7th and 8th's Return! Eri Meets Yagi and Nana!

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This is the 25K special! Enjoy!

A baby starts crying and Izuku shouts, "Eri! Can you get Kota for me!"

"Okay Papa!" Eri replied after pausing her game on the Xbox 1.

Eri then goes to Kota's crib and picks him up, almost immediately he stops crying. Izuku then walks out of the kitchen and says, "Looks like he just wanted attention."

Kota then starts to do baby talk and Momo walks in with, what looks to be a baby version of Eri. Same white tail and all.

"Same with Pan," Momo replied, "I still can't believe that they were born with their tails intertwined."

Izuku then looks up and says, "Why do I sense All Might's energy? He should be dead."

"That's right Young Midoriya, but I have returned from the dead!" a booming voice said.

"Shouldn't you have lost your muscle form?" Izuku asked turning around and facing his mentor.

"Oh..." All Might said as he returned to his civilian form, "hello Young Yaoyorozu. How have you been doing?"

"I've been fine All Might," Momo replied, "and if you are wondering why we aren't freaking out, it's because we've seen things stranger than someone returning from the dead."

"Like what?" Yagi asked.

"Time travel," Izuku replied, "also, these are our children. Eri, Kota and the one that Momo is holding, Pan."

"I came from the Future," Eri stated.

"I'll be back," Izuku said, "I'm going to get Dad and Mom. Momo you wait here with the twins and Yagi."

When Izuku disappeared, a woman walked in and said, "I thought I told you to wait, Toshi."

"Sorry Nana," Toshinori replied, "I just wanted to see my successor and for you to meet your grandson."

"Who are you?" Momo asked getting into a defensive stance.

"Peace child," the woman replied, "my name is Nana Shimura and you are holding my Great-Grandchild."

"Why would I..." Momo trailed off as she realized why she called Pan her Great-Grandchild, "you're Izuku's Grandmother aren't you?"

Nana nodded and said, "Yes, Inko is my daughter. I've never met my grandson and I am hoping that I can meet him today."

"We only have one day on this planet," All Might said.

"So I guess Baba brought you back," Goku said as he, Izuku and Inko all appeared in front of them, "I'm Son Goku, Izuku's father. You are?"

"I am Yagi Toshinori, or All Might," Yagi replied, "Izuku's original trainer."

"It's nice to finally meet you All Might," Goku replied, "not to be rude or anything, but why are you here?"

"I am here to meet my Grandson's children and his wife," Nana replied.

"Toshinori already knows me, but I am Momo Midoriya," Momo replied with a small smile, "me and Izu are married and with twin Saiyans."

"May I?" Nana asked motioning towards her grandson.

Momo hands over her son to Nana who immediately starts gushing over him, "Why aren't you just adorable!"

Kota starts babbling and waving his little arms as his little tail starts swishing back and forth and Nana says, "SO CUTE!"

He then smiles even more and Nana says to Momo, "Are there gonna be anymore?"

Momo then began to blush a deep red and starts to stutter, amusing both of the deceased Pro-Heroes.

"Alright mom," Inko says with an amused expression on her face, "I think that's enough of that."

"Hi!" Eri says appearing in front of Nana  out of nowhere making her jump, "I'm Eri."

"I'm your Grandmother, Nana," Nana replied kneeling down to her height, "you are a very beautiful young woman."

"Papa says I get it from Mama," Eri replied looking a bit bashful.

As Nana and Eri were talking, Toshinori looked at Goku and asked, "Is Izuku doing good?"

Goku nodded.

"Yes he is," Goku replied, "he's staying true to his origin and his ancestry at the same time. Being a true hero and putting down villains that aren't meant to be locked up. I am sorry though, he wasn't supposed to be like this."

"It's fine," Toshinori replied, "as long as he is happy, I'm happy."

"You know, we could bring you both back fully," Goku said, "I'm sure Eri would like that and Nana could stay with her Grandchildren."

"While I would love to, my time has gone," Toshinori said with a sad smile, "but I'm sure that Nana would love it. She hasn't been very happy in Otherworld I'm afraid."

Goku looked over at Eri and Nana, and saw a smile on the elder lady's lips and understood what Toshinori was talking about.

"I'll have to gather the Dragon Balls to make it happen," Goku replied, "are you sure that you don't want to stay? You'd make a lot of people happy."

"I'm sure Goku," Toshinori replied, "I don't want everyone asking how I was brought back when my death was on public tv."

Goku nodded and said, "Alright, but it you ever want to..."

"I know just how to call," Toshinori replied with a sad smile, "just promise me a few things, Goku and I want you to keep it."

"Speak it and I will promise it, Toshinori," Goku replied.

"Promise me that it Izuku ever, and I mean ever steps out of line, put him in his place," Toshinori replied, "help him find a worthy successor. And lastly, help him, whenever he needs it. Promise me all those things and I will think about your offer."

"I promise, Toshinori," Goku replied, "I promise, on my own Saiyan Pride, that I will do all of that."

"Thank you Goku," Toshinori replied.

Eri and Nana hit it off almost immediately, their love for sweets being the main thing to bring them together. The two played Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 for a bit, with Eri winning most of the time, and then the two cooked cookies and other sweets, and did much more. Soon though, it was time for the two to go back to Otherworld.

"I'll miss you Gran-Gran," Eri said as she hugged Nana tightly, "I love you."

"I love you as well, Eri," Nana replied hugging her Great-Granddaughter just as tight, "I'll miss you and my daughter, as well as my other grandchildren, just as much as I will you. I love you all and wish you a happy life."

"It's time," an old witch said as she sat on a crystal ball and wearing the usual witch outfit.

"Very well, Baba," Nana said before she kissed Eri on her forehead, "I'll miss you little fighter."

Eri then began to cry as Nana and her hugged one last time, before the 7th and 8th returned to the Spirit World.

Izuku then gave a hug to Eri as she broke down crying on her father's shoulders with him whispering soothing words into her ear. What no one noticed was the smile on Goku's face as he began to make a plan to find the Dragon Balls to bring back Nana Shimura.

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