Beginning of the Tournament! All New Enemies?!

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"You two ready for this?" Midoriya asked his teammates.

"You know I am," Todoroki replied a little more outgoing thanks to his training with Goku and his teammates, "but how will we use our true power during the tournament?"

"By using it invisibly," Katsuki replied as he was stretching his muscles, "no one will be the wiser if we use invisible Ki. The only ones who'll be able to sense it are my father and Kakarot. We will be fine."

"How about we only use Ki if we are in trouble," Midoriya told them, "that way we have a surprise up our sleeve. Sound good?"

They both nodded, but Katsuki thought to himself, I'm going to show them all what true power really is Deku and no one is going to stop me. No one.

"Hello again people of Japan!" Present Mic said, "It's been a pleasant year so far and it's my pleasure to introduce you all to the teams this year! First up is the first team that was created. They are UA's most powerful students! Give it up for the Z-Fighters!"

Midoriya, Bakugou, and Todoroki all stepped into the arena with smirks on their faces and radiating raw power.

"Next up are three of the 7 transfer students from SHIELD Academy in the United States of America! The Soldiers!"

A guy with a bow and a quiver filled with arrows walked into the stadium with Capt and Natasha by to his left.

Timeskip to second to last team

"Now here's an all girls team!" Present Mic said, "Ladies and Gentlemen allow me to introduce to you.... Team Creation!"

3 girls then walked out into the stadium and the Z-Fighters recognized them immediately. The girl in the middle was Momo Yaoyorozu, the girl to her left was a tall one with forest green eyes and a figure that women would kill for and long silky black hair that went to her mid back, and to Momo's right was none other than Mei Hatsume.

"Hello boys," the green eyed girl said to the Z-Fighters, "my name is Shinrin Yurei and I am from Class 1-B. Momo has told me a lot about you. I hope you live up to my expectations."

"We will Shinrin," Izuku replied smiling, "we will."

"Now then onto the last team!" Present Mic shouted, "Team Steel!"

Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Tony Stark, and Monoma then walked into the arena and Izuku looked at Tony who smirked at the young half-saiyan.

Timeskip to after the ceremony

"Alright Todoroki, you are up first," Midoriya told his teammate, "remember that you can only use your true power if you're in trouble. We can't let anyone know that you can use what we can."

Todoroki nodded and he headed to the start of the first 'mission'.

A/N: The Stages in the Tournament will be called Missions.

Todoroki just looked at all of his opponents before looking at the girl from earlier.

"Ready, set GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Present Mic shouted.

Todoroki smirked and dashed off at full speed leaving everyone behind.

"Okay so this looks like as good of a place as any," Todoroki said, "good cover from some attacks and...."

The Half and Half Quirk user was interrupted by an explosion and he looked behind him and he saw that a girl who had bright blonde hair, icy blue eyes, and blue lips.

"You must be Todoroki," the girl said, "I'm Caitlin Snow. Wanna know what my Quirk is?"

Todoroki just raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"I like to call it Frost," the girl replied, "it is pretty much like your ice side."

"So you can shoot ice from your hands correct?" he asked her.

She replied by shooting ice at Todoroki who lept aside before countering with fire and then shot ice at the ground to make a barrier.

"That should keep them at bay for a bit until I come up with a plan," Todoroki said before closing his eyes and opening them, "I must use my full power. I have a feeling that it's going to be needed."

After a few minutes, he blasted the ice barrier with his fire and then dashing to Caitlin and punching her in the gut.

"You know that we get 500 points for every person we knock out," Todoroki told her, "I guess what I'd like to say is... night, night Ms. Snow."

He then proceded to knock her out and gained 500 points.

"1 down, a couple hundred to go," he said as he ran off.

After 30 minutes of fighting student after student, Todoroki was tired, but he sensed a high power level from behind him and he turned around and tried to use his Quirk, but for some reason it didn't work.

"What the hell?" Shoto asked looking at the studen, "What did you do?"

"I can stop any Quirk from being used for about 15 minutes, buy the time decreases by 2 minutes the more people it's used on," the person replied, "oh where are my manners. My name is Izumu Loanter and you are my last victim. So how about you just give up now and save your pride."

Todoroki looked up at some drones and mouthed, Sorry Goku.

With Goku and Vegeta

"He's gonna have to use his new power Kakarot," Vegeta told his rival, "he can't win without it and you know it."

Goku nodded and said, "I know Vegeta. I just hope that he has come up with a lie to tell when he's being questioned by his friends and teachers, as well as his family."

Back to Shoto

"Are you sure that you took all of my power, Izumu?" Shoto asked her.

"Of course I did Mr. Todoroki," Izumu replied looking a bit smug, "You have no other powers other than your Fire and Ice."

Todoroki just shook his head confusing the girl.

"That is where you are wrong Loanter," Shoto told her as a white burst shot up around him, "I have a new power that was laying in wait inside of me that I like to call Potential. So get ready for my True Power!"

Shoto dashed forwards at speeds that would be impossible for the human eye to follow and kicked her in the gut causing her to spit out some saliva.

"Give up already?" Shoto asked her, "You know that you can't win, right? We both know who holds the power in their hands."

"You are so confident that only after one kick that I'll back down?" Izumu asked as she kneed him in the crotch, "Then you are more confident than I thought."

But to her surprise Shoto caught the knee with his enhanced reflexes thanks to the training Goku gave him.

"I win, you lose," Shoto whispered in her ear, "later Ms. Loanter."

He then vanished and reappeared behind the girl, before kneck chopping her into unconsciousness.

"And Todoroki wins with only 15 minutes left on the clock!" Present Mic announced, "Looks like the Z-Fighters are in first place! After the 30 minute break we'll return."

In Egypt

A young woman about 17 with brown hair turned off a TV and walked towards a wall, before putting a hand against it and a hidden stair case opened up in the ground and the girl walked down the stair case and into a hidden lab of sorts.

"Are they done doctor?" the girl asked.

"Not yet, but soon," the Doctor replied, "they will help us fulfill your father's dream."

"Yes," the girl replied, "my father's dream to tear down the world of heroes. He already succeeded killing All Might, but he was killed by my ex and these two will kill him. Soon they will fear my name, the name of Uravity."

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. Now then onto the way I'm doing the tournament. This one is very different from the original sports festival.This one is going to have 4 events/missions. The first 3 missions will just be taking down your many opponents in a city like field, like in the entrance exam. Next one is Bakugou and then Midoriya. After that, it's a team effort for the final one. Another thing, all teams will still be in this no one is truely out of the tournament. Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Have a good day.

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