HHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAA!!!!"

"FINAL FLASH!" Katsuki shouted as a ferocious yellow beam shot right at the sphere.

"SPECIAL BEAM CANNON!" Piccolo shouted as a single beam with a spiral surrounding it shot out of his two fingers.

All of their attacks hit the sphere and wind started to go everywhere.

"We need more power!" Izuku shouted, "KATSUKI! NOW!"

The two Saiyans then ascended to Super Saiyan 2 and they pushed more power into their energy beams. The three beams then began pushing the sphere back and soon Kelvin was enveloped by his own attack causing him to be defeated and fall to the ground unconscious.

"W-we won," Izuku said before falling to the ground unconscious, before Katsuki and Piccolo did as well from using up too much Ki.

With the Class

"What the hell was that?" Kirishima asked.

"That, everyone, was a classic beam struggle," Goku replied, "but what I want to know is why Kelvin went nuts and used an attack that could very well destroy the planet."

Vegeta nodded in agreement and the two of them went out to the training grounds and grabbed the four fighters.

"You all go back to the dorms," Vegeta said, "me and Kakarot got this."

The class nodded and left heading to the dorms.

Time skip

"Hello, is this Mr. Yaoyorozu?" Tony asked as he held his phone, "It's Tony Stark sir..... Yes, it's very good to talk with you as well...... Why am I calling? Well, I just want to let you know that my wife had an affair with Izuku Midoriya and now she is carrying his child...... That's what I told her, sir, but she didn't listen...... Where are they now? Well, Midoriya got injured during training when he fought against a 2nd year named Kelvin Frost..... When would you like to talk with them sir?...... You'll come by later?..... You as well sir..... Alright, good night."
Tony then put his phone on his desk in his room and looked at the full moon.

"Your life, Izuku Midoriya, will be ruined once Mr. Yaoyorozu gets his hands on you," Tony said, "just you wait."

Time skip brought to you by chibi Eri cuddling with her mother

The next morning, Momo, Eri, Mei, who was carrying Bulla, and Trunks all heading to the infirmary to check up on their loved ones.

"How's Bulla doing?" Momo asked as the 5 of them headed to the infirmary, "She sleeping well?"

"She didn't last night," Mei replied, "it seems like she can only sleep when me and Katsu are in the same room."

Momo giggled a bit as Bulla smiled.

"Did you also know that this little one has a tail?" Mei asked.

"Really?" Momo asked, "I don't see one."

Mei smiled a bit and showed her the tail.

"It blends in with her clothes a bit better than most," Mei replied.

A few minutes later, they arrive at the infirmary.

"Hey guys," Momo said as she and Mei walked in, "how are you four?"

"How do you think?" Piccolo asked getting up.

"You shouldn't be up and about Mr. Piccolo," Eri said, "you could hurt yourself."

Piccolo chuckled and said, "You know, you remind me a lot of your Uncle Gohan. Always kind and caring, but a total beast when need be. I wouldn't worry young one. I've dealt with much worse in the past."
"Could you tell us some stories Mr. Piccolo?" Eri asked sweetly.

"Maybe later," Piccolo replied, "if it's alright with your mother."

"Of course," Momo replied, "as long as you leave out any of the gory parts."

Piccolo nodded and the door to the bathroom that was in the infirmary opened up and Izuku walked out holding a green muscle shirt, before noticing Momo and the others, before saying, "Take a picture. It'll last longer." 

Piccolo and Mei both rolled their eyes while Momo discreetly took a picture of Izuku before he put on his shirt and said, "Alright. Now I want some answers."

"Same here Zuku," Katsuki said getting up and seeing his daughter, girlfriend and son, "what are you three doing here? Not that I'm complaining."

"We came here to check up on you, father," Trunks replied.

Bakugou just grunted and looked at Piccolo, before saying, "Oi Namek! Dad said that you can make clothes appear on yourself or others. Can you do that for me?"

Piccolo rolled his eyes, but did it anyway. Making a red muscle sleeveless shirt appear, along with combat boots and comfortable pants.

"Thanks," Katsuki said before looking at Mei, "how's the little one?"

Mei gave a tired smile.

"She cried for her Papa most of the night," she replied handing Katsuki their daughter, "but now, I think that she can sleep."

And true to her words, Bulla fell asleep the minute Katsuki held her.

"What happened?" Kelvin asked as he sat up.

Izuku frowned a bit.

"You don't remember?" Izuku asked him.

"All I know is that me and you were fighting and then I went to my max power......" Kelvin trailed off, "but after that, nothin'. It's all blank."

"You tried to destroy the earth, Kelvin," Piccolo replied getting a wide eyed look from the person in subject, "with a Supernova attack and the three of us had to go all out to stop it and defeat you at the same time."

"I-I launched my Supernova attack?!" Kelvin exclaimed waking up Bulla and getting death glares from both women.

Piccolo, Izuku and Katsuki wisely stepped back from the women not wanting to be in the way of their anger.

"You three are staying here," Mei said looking at Izuku, Piccolo and Katsuki, "unless you three want to be the test subjects for my inventions."

It wasn't a suggestion nor a question, it was a serious threat.

"And you Kelvin," Momo said, "you are so lucky that my daughter and Trunks are here. Cause if they weren't I would be cussing you out like a sailor at a bar."

"How do you even know what that looks like?" Katsuki asked.

"My.... um.... Uncle is a sailor and I went with him to a bar and he started cussing out the bartender," Momo replied looking a bit embarrassed, "after that he taught me a lot of words in different languages. He made me promise that I never say them around kids and my parents."

"I'm a little turned on right now," Izuku muttered no one hearing him, except for Momo who turned a bright red.

"Anyways," Piccolo said, "you did launch your most dangerous attack. If we didn't have enough power, the world would have been space dust."

"Why did I launch it?" Kelvin asked, "I wouldn't do so without a reason."

"According to what you told us, you had the power and you wanted to," Izuku replied, "are you sure that you don't remember a thing?"

Kelvin nodded and said, "I'm sure. You'd think I would remember launching it, but I don't."

Momo's phone then rang and she answered it saying, "Father? Why are you calling me?...... Why would I cheat on Tony?....... No, I'm not carrying a child!....... I'm not in an affair either!"

Momo then froze and she shakily said, "I-I don't know what you are talking about, Father..... Even if I am having a child, I'm not going to get rid of it. I'd rather die than let an innocent child die...... Goodbye Father."

Momo then hung up and looked at Izuku with tears in her eyes. Izuku then walked up to her adn gave her a hug.

"H-He wants me to terminate my pregnancy, Izu," Momo said tears slowly dripping from her face, "he doesn't care what I think. All he cares about is the company's image to the public."

"Mama?" Eri asked, "Is everything okay?"

"No sweetheart," Izuku replied for Momo, "everything is certainly not okay."

Time skip later that day

"Momo," Jirou said walking into her friend's room, "your father is here to speak with you and Izuku."

"Tell him he can go to hell," Momo replied.

"I heard that young lady," Mr. Yaoyorozu said, "me, you, and that peasant are going to have a long talk about your little thing."

"Yes, Mr. Yaoyorozu?" Izuku asked appearing out of nowhere while leaning on a wall, "What would you like to say?"

"I know what you did."

"Fine you caught me," Izuku said standing tall, "so what if I knocked your daughter up. I love her and she loves me."

"She's already married!"

"So?" Izuku said, "I don't care about Stark. Can he stop a sphere that could have annihilated the earth if it touches ground? I don't think so."

"Stark is a million times better than you!"

"How so?" Izuku asked calmly, "Is it because he's rich? A playboy? A prick? A jackass? How about all of the above?"

Momo had to stop a giggle from escaping her mouth at Izuku's suggestions.

"He's rich," Mr. Yaoyorozu said, "he can give Momo all she wants in life, while you on the other hand can't." "If I can stop a sphere the size of a small moon, with two others by my side, then I can make your daughter happy," Izuku retorted, "in fact, if I can also defeat an android with the power to destroy the planet, then I can make both Momo and my daughter happy for the rest of their lives."

"Tony can do both things," Mr. Yaoyorozu retorted.

"Why are you so dead set on having Stark as your daughter's husband?" Izuku asked, "He is weak. He can't even stop a Saibaman if it was standing still. It wouldn't surprise me if he was a descendant of Yamcha."

"Dad, I'm happy with Izuku," Momo said, "isn't that enough for you?"

"You will get rid of that bastard child or you are no longer part of the family."

"You know what?" Izuku said, "I'm a bit tired of this. So I'm just going to say this. If you don't approve of our relationship then, I'll destroy the Earth and don't give that BS saying that I can't. Because I know that I can. Your choice."

A purple orb appeared in his hand and he walked over to the window and pointed his hand at the ground.

"If I blast this single orb at the ground, it'll go directly into the center of the Earth and cause a chain reaction destroying all life on the planet," Izuku said shocking Momo and her father, "but if you approve of it, you will single handedly save the world. So, what do you choose?"

"I would rather have the world destroyed than have my daughter be in a relationship with you of all people."

"Then say goodbye to the planet on which we live," Izuku said an evil smirk on his face as he shot the blast straight at the Earth, "you seriously thought that I was bluffing? You should get to know me before preaching to me what I should do, Mr. Yaoyorozu."

Momo's father looked at the blast that was heading straight for the earth and quickly said, "Alright, alright. I approve of your relationship with my daughter."

"Finally," Izuku said before another blast hit his, "I didn't think that Katsuki would make it in time."

Momo looked at Izuku with a glare and he said, "Fine, I'm sorry for threatening to destroy the earth. Happy?"

"You are sleeping in your own bed tonight," Momo stated getting Izuku to look like someone killed his puppy, "just be happy it's just for tonight and not for an entire week."

"Yes ma'am," Izuku said his voice low.

Time skip to that night

"Hey Tony," Momo said getting everyone's attention, "sign these papers right now."

"What are these?" Tony asked.

"I'm divorcing you," Momo replied, "I'm no longer Momo Stark, I'm back to being Momo Yaoyorozu."

"I could have given you everything you ever wanted," Tony said, "so why divorce me and stick with this jackass."

"Maybe because he is better looking, more powerful, and a better person than you?" Momo suggested, "It also helps that he is able to stop an attack that can destroy the Earth."

Tony growled a bit, but signed the papers anyway.

"Also, Tony," Izuku said, "you try anything with Momo or you teach my daughter any words, I'll be sending you to Otherworld. Got it?"

Tony nodded and the others went back to their own business, before going to bed.

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