[5.9] Lost In Space

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AN: Christmas Eve!!! Merry Xmas and all the best wishes to you awesome sweeties who are reading this ❤️❤️❤️

This is not a special Xmas theme chapter haha I just put that photo because... relevant? I hope this lighten up your day somehow.

[Putting my apologies for a bad chapter here as usual =)))]


Everyday, (Y/N) and Yamazaki strayed further from Earth. The two honestly didn't know what they did in their past lives to deserve this.

(Y/N) came to the realisation that nothing in life could bother her this much. Not the unrequited love affair with Hijikata-san. Nor the dilemma with the Yorozuya boss. Nor the looming threat of terrorist activities. None of those could be more dreadful than being captured by the greatest crime syndicate in the entire universe.

"What is the first thing you will do if we ever come back to Earth?" Yamazaki asked, dark heavy bags under his eyes as he dutifully peeled a potato. They were the only two humans in the Harusame kitchen, being condemned to potato peeling duty.

"Of course I will go to the Shinsengumi firstly. And you?"

"Same here, (Y/N). I never know I can miss them so much." Yamazaki sniffled and dropped one tear on his potato.

"What do you think they are doing now?" (Y/N) murmured.

"Must be going crazy looking for you and forget my entire existence."

(Y/N) laughed silently.

"We didn't inform anyone where we went so it's very hard to trace us..."

Sitting next to a big spacecraft window, (Y/N) stared into space. She would be overwhelmed by the extraordinary milky way or the gigantic planets if it was not for her motion sickness that kept resurfacing here and there. Feeling the unpleasant nausea coming up again, she dropped her head on the window ledge and closed her eyes uncomfortably.

"(Y/N), you are looking like a banana leaf again."

The playful voice of the Harusame Admiral certainly did not help her condition. She glanced up to face a young boy, around the same age as Sougo, with vivid blue eyes and vermillion hair. (Y/N) wondered what Kagura's reaction would be if she knew (Y/N) crashed right into her monster brother.

"Captain..." She said lowly.

"Call me Kamui. You are not my underling." Kamui walked around the kitchen counter and picked a piece of ginger. He swiftly peeled and sliced it with a knife. Looking at his movement, (Y/N) knew he had experience with cooking.

The Yato returned to her and lifted up one slice of ginger:

"Say ah~"

"No thanks." She put up her hand but he quickly held her chin.

"When you have motion sickness, take some gingers."

Blinking awkwardly, she reached for the ginger slice but he took it away.

"No. Open your mouth."

Dear God, why did I have to deal with this guy and nausea at the same time?

Rolling her eyes to the side, she opened her mouth unwillingly and Kamui slipped the ginger in. He grinned widely as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and leaned on her head. Both of them gazed into the vast space ahead.

"Don't swallow. Just hold it in your mouth. After a while you will feel much better."

"But I hate ginger."

Kamui laughed and didn't say anything.

"Um... Captain—"

"It's Kamui."


"Drop the honorific. I'm not Japanese."

(Y/N) exhaled, feeling a headache creeping at the back of her head.


"That's better." He grinned wider.

"Can you let us return to Earth, please?" She went straight to the point.

"Why would I want to do that?" He replied frankly while still holding onto her.

"We are of no use to you here." She blinked her eyes tiredly "And I cannot live on a spaceship. I feel like I'm dying everyday."

She held her mouth and dropped her head on the ledge again, wincing uncomfortably. Kamui crouched down next to her and patted her back; a clear look of concern reflected in his eyes. (Y/N) knew she hit something here.

"I cannot keep holding ginger in my mouth. It destroys my taste bud." She showed her wrist which was sickly green and blue veins became more visible "I lose weight ever since you brought me here. At this rate I really will become a flat banana leaf."

Kamui chuckled at her imagination, but he soon turned back being serious. (Y/N) sit up and inched closer to him, her fingers slightly tugged his sleeves:

"Kamui. Please let us return to Earth. You can visit us anytime over there."

"Hmm. How can the Harusame Admiral walk in the Shinsengumi and pay Ms. Secretary a visit?" He asked cheekily with his closed eyed smile.

That took (Y/N) by surprise. All this while she and Yamazaki had been hiding their real identity to avoid further problem. She rubbed her temples as her head started to throb in pain now.

"So you know. But I didn't lie to you. I'm seriously gonna die here, Secretary or not. Why do you even keep us?"

Kamui widened his eyes and said blankly:

"I thought that is super clear? I'm fond of you, (Y/N)."

She stopped rubbing her temples and stared at the younger boy, her mouth hanging.

"Fond of? In what sense?"

"Why? You want me to say it more romantically is it?" The Yato leaned closer to her and asked teasingly while she leaned away from him.

"To have the Admiral himself peeled ginger for you and you still asked that question... How can you be a good officer with that state of mind?"

"To be honest, no mind can be sharp being in constant motion sickness for a whole week..." She winced as her stomach coiled up again "And how can you h-have feelings for someone you just met?"

"It's the Yato way." He held (Y/N)'s shoulders and led her to lean on him. His hand gently rub her back "I guess I do inherit something from my old man after all."

The girl didn't bother to ask in details as she was busy keeping the things in her stomach stay in her stomach.

"Look, if you continue to keep me here, the only thing I can think of is my death, by nausea." She bolted up and clutched her mouth, luckily her stomach was still in control.

"I know that. I don't intend to follow his steps." Kamui replied vaguely then he grinned and put up one finger "I will let you go back to Earth on one condition."

(Y/N) couldn't hide the excitement in her eyes. After one week of going nowhere, he finally cracked up something.

"You must tap me once on my head."

Her eyes went as dark as black hole.

Blinking nervously, she called out to Yamazaki who was sitting in the far corner. Just as Kamui turned to look at that direction, she swiftly extended her hand.

And he caught her arm without even looking. Laughing with great amusement, Kamui pulled her in for a hug.

"Don't think it will be that easy, banana leaf."

With his simple game, (Y/N) turned from a blob of nausea who moped all day in the kitchen into a blob of nausea who lurked around Kamui everywhere.

Actively carrying a box of ginger, she put the nth slices into her mouth to combat against motion sickness and focused on tapping the dam Yato. She was always proud of her reflex but the Yato was simply... not human, needless to say.

Left. Right. Up. Down. Back. Front. When he had a meal. When he talked to Abuto. When he took a nap. All her attempts were futile because he always managed to predict her action.

On many attempts, he would trip the attacker into his arms and made fun of her like she was a plushie toy, pinching her cheeks and ruffling her hair despite her struggle:

"You are so cute, (Y/N). See, you will get over your motion sickness in no time."

He often did it in front of his Vice Captain Abuto, who shared the same hopeless look and desperate sigh as (Y/N).

And that was pretty important.

"Abuto-san, I know you just want me to disappear for good. Can you help me to disappear for good?" (Y/N) pleaded. She leaned on the wall with her pale face as nausea struck again.

"If he knows we are having this conversation, he won't hesitate to break my neck." The older Yato scratched his head uninterestedly.

"You will not help me. You will just somehow slip out some useful informations..." She hinted.

"Nope." He walked away but was stopped by (Y/N).

"I know how it feels, Abuto-san. Your Captain is difficult to deal with, but previously he still had some senses left and did some works. Then one day he brought back a random woman and completely ignores his duties." (Y/N) whispered.

"And his duties become your duties as you break your back covering for him, but he never shows any appreciation."

As Abuto glanced back, a half smile flickered on her lips:

"My Commander is the same. Certainly subordinates like us can help each other out?"

He let out a small hum.

"Quite a sharp tongue you got there, human. But you are stupid to think I mind something petty like this." Abuto snickered and left.

When he reached the turning, the older Yato muttered randomly:

"I didn't happen to know there is a portal machine in NW section that we looted from our enemy. No idea where it would take you to."

Yes. Abuto the Vice Captain did mind something this petty.

(Y/N) yelped excitedly and hurried to find her comrade.

"Why are you so happy?"

She flinched at Kamui who appeared behind her. The girl awkwardly covered up the situation:

"I think my motion sickness improves a bit." She got past Kamui "I-I need to help Yamazaki-nii peel potato now."

Looking ahead, (Y/N) noticed there was somebody in the opposite direction.

The girl suddenly wobbled and almost dropped her box of ginger.

"What's wrong?" Kamui caught her and she quickly hid behind him, her hands clinging to his shoulders.

"D-Don't let him see me, please."

In front of them, the leader of the Kiheitai, Takasugi Shinsuke casually walked towards Kamui to extend his greetings.

It was a meeting between two of the most notorious criminals in space and (Y/N), wee representative of the police force, stumbled right on scene.

What the heck is this situation?

(Y/N) concluded that it was best not to let Takasugi saw her, considering how the Kiheitai clashed with the Shinsengumi in the past. Who knows what he will attempt if a member is within his grasp? The worst thing she could do to everyone at base now was to be held as hostage.

Above it all, she wondered if this terrorist still considered her a friend.

Most probably no, though. Back then, he was the most detached one out of the trio.

(Y/N) recalled the image of a young boy, who locked Sougo on his side and wrote on the wish ribbon. He smiled briefly and his eyes were pure green.

Mentioning of green...

(Y/N) hurriedly held her mouth and bent over, feeling another nausea attack. Kamui turned around and rubbed her back slowly while Takasugi leered at them:

"What happened to that woman?"

"Pregnant with my baby."

"NO I'M NOT!!!" (Y/N) spontaneously sprang up and struck the jokester, foregoing the idea that she needed to stay away from the Kiheitai leader's sight.

That was when she accomplished her goal. In one single moment where she did not carefully plan her attack and the Yato were slightly distracted, (Y/N) landed a hit on his head.

Time was frozen in its place as the Yato stared at her speechless and she looked at her hand in disbelief. Just to make sure that it was real, she tapped the same spot on his head a few times then proceeded to ruffle his Vermillion hair in pure amazement. The widest grin stretched across her face:

"I did it! Now you have to keep your promise! You have to let me return to Earth!"

Kamui looked up and touched his head, still recovering from shock while (Y/N) stumbled a few steps back excitedly. She had to get back to the kitchen and inform Yamazaki right this instant. Then they can—

A hand grabbed her wrist from behind, and (Y/N) felt a menacing aura sending chill down her spine.

"But I didn't make that promise." Takasugi snickered "You have strayed too far from home this time, Ms. Secretary."


Ever since her teenage years, this was the longest and farthest she was apart from everyone. Kondo-san. Hijikata-san. Maru. Sougo.

Yamazaki was right. She never knew she could miss them this much. Letting her mind wander into the outer space on the other side of the window, (Y/N) recalled the Yorozuya group.

She actually felt regretful that she didn't pay them a proper visit before getting tangled in this mess. Kagura even teared up in their last conversation.

It was because of the Yoshiwara incident. If that didn't happen, she and Yamazaki wouldn't be strained here at all. A certain someone was to be blamed for all this.

Letting out a desperate sigh, (Y/N) turned the blame on herself. Who was she kidding? She was the one that acted out and caused her own demise. Her head swayed slightly and she knelt down, feeling uncomfortable again.

"Why did you end up here?"

A cold sweat run down her forehead as she looked at the man in the purple attire.

"Because I was stupid."

"That's not what people said about you." He hummed slightly "Who would have thought you and the kid would end up being the government's dogs?"

"Who would have thought you would end up being a terrorist, Murasaki-san?"

She mumbled and glanced at him. Her gaze fixed to the bandage on his left eyes.

"A bakufu's dog like you wouldn't understand."

(Y/N) replied almost immediately:

"You are not the only one that had someone important taken away by war."

Leaning her arms and chin on the window's ledge, she gazed into space and ignored the guy's intense glare. Her half-lidded eyes glazed with unfathomable sadness and solitude as she saw herself reflected on the glass, blending into the dark.

It felt like she was alone in the whole universe.

"Unlike you, I refuse to let that darkness takes hold of my heart. But I understand why you chose to do so." (Y/N) stood up and dusted off her clothes:

"That's why we are in opposing factions." A small spark of fire lit in those desolate eyes of the tigress "From one miserable child to another, it's my duty to stop you at all cost."

He stayed silent for a moment then laughed loudly, to which (Y/N) just smiled slightly like it was nothing.

"Stop me? What makes you think I won't just kill you right now?"

"What makes you think the Harusame Admiral will allow it to happen?"

Seeing his expression, (Y/N) knew it was a perfect comeback, though it irritated her a lot. It sounded like she just admitted something was going on between her and the said Admiral. Her eyelashes fluttered shyly as she glanced to the side, pretending to be cool.

"You... don't actually carry his child, do you?" Takasugi asked, a bit awkwardly.

"NO!" She yelled in horror "He took me here one week ago! And I have very bad motion sickness..."

"So that's why you are stuck in this hellhole. You have the tendency to attract crazy brats." Takasugi smirked, his one green eye gleaming in between hazy smoke. "That idiot Gintoki must be going insane on Earth."

"Uhm. No..." (Y/N) rolled her eyes "He's busy seducing girls in Yoshiwara."

She placed hand on her mouth, wondering why she muttered that out. That was completely unnecessary and totally not true. The intimidating Takasugi actually laughed again:

"So this is what it is. He did something stupid and now you're jealous."

(Y/N) gasped at the baseless accusation coming from her enemy.



No—No way!

"I'm not. Don't simply say." She replied grumpily, trying to keep a straight face but Takasugi was a sharp one too.

"Tell me. Did he confess to you?" He walked closer to the girl, stretching his mischievous smirk, which made her more cautious.

"Why are we even talking about this topic? We are... enemies here." Her lips turned to a small pout.

"Because I happen to have information that you will be interested in?"

She blinked her eyes blankly:

"Don't think you can trick me like that."

"Relates to your Director—"

"Gin-san confessed to me once but I rejected him. There you have it. Now tell me what you know."

Takasugi had to turn to the side and snickered silently for a full minute. He actually pitied Gintoki for a second. Who was the pathetic idiot that claimed he was not attracted by the girl and then ended up being rejected by the same girl?

Putting his intimidating face back on, Takasugi informed her that recently there was trading of a special gem stone in the black market. It was the first one to be discovered after a few centuries.

"It emits radiation which is lethal to the people of Amanra. Upon close contact, they will die within few minutes."

"Amanra? The Ambassador Party will be held at Amanra Embassy..." (Y/N) muttered "B-But what does it have to do with Director?"

"That's as far as I know. But if anything happens to the ambassador by the hand of the Director, you know what will follow."

Public execution. Foreign affair crisis. Space war.

Cold sweat broke out on (Y/N)'s forehead as nausea crept up inside.

"What does the gem look like?"

"Blue. Like the ocean."

The image hit her like lightning struck.

It was perfectly clear now. That night when she stayed back at the Director's house, Kuriko showed her a necklace with an exquisite gem, the color of the ocean. It was sent to their house as a gift by the Amanra embassy and Kuriko would wear it to the party to show her appreciation.

Someone in the Amanra embassy was the mastermind who planned to assassinate the ambassador and initiate this war. That was why she was not able to trace any lead. It was not any terrorist group to begin with.

"Why did you tell me?" (Y/N) questioned the terrorist "Isn't this what you want? To create chaos?"

Takasugi blew out his smoke vacantly:

"I have my own plan and any unexpected event now will be a hinder to it. But what can you do being stuck in space like this?"

He leaned closer and looked into her eyes.

"Out here you are nobody."

She stared back at him unwaveringly and stated before leaving:

"Then I will do what nobody does."

Takasugi smirked, his gaze lingered on her back as she reached the door:

"Your important someone. Who was it?"

The girl glanced at him with her tranquil eyes.

"My parents. Also by the bakufu." Tilting her head to the side, (Y/N) smiled gently "You're the only one that know so please keep it a secret."

Takasugi chuckled and looked around the room, which felt strangely empty now.


(Y/N) followed Yamazaki as the two sneakily got to the location of the portal machine. They had no idea if their plan would work out or not but there was no other option. It was not like they could rely on Kamui to head this huge battleship back to Earth and drop them off, supposing that the guy was willing to.

"What did you come up with to distract the guards, Yamazaki-nii?"

"You'll know soon enough—"

They immediately dropped to the floor as the ship shook under what felt like a great earthquake, except that it couldn't be an earthquake because they were in space.

It was an explosion.

Yamazaki quickly helped her to get up as she

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