Lady dimitrescu

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For the most part I'm satisfied with this the only issue I have is that it's a bit rush for the hat shading because I really wanted to finish this before end of this year I wanted to get this done and posted days ago but time flys when trying to draw.

What I like about this are her flowers, I actually I had a nice time drawing and shading time and I also like drawing her eye because of her mascara, also an issue I had with her left eye was that it was a little higher than her right eye so I had redraw it,  I liked doing the right side of her hair with the curls, And liked doing the little detail of 'cracks' on her forehead.

What I don't like or  have an issue with is the shading of her hat again, like said That part was rushed for sake of getting this out and another issue is I don't know if it's my mind playing with me, the lips look a little bigger but comparing to the image I guess it looks the same size but that's just something that's bothering me a bit.

This will be the last new artwork of this year, and I do a have an art vs artist thing planned for tomorrow to end 2022

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