Seeing Kelly's car nowhere in sight, I quickly rushed inside of our place and headed for my room. Since she wasn't here, I had enough time to take a shower and wash all of the sex, alcohol, and marijuana smell off of me.
As I showered, getting my hair wet in the process, all I could really do was smile. I really had sex with Jay and it felt so good. It was everything I thought it would be and more. What confused me was why Kelly found the need to blow our phones up. That let me know that she was already suspecting something between us.
I put on a large tee shirt and dried my hair with a towel before letting it fall down my back. I felt so fresh and clean, now all I wanted to do was sleep.
I laid in bed with my phone in my hands texting Clarence back and forth. I was drifting off to sleep when I heard the front door slam and a bunch of voices. It didn't take long for someone to bang on my room door. I frowned to myself before getting out of bed and opening the door.
There stood Lala on the other side looking furious. I frowned at her, "Uh, what? Why are you banging on my door when I'm trying to sleep?"
"Girl don't act like you was in here sleep when you was just posted up in the club with Kelly's man!"
Again, I frowned and pushed her out of my way as I made my way to the living room. Kelly sat on the couch crying her eyes out with Michelle and Ciara on both sides of her. She couldn't have possibly known, could she?
"What's going on? What is Lala talking about?"
"Oh you really acting dumb right now!" Lala practically screamed. She was acting like Jay was her man and that only made me question her. I looked at her up and down before putting my focus on Kelly. She wouldn't even look at me.
"Bey, please don't tell me it's true." She sobbed.
"What's true Kelly?"
"See, here she go. Acting all innocent like she just didn't fuck your man." Lala mumbled, but loud enough for all of us to hear.
"Girl shut the fuck up!" I yelled, "I don't even know what the hell y'all are talking about and why would I even fuck Jay out of all people? You must have me mixed up with someone else."
"I told you that wasn't her." Michelle said shaking her head.
"What isn't me?" I was confused on what the hell they were talking about. I thought they had went to Jay's house and found out I was there, but that's obviously not the case.
"Lala claimed she saw you in the club hugged up with Jay," Ciara said, "But I didn't see anything and Michelle didn't either. Now Kelly is all worked up. We went to Jay's house and they got into a big argument because he smelled like perfume. It was clear as day that he was with another woman, yet he tried to act like he wasn't. Lala thinks it's you, and honestly, I think Kelly does too."
I grabbed Kelly's hand and softly rubbed on it, "Do you really think that Kelly? Why would I do that to you?"
"I don't know Bey, which is why I'm asking you. Were you with Jay at all tonight?"
Do I lie, or do I tell the truth? What could I possibly say? I didn't have an alibi or anyone to back me up and there's no telling what she found while she was at Jay's. She could be just testing me.
"I was with my friend Clarence all night. I just made it back here like 20 minutes ago. I have no clue what you all are talking about and why you guys would think it was me."
Lala seemed so upset as I talked. Her face was turning red and she had her hand balled into a fist as if she was going to do something. I wish a bitch would.
"How can you lie right now Beyoncé? I freaking saw you!"
I rolled my eyes. I told Jay good that going in the club together would start something, but he doesn't listen. I looked towards Ciara and Michelle, "So y'all was apparently at the club with her, right? Did you see me or did you not see me?"
Michelle shrugged, "No, I didn't see you but Lala claims she did and she's sticking to that I guess. I don't know the truth anymore. We were in a club. It was dark, it was crowded, I don't know anything."
Kelly finally looked at me and I instantly felt so sad for her. Her eyes were so red and she seemed so hurt. It made me reflect on the things I did behind her back and it made me want to confess, but I was scared. I couldn't tell her, at least not right now.
"Kelly, I'm being honest with you. So honest with you," I said looking into her eyes, "I don't know what's going on. I've been with my guy friend all night and I'm just getting here. I don't even know around Atlanta like that to be going to the club alone, I swear."
By the way she looked at me, I could tell that she believed me.
"And why would you believe anything this bitter bitch has to say?" I asked, referring to Lala.
"Bitter?" She emphasized, stepping into my face and that's when I had to make some type of boundaries. I put my hand in her face and she swatted my hand away. I pushed her and that's all it had to take for her to get 38 hot and begin swinging on me.
What I'm not going to do is let someone put their hands on me. Soon as she let go of my hair, I swung and hit her dead in the eye. She stumbled backwards holding her eye as Michelle held her back.
"My freaking eye is burning!" She screamed.
"Don't put your fucking hands on me. I'm this close to pressing charges on your dumb ass!"
"Bitch fuck your unloyal ass! How could you sleep with your roommate's boyfriend?" She yelled. We continued to go back and forth until Kelly finally stepped in.
"Stop!" She yelled, "This is giving me a headache! Beyoncé said she wasn't there, she wasn't. Lala, you can't go around pointing the finger at people without getting the true story. You caused all of this and also dragging Beyoncé into this when she was nowhere near Jay or the club."
I smiled to myself knowing that Kelly didn't believe her. That really lifted so much weight off my shoulders and now I could fall asleep without having to sleep with one eye open.
Eventually, Kelly made the girls leave and it was just us. I hugged her as tight as I could and she hugged me back.
"What happened between you and Jay?" I asked. I was curious to know what went down at his house when she got there.
"Lala had me all worked up. I got out of bed and drove to his house. I thought I would find another woman there, but the only evidence I had of him messing around on me was the perfume on his clothes. I was heated, but he did just leave the club. I had time to think about it and I mean, clubs do be packed. He told me it was from the girls in his section and I believe him. We've been together for almost two years and he haven't given me a reason to not trust him. I think I should apologize to him."
I nodded my head, "Jay wouldn't do anything to hurt you Kelly. He really do love you and I can see it. It's your best friend Lala that you should watch out for. She has one more time to swing at me and I'll be fucking up more than her eye."
We shared a laugh and she shook her head, "I do apologize for her Bey. She could get rowdy sometimes and out of her head. She may be mad at me for now on, but she did seem kind of bitter the way she was coming at you and throwing shots at Jay. I'll have a talk with her though."
"Okay, well I'm going to attempt to fall asleep again. Goodnight Kelly."
She smiled, "Goodnight Bey!"
Laying across my bed, I could hear Kelly and Jay in her room arguing up a storm. They were extremely loud and because of them, I woke up earlier than I usually would on a Sunday.
"Who's the bitch Shawn!?" Kelly exclaimed.
"There isn't no one else Kelly and you know that! I told you what happened. I went to the club, had shorties in my sections, and that was it! If you have anymore concerns, you can ask my boys. I'm not going back and forth with your ass when all you do is accuse me of shit I'm not doing."
The look on my face showed how stunned I was to here Jay's explanation. He needed an Oscar for the way he's in there lying to her. I chuckled to myself before picking up my phone and continuing to play Candy Crush.
Kelly and Jay never stopped arguing though. I was becoming irritated so I took a shower and brushed my teeth before heading to the kitchen to fix myself some cereal. I sat at the kitchen table minding my business when Jay walked out of Kelly's room dressed in a white tee, grey sweats, and his durag on his head. There's no telling how long he has been over here, but it is 9 AM on a Sunday morning. After everything that went down last night, I would expect for them both to be tired.
We didn't say anything to one another as he walked out of the door. Kelly soon came out of her room and I could tell that she had been crying.
"Are you okay?" I questioned.
She shook her head, "I don't know what to do.."
I stood up and pulled her in for a hug. She hysterically cried into my chest and all I could do was reflect on last night. The guilt that washed over me made me cry too. I was once in Kelly's shoes, crying to my friends after my man had cheated on me. What kind of woman I am to do the same thing to her?
I know how bad she is hurting right now. She's questioning her worth and everything else. She's feeling as if she's not good enough. She loves him, but she's tired. That girl was once me.
"What am I doing wrong?" She cried, "I've given him every part of me and now I'm wondering if my boyfriend is really cheating on me or not."
I sat her down at the table with me so I could continue to eat my cereal while she vented. Once she was done lying her feelings out on the table, I pushed my bowl to the side and stared into her eyes.
"Kelly, I don't think Jay is cheating on you. Look at it like this, your friends were all in the same club with him, yet Lala was the only one to supposedly spot him out with another woman. You've told me before that you think Lala is jealous of your relationship with Jay since her and her baby's father never could get it together. To me, it just seems as if she told you those things because she wants to ruin your relationship with him."
She sighed, "Lala is my best friend Bey. If I take Jay back after she clearly said she saw him with another woman, she's going to be pissed at me and probably never talk to me again."
I shrugged, "Then maybe she wasn't a real friend. A real friend is going to stick by you no matter what decision you decide to side with. Yeah she feel a certain way, but at the end of the day, it's your relationship and he's your man. Misery loves company. Don't let her opinion on your relationship run a great guy like Jay away."
I could see a smile appearing on her face and she slowly nodded her head. We became quiet for a minute until I had to ask her a question that was honestly eating me up inside.
"So, do you believe Lala when she said that she saw me with Jay?"
She looked at me but didn't say anything. Honestly, it scared me because of how long it took her to respond.
"Again, Lala is my best friend. It's kind of hard for me right now because she's saying one thing, yet you're saying another. It's like, who do I believe? But I don't see a reason for you to be alone with Jay. Besides from being my roommate, you and him have no ties with one another. Why would you be in a club with him?"
I nodded my head, "That's understandable, but I promise I was with my friend last night."
"Then why weren't you answering my calls?"
I laughed, "What do you mean? Do you answer my calls when you're having sex with Jay?"
She slightly chuckled but I could still tell that she didn't fully trust the words coming out of my mouth. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone. I was trying to avoid all of this, but she gives me no choice.
"Who are you calling?" She asked as I put the phone on speaker.
"Clarence. The guy I was with last night."
She frowned but didn't say anything else as we waited for him to answer.
"What's good cutie!" He answered and I could tell he was in a happy ass mood. I laughed at him and shook my head.
"Hi Clarence, can I ask you something?"
"Yeah, what's up?"
"We were together last night, right?"
Kelly stared at me and I stared back at her as we waited on Clarence to respond. He laughed at my question. "Duh. I have pictures of you sleep too. I wanted to post them on Snapchat but I know how you are."
Kelly smiled at me and I finished my conversation with Clarence before ending the call. Just a couple of days ago, I saw this tweet on twitter stating how a female's friends can lie for her in a heartbeat. I showed Clarence and he thought it was the funniest thing in the world. We joked about it and I told him we needed to be those type of friends. Knowing we weren't together at all last night showed me how real he was.
"Okay, I believe you," Kelly said, "And I'm sorry Lala dragged you into this mess. She definitely needs to apologize and I'll make sure to let her know."
I nodded my head and stood to my feet so I could put my dishes in the sink.
"It's okay," I told her, "I'm going back to sleep now since you and Jay woke me up early as hell with all that arguing."
She laughed, "Sorry girl. Thanks for everything Bey."
I know y'all was rooting for Bey and Jay to get caught, but it's too early in the story for that to happen. There is still a lot more to go.
I don't look too deep into rankings or whatever, but it was brought to my attention that this story is ranked top ten out of 914 other stories in the category #beyonce 😊💓 So thanks for reading y'all. Vote and comment!
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