Attack of the Androids! Return of Fusion!

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A/N: You will know when to play the song. Enjoy the chapter!

"You two ready?" Izuku asked his teammates.

Katsuki smirked and cracked his knuckles as Shoto nodded.

"Lets go then," Katsuki said as he and the others walked into the battle arena, "it's time to show these fuckers our power."

With a mighty shout, Katsuki and Izuku both went Super Saiyan and the two of them went dashing into the battlefield striking their opponents left and right. Knocking them out without a problem.

"Hello Bakagou and Deku," a male said, "are you two ready to die?"

He then charged at the two half Saiyans and began fighting the two at the same time.

With Eri

"I-It can't be," Eri whispered with wide eyes as Inko walked into the living room.

"Eri?" Inko asked before seeing the tv, "Who are they?"

"I thought that Papa and Uncle Kacchan killed those two," the little girl whispered before shaking her head and saying, "they'll need a power like no other if they're going to defeat this guy and his sister."

"Eri, what are you talking about? Who is he?" Inko asked her granddaughter.

"Two very powerful Androids who are at Papa's level and their twin sister is at Uncle Kacchan's level," Eri replied, "the way that they defeat these three is by doing...."

Back with Izuku

I'm beginning to think that we need Fusion to beat these sons of  bitches, Izuku thought blocking another strike to the head before retaliating with an attack of his own, but no matter. We can win this without it.... Hopefully.

Jumping back the enemy held up his hand and pointed it to where Momo's energy signature was at and he said, "If you don't get serious then I'll kill the mother of your child."

"You do that and I will tear you to pieces," Izuku snarled, "who are you anyways?"

"I am Android 60 and my siblings are Android 61 and 62 respectively," Android 60 replied as two more Androids stepped forward.

One was male, he had mohawk styled hair that was orange and he was wearing a green vest with black pants and gloves with green boots. This was 61. The other though, was female. She had short blonde hair with lilac colored eyes and a good sized bust wearing a shirt that shows off the girls, a jacket, and brown pants with combat boots. She also had gauntlets on her wrists to give her extra punching power. This is Android 62.

"Hello boys," Android 62 said, "enjoying the view?"

"Why are you doing this?" Izuku asked them, "What have we ever done to you?"

"It's just orders Midoriya," 61 replied, "we have no choice, but to follow them if we want to live."

"So you three are pretty much being threatened to work for this Mistress?" Shoto asked appearing beside his two teammates.

The three Androids shrugged and the six of them rushed at each other before colliding and causing debris to go flying. As they were fighting, the shockwaves that they were generating were destroying the arena and as Izuku jumped backwards he shouted, "Katsuki! Follow me! I have a plan!"

Katsuki then dodged an attack and flew after his teammate.

"What is it Izuku?" he asked.

"Fusion," Izuku replied making Katsuki's eyes go wide and handing him a Senzu Bean, "here, we might as well be at full power."

Katsuki then ate the bean and swallowed it allowing his energy and his minor injuries to be healed as Izuku did the same thing. Izuku then brought out two earrings and handed Katsuki one.

"We are doing Potara this time," he replied, "you ready?"

"Lets go," was his answer as the two of them put the earrings on and the two of them combined into one.

"Alright!" the fusion said as he appeared in the center of the battlefield. (A/N: Think of Vegito's voice)

In the stands

"Who the hell is that?" someone asked.

"I don't know, but he looks like a combination of Izuku and Katsuki," another person said.

"Whoever that guy is, he looks badass!" a teenager shouted.


With Goku and Vegeta

"So they actually decided to Fuse," Vegeta stated, "he seems powerful. What do you think this one's name is?"

"I do not know Vegeta," Goku replied, "but I do know that these two will be the ones who will save this world. In fact, I have a plan for our sons, but we need the Dragon Balls."

Vegeta looked at his rival as he said, "I have a feeling that I know what you are planning Kakarot, but it's their choice if they want to go through with it."

"I know," Goku replied his eyes not leaving the fusion, "for now though, lets see what this fusion has to offer."

With Eri

The adorable little girl was jumping up and down on the couch when she saw her Papa and Uncle fuse.

"It's Izutsuki!" Eri shouted as she continued jumping up and down, "Those three don't stand a chance!"

Inko just looked at Eri with a small frown and said in a stern tone, "Eri, please stop jumping on the couch."

"Oh, sorry Grandma," Eri replied, "but Izutuski is so cool!"

"Where did Izuku and Katsuki go anyway?" Inko asked her granddaughter, "Shouldn't they be fighting instead of this Izutsuki guy?"

"Grandma, that is them," Eri replied, "they combined their bodies into one being."

Inko's eyes widened when the little said that and looked back at the TV as she saw the similarities between the her son and his rival and this new person.

"Izutsuki," the woman muttered as she stared at the fusion.

Back to the arena

"Who are you?" Android asked, "Where are Izuku and Katsuki?"

The fusion smirked and said, "I am neither Deku nor Katsuki!"

Everyone went silent and he continued, "I am the Fusion Hero: Izutsuki!"

"So, I guess they decided to pull out all the stops then," Shoto stated before smirking, "about damn time they did so."

"You knew about this?" Android 62 asked him.

"Yes, I did," Shoto replied, "their father's can do this. It's a technique where two people focus their energy into one another, combining their life forces into one, and in doing so combines their bodies into one. Clothing and all. This one requires a pair of earrings do this. It helps them focus their energy easier to make a more powerful fusion. Does that make sense?"

"So in other words it's an aspect of their Quirks," Android 62 stated as Shoto nodded.

"But the bad thing is that there is a set time limit," he told her as the two were watching the one verses two, "right now, they only have about an hour until they became two again, while the other type of fusion is only 30 minutes."

Android 62 nods and looks back at her brothers fighting Izutski.

"Thanks by the way," Izutsuki said as he floated up while rolling his right shoulder, "there was a knot in that area and you got it out."

The fusion then smirked and held out both hands before saying, "Final...."

He then brought them to his waist and said, "KAMEHAMEHAAAAA"
A blue beam with yellow spirals shot straight at the two Androids, but lucky for them they dodged it.

"What was that attack?" Android 60 asked wide eyed.

"That was my ultimate attack," Izutsuki replied, "also, I think it's time to bring this up to the next stage!"

With a mighty shout, the fusion's hair turned gold and his eyes turned teal.

"This is Super Izutsuki!"

The fusion then shot right at the two and took them out with ease. As he landed, Shoto shouted, "Why didn't you do that earlier?!"

"I wanted to play around a bit, also I wanted to show her my power," Izutsuki replied before looking up at the cameras and saying, "you hear me Mistress of the Androids?! Me and Shoto will send you to hell! You and All for One are the reason why we can't have peace! You can keep on sending how every many Androids or even low rate villains, but the results will always be the same! They will be defeated and we will learn who you are and why you are doing this! I swear to Kami himself!"

The fusion then turned to Android 62 and asked, "Do you give up or am I gonna have to destroy you like I did to your brothers?"

"I surrender," the android replied, "seeing your power, I know that I don't stand a chance."

"I guess Z-Fighters win," Shoto said with a smirk.

Time skip to after the Awards Ceremony

Once the Awards were passed out to the top three teams, Goku and the rest of Class 1-A went to the dorm rooms and Goku said, "I talked with the principal and he is allowing Class 1-A to go out and celebrate, but if you all have a few drinks you must stay at a hotel."
Katsuki smiled and shouted, "Hell yeah!"

"I'm game," Izuku said, "Eri is with my mom and she won't mind watching her for the night. Anyone else?"

Kirishima, Mina, Shoto, Shinrin (who is transferring to their year next semester), and the rest of the classic Class 1-A all raised their hands and Katsuki smiled once more and shouted, "Let's go then!"

They all then went to get dressed in normal clothes and they all headed out of the dorms and to a bar for the celebration, unaware of the looming darkness that'll soon sweep over the country of Japan and the rest of the world.

With the Mistress of the Androids

"Are they ready now?" she asked her scientists.

"Yes Mistress, they're ready."

"Good, let's give the heroes a few weeks of peace then we can send one at a time out into the world to cause mayhem and destruction," the Mistress said, "soon, Deku will be mine, but before I do, I'm going to have to kill all of the competition. Including that slut, Momo Yaoyorozu and that worthless little girl, Eri."

She then turned to a picture of her and Izuku with a seductive smile on her face.

"We will be together soon, my love."

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