All I could think about was Jay and the things we did which was highly unacceptable. I couldn't even focus on teaching these young kids what they needed to learn so I was thankful when 2 o' clock hit and I was able to go home.
I haven't seen Kelly since she left for Savannah yesterday morning, but I know she was back home because I saw her car when I left for work this morning.
I'm so scared to be around her for the simple fact that I may slip up and tell her about Jay and I, even though he told us to keep it between only us two. That may be easy for him to say, but I feel guilty as hell. I was just getting to know her and become really good friends and now look what happened. I almost fucked her man.
The ride home consisted of a little old Kanye playing. I'm not sure what the hell is going on with him right now, but his old music do sound good and I'll forever keep it on my phone. He was iconic before he got with that Kardashian whore.
I sad a prayer to myself before getting out of my car and walking inside of my apartment. Instantly, I could smell food and knew Kelly was in the kitchen cooking something. I didn't even want to stop, so I bypassed the kitchen fast as hell without looking at her and even speaking.
"Damn, where you running off to?" She laughed, "Come here for a second, I have to ask you something."
I stopped in my tracks and could feel the sweat on my forehead. What could she possibly want to talk to me about?
Backtracking, I slowly made my way into the kitchen to see her staring at me with a grin. I gave her a forced smile. "What is it?"
"Well, hey! I haven't seen you since yesterday. Have a seat. You want any bacon? I've been craving bacon since I left my grandmother's house so I had to cook me some."
Well she didn't seem mad about something, which is a good thing. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be here talking to me if she knew that I almost had sex with her boyfriend the night before. So maybe she doesn't know. That helped me calm down a little, but the what-ifs came back to my head and I was nervous all over again.
What if she's being so nice to me because she do know and she just wants me to tell her? Or what if she's trying to keep me close to her and feed me so it would be easier for her to kill me?
"Uh, I'm fine. I really have to use the bathroom though, so uh.. what is it?"
She smiled at me, "Why are you so nervous? Is there anything you want to tell me?"
I instantly turned red in the face and shook my head, "H-Huh? What are you talking about?"
She shrugged her shoulders and sat across from me at the kitchen's island with her many pieces of bacon. "So I have to ask you something important."
I nodded my head, "Spill."
"My best friends are coming over to just have a little fun. I don't want you to feel left out so I was wondering if you wanted to join us? Trust me, they are really cool and I feel like you'll get along great with them."
A wave of relief came over me and I put my head down and thanked God. I'm not sure what I would do if Kelly knew what happened between Jay and I, but hopefully she will never find out.
"Sure!" I said with a smile, "What do you guys plan to do?"
"We may go out on the town. Hit up the bar or something, just have a little fun. I need a break from Jay. We're always together and it's not good. He didn't really want to talk to me this morning and it made me realize that we do need to spend more time with our friends. I'm pretty sure he's tired of me anyway."
Hearing Jay's name made me turn red in the face again. Kelly gave me a worried look before gasping. "What?" I asked anxiously.
"You have a hickey on your neck.."
My face was burning now. I covered my neck and pulled out my phone to see the big red mark on the right side of my neck that I thought I had fully covered with foundation this morning. There's no telling how many of my kids and coworkers has seen this mark.
"Oh, uh.. Let me just go."
She smirked, "So you and your new boo must've had a lot of fun when I was gone? Girl, I told you that you would get laid soon. Any guy would be lucky to have you."
If only she knew, I said to myself. Instead of verbally responding, I just laughed at her and headed to my room to get myself under control.
After I showered, shaved, and exfoliated, I felt so much better than I did before. I laid across my bed fully naked with the fan rotating. I felt so good in this moment that I closed my eyes and it felt like I could feel him again.
I could feel Jay's hands rubbing in between my legs, sticking his finger in and out of me with no care in the world. I could feel his lips on my neck, sucking me as hard as he could. I could feel his dick at my entrance as I straddled his lap and kissed him with only my tongue. Everything felt so good.
I finally opened my eyes and took a deep breath. Why was I thinking about him? And why was I enjoying the thought of us doing that again? Just the anxiety and the thought of being caught made me smile. It was dangerous and I liked dangerous, but I couldn't do Kelly like that.
The way she talked about Jay shows how much in love with him she is. She talks about him with so much pride to call him her man, but the things he did with me showed just how much he didn't care about her.
It made me wonder if he had cheated on her already and if so, why?
I was getting ready to take a well needed nap when my phone vibrated and I saw a message from Clarence asking to come over. Even though we just met, oral sex from him wouldn't hurt and besides, I couldn't get it from anyone else.
What Jay and I did was an amazing feeling, but at the end of the day he was a taken man and I couldn't have him.
"Oh my God, I freaking love you and I just met you." Kelly's friend Michelle exclaimed. She hugged me tightly making me laugh. This bitch was drunk and she couldn't keep her hands off me for some reason.
"You've had too much to drink Chelle." Kelly said, attempting to grab the drink out of her hand but Michelle swiped her hand away.
"Move Kelly. I'm fine."
I shook my head and looked around the bar at everyone seemingly having a good time. Besides Michelle, I had met Kelly's other two friends Alani and Ciara. Ciara seemed really cool, but the Alani chick had an attitude problem. I avoided talking to her and from the nasty looks she was giving me, I didn't want to talk to her anyway. My attitude was much worse than hers and I did not want to punch the bitch in the face when I just met her.
"Is this all your hair?" Ciara asked me. I gave her a stank look and shook my head.
"Girl, no. Clip ins. But my actual hair is just about the same length, just a couple of inches shorter."
Ciara nodded her head, "It's beautiful. I like it."
Alani, or Lala, whatever her name is looked at me and laughed, "Black women always saying how their hair is long as whatever, but always wearing weave."
The smile I had on my face was gone and I just stared at her. "Actually, my hair is the same length, sweet pea. I added clip ins to give it a fuller look, which was the look I wanted. I don't have to lie about length. It's not that deep."
"Sure. I don't have to wear weave."
I shrugged, "Do you want a Scooby Snack? A lot of women don't have to wear weave, so what?"
Ciara looked in between us, eventually making Kelly and Michelle join in on the conversation.
"Wait bitch, I'm wearing weave so what the hell are you implying?" A drunk Michelle asked.
"Can y'all not?" Kelly said rolling her eyes, "Weave or not, you all are beautiful."
Lala laughed, "Yeah, some of us are beautiful with makeup and weave. Not everyone is naturally beautiful."
I sighed and sat my drink down. I felt like this bitch was trying me and I'm definitely not the one to be tried. "Baby girl, the only thing real on you is those butter ass teeth. You want to be fake Latino so bad. No one cares about your unhealthy ass hair. Maybe you do need to braid that shit up and get some weave and your edges will grow thicker. Do not come for me when I didn't even send for you in the first place. I said nothing to your old ass all night. Let's keep it that way."
"Woah." Kelly said pulling me back. By now we had the attention of everyone surrounding us. They just thought they would get a fight on camera of us but I wasn't going to even touch the bitch. Words hurt way worse and I know she's ashamed that I called her out on her unhealthy ass, uneven ass hair.
Just when Lala was going to say something else, two guys approached us. I couldn't really see their faces because of the dim lights here at the bar, but when I heard him speak, I knew one of the guys was Jay.
I immediately froze up and began to have thoughts that Kelly knew. She was still holding on to me like I was going to swing on her friend, but I wasn't. I let her know that and she finally let me go.
"Why y'all doing all that cappin' over here?" Jay laughed. He went down the line and gave everyone a hug and then he got to me. He slyly looked at me up and down before pulling me in. With his hand on my lower, lower back, he whispered in my ear.
"You really standing out right now. You look good as hell."
I could feel the wetness in between my legs and I knew it wasn't normal. Why am I getting wet at my friend's boyfriend whispering my ear? Why? How?
I played it off by laughing and pushing him away. "Yeah, whatever." He looked at me a final time before giving Kelly a kiss on the lips which made me shake my head. How could he? Again, he was only proving to me that guys ain't shit.
While they were all coupled up, I stood next to a drunk Michelle laughing and having a good time when my phone vibrated with a message. When I saw Clarence's name, a small smile crept upon my face. He wanted to see me so I told him where I was and he said he would pick me up.
I definitely wouldn't mind. Being around both Jay and Kelly isn't where I exactly wanted to be right now.
Thanks for reading y'all!
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