The fight broke out with the skeletons.
I thought I would be on the receiving end of the whole fight after I threw that punch at Irfan, but I was in for a surprise. Kesari joined in and we were there throwing punches and kicks everywhere kicking the skeletons to their downfall.
At some point, they nearly pinned us down but Raj and Prem walked in just in cue to join in the fight and help our sorry asses from being whooped.
"Get off them you fuckface!" Prem shouted at Bala who sat on us to crush us with his weight.
They helped us to get up from the floor before the fight took a turn for good. They were not a match for us, especially I who never took martial arts lessons and was a freestyler. We mostly bashed them well before we heard a clatter of something metallic.
It was Miss Bhatt who threw a tray on the floor to get our attention. And if being caught with a discipline master wasn't enough, Sir Gil, our class master was there as well.
"All of you, follow me to the principal's office."
That explained every deep shit question we had in our minds and I thought the best-case scenario would be with us being given a few days' suspension. I mean, we were in the last year of our studies, he couldn't have us expelled, right?
"And then you walked in and found us fighting. That is what happened!" I finished explaining to Principal Chaudhary about what had happened since there was no one they believed more between the eight of us than me.
"Sushant, is that true?" Miss Bhatt asked Sushant.
"Yes, Miss Bhatt but they ganged upon us!"
"You ganged up on me beforehand!" Kesari cut in.
"Quiet!" Sir Gil said when the bickering started. "I'm still with you Aarush, why would you throw a punch? Couldn't you like threaten them that you'll come to us and report them or do anything else?"
"It isn't the first time they've done that! And to be honest, I'm tired of walking around like a kite trying to report their misconducts when Mr. Molele is Bala's uncle and he gets them out of trouble with just a snap of his fingers." I was angry.
"Why throw the punch?" Sir Gil was still on me.
"I wanted to show them that I'm more than just a good boy Aarush. I can be angry and I can get vulnerable and that's why they shouldn't fuck with me because nobody gets away with messing with me."
It was a statement but there was a lot in it. I didn't know what was happening but I knew that it wasn't just that. I couldn't understand at that moment but it was too clear that there was something beneath all that anger that was flowing.
"You all can get back to class except Aarush." Miss Bhatt said and everyone was out of there in a minute top.
"Is this the part where I get punished for all the mistakes that everyone did?" I had to ask how they were looking at each other.
"No, Solanki. This is where you open up and we help you. This isn't a hearing, this is a safe place for you and we are your confidants." Principal Chaudhary said in a calm tone that had me trembling.
"I... I do not understand." I didn't know what they were up to.
"Listen Aarush, people talk. We might have heard some words that had us worried about you but we didn't know it would be this bad. Maybe you can tell us what is going on. We want to hear it from you." Miss Bhatt said.
"What have you heard?" I had to ask because I was officially confused.
"It might not be the truth, it might be what people think. All in all, you are struggling is what we heard. And it would help all of us if you talk about it and we get to know what's disturbing you for real." Sir Gil said not angry anymore. Concerned would be ideal.
I didn't know what to say. I didn't know if I had anything to say. It was all black and white. I couldn't even pick a different color.
"I don't understand what's happening around me." I found myself saying that.
I waited to see if anyone would say anything but it never came. They were all looking at me like I was expected to say more and I couldn't help but wonder was I supposed to say more? It was unclear to me as to what I was supposed to do or say next. And so, I said just what felt right at that time. Nothing felt right but at least it sounded sincerer and reasonable.
"I don't know what I did to the world that it's treating me this way, but I don't think it's fair. I'm not supposed to suffer like this for things that aren't even supposed to stress me. It's like I'm living every day while waiting for problems that I don't want. The problems that are too big for me and that I can't deal with."
It wasn't my intention to break down in front of all of them but blinking back the tears just made them flow like a river. I looked pathetic for goodness' sake.
"Not at home, not at school, everywhere I go is on flame. I don't have peace, I can't be normal, all I do is be the equalizer and the God of everyone around me. Everyone expects me to make their lives better but I'm not better myself. My life is a deepshit and I'm beyond fucked up. Sorry for the language but it's true.
"There is nothing I'm doing with my life apart from doing everything that makes everyone else happy but myself. I'm no God. I'm no angel. I'm just a tiny fucking human being in a world full of people. A world full of seven billion people and I'm the only one everybody around me goes after to deal with their problems. Don't they know that I'm a human, like them? And the funny part, when I try getting them the solutions they need, I'm the wrong one just because it's not what they want. This is fucking ridiculous."
My mind was running the same way my nose was. I believe I used more than twenty tissues at that point, good thing they didn't seem concerned with that but what I was saying.
"Am I doing anything wrong? If I'm doing something wrong, then tell me and I'll see what I can do to fix that. I'm just tired of all that's going on. I just want a break from all these." I looked at them and waited patiently for what they would say because honestly, I didn't know anything anymore.
"Aarush, it's hard to phrase what I'm going to say but I'll try to make it reasonable enough." Principal Chaudhary spoke and both of them seemed to agree that he was supposed to speak. "Among the students that I have known for a long time, you are the first. I've known you since the day you walked into my office in first grade and said how you feel bad about the way students in your class were treating your teacher. That was special and so angelic."
"That wasn't good as what my mother taught me!" I had to stand my ground.
"Well, that's what made you an angel. You've been a human angel since long ago and that's why everyone around you finds you reliable. They forget that you are a human as well because they are selfish but you aren't. and if I tell you, being selfish is okay and so human. Try being that and you will see how it all gets simpler through time. Try to think what would happen if you would not give answers to your friends in exams and they have to work and earn those Cs and Bs they get because of you." Principal Chaudhary continued before I cut him off.
"I don't give out answers in exams." I protested because it wasn't supposed to be known that I was the mastermind cheater of all students in my class.
"Oh honey, we do know that it's you who gives out answers in exams. We just don't know how you do it. We've spent the last five years trying to find a loophole to catch you but we still haven't found one." Miss Bhatt said making me groan with how correct they were.
"The point is, you've been giving out too much to people and you receive nothing in return. No money, no love, no comfort, it's just everyone taking you for granted. It's about time you take yourself for granted and reap the benefits of your hard work." Sir Gil added.
"And for starters, instead of coming to school early every day, you are going to have a rest today and tomorrow. Wednesday morning, I want to see you in here at 7 am." Principal Chaudhary said.
"Is that you saying that I'm suspended for two days?" I had to ask. I needed the clarification.
"It won't be a good picture to the school if I don't suspend you when it's all over the city that you have gone rogue now. But this suspension will be off the books. You still have a clean run but I hope what happened today won't happen again. When you come back on Wednesday, we will talk more about this issue."
"I'm not going to act as I believe in this 100% but I am giving you the benefit of doubt this time around. And I'm sorry for what happened."
I left the office to go back to class to take my bag and head home. Everyone was watching me like a plague except for Kesari who mouthed 'Thank you and sorry' making me smile a bit at that.
I proceeded to apologize to the teacher and went home. I was going for the rest that I was told to have. If I was going to have it anyway.
I was in the backyard trying to figure out how to do some things on my phone when I heard my father calling me in a so-not-good tone. It gave me a vibe of 'show yourself up before I kill you without finding you'. That's how threatening it was.
I had to put my phone in my pocket and follow where the voice came from. Why was he even home earlier than ever? I didn't know.
"Aarush, are you here?" He called again.
"I'm coming, I'm in the living room."
Just as I replied and turned around a corner to the living room, I was met with a scowling beast looking me dead in the eye, ready to eat me inside and out. I was creeped out.
"Jeez! You look like a monster in those children's TV shows." I couldn't help but comment.
He slapped me so hard that I couldn't even blink and stood there watching him.
"So, you want a monster? You are going to get one." He said while pushing me to the sofa that sat beside the flower pot that my mom waters even though the flowers are fake.
"Why are you acting out? Is there something wrong with how I'm raising you? Is that the image you want to show to people and tarnish my reputation? I didn't take all those 18 years of building my reputation just to see it being tarnished by a stupid fucking brat like you!"
He was full-on shouting. I was full-on perplexed. What a perfect confusing scenario.
"I don't know what the hell you are talking about! And why are you hitting me?"
"Don't shout at me, you idiot!"
He backhanded me and sent me tumbling down the floor. That wasn't acceptable in all levels of sanity that were registered in my head.
"You are playing dumb with me? Do you want me to act like this is normal? It's fucking not and you are gonna answer me every goddamn question as to why you beat up a bunch of kids at school."
"What?! Is that what they told you?"
"If that's what happened, what were you thinking they would tell me?" He shouted at me angrily.
"That's what happened! Were you there?"
He punched me that time around. He was deep red and I could see all his anger coming back at me. I didn't know if hearing about my suspension triggered his episode or if he was already in it and just made it worse. I had no clue.
"Stop hitting me! If you want to know what happened, you can just ask me not to hit me!"
It was another mistake I did because he went Mike Tyson on me in seconds. He was possessed or crazy. I had even started bleeding through my nose.
"Why are you hitting me you psycho!" I more than opposed than asked.
I had no choice but to return the punches and if I was lucky enough to find an opening, make a run for it. I was going to end up dead if I didn't stop him or run away from him that instant.
I threw uncoordinated punches and kicks until I managed to kick his head and he tumbled and banged his head with the glass table that shattered and left him with a cut on the back of his head.
I was too dismayed to know what to do but as he jolted, I made a beeline for the door and waited there to see if he was back to his senses. In movies, an act like that would make a possessed person take a bit of control over the demons since they don't like being hurt, I didn't know about bipolar people. I just thought since they had double minds, they would be the same.
"Aarush, you are not my son anymore. You've become a goon and dangerous to all of us. Before I call the police to come and take you, grab your things and go far away from here."
I didn't believe what he said and found myself chuckling. When I finally got ahold of myself, I was ready to tell him he was joking and he should stop it, but he cut me off as if he already knew what I was going to say.
I stood there to make him see how wrong he was but he didn't even flinch.
I didn't want to argue with him more than what already happened. I went back to my room and gathered the things that could help me survive the day. I was just going to let the tension pipe down a bit before I call him and ask him if I could come back home and talk about it.
"I'm sorry for what I've done and I hope you see this as a mistake and forgive me. I don't want to fight with anyone more than I already did. I'll get going though I'll be around."
I walked away from the place I so-called home for the last sixteen years that I had been alive. I wasn't crying but I had this pain in my body that just made me feel like I wanted to die that instant. I had remorse somewhere in me but I ain't got no tears left to cry.
I walked in the direction of our school trying to text my friends if I could go to anyone's place and they all blew me off. I really needed someone at that time but they all didn't respond or just replied with a simple no. I was fucked up.
I wanted to go to Minna Ma's or Rustema Chacha, but thinking of how their relationship with my father would be affected especially after that incident, I opted not to. I also knew my mom would be hot on her heels at my dad if I didn't go back to him and so I chose to go about the city and wait for them to call me or anything.
As I was crossing the road, a car appeared from nowhere in particular and it nearly ran me over but I got lucky and jumped out of the way just in time for impact. I sat up and wiped my clothes to find out I had a huge bruise on my right leg.
"Are you alright kid? Did I hit you? Is everything alright?" The man who I didn't know at all attacked me with those questions.
There was something that told me the voice was familiar. As I turned to face him, I recognized him in an instant. He was the owner of that restaurant we went to with the university students.
"No. I'm fine it's nothing much. Just small bruises. Thank you for asking."
I continued to pick up my bag and phone and stood up. He decided to offer a hand. I looked up and smiled at him and I gave him mine as he hoisted me up.
"I'm sorry kid. I was in a hurry and I couldn't see you crossing the road. I hope you accept my apologies."
I didn't know if he was crazy or he was being for real? I was the one who didn't use the zebra and caused that shameful accident that shouldn't have happened in the first place.
"No need to be sorry. I'm the one who was crossing the road in the wrong place. I'm sorry for causing this accident, I am a bit stressed." I finished and was ready to go.
"Oh okay then. Just, are you not hurt? I can take you to the hospital if ..." He was rambling so much I had to cut him off.
"No, I am not, and bye."
As I started to walk away, all the pain that I had failed to realize was there came crushing that I couldn't suppress the hurt sound I made. He knew better than to be a fool in that situation.
He helped me to his car and said that we were heading to the hospital and I couldn't deny it anymore. I thought it was just the two of us the whole ride to the hospital but I was wrong. There was a woman as well whom I didn't notice because she sat in the front seat and I was at the back, nursing my sorry ass and its bruises. The only time I knew of her presence, was when we arrived at the hospital.
"Because of you, we are now late to see her. I don't know how angry she might be. Oh, my daughter." The woman said.
By the looks, she seemed older than him, and they kind of looked alike. I didn't want to pry that much but she seemed like his sister to me. I also made out that they were fighting before the accident and that's why he was pathetic.
He didn't pay heed to her words and continued to take me to the hospital. He placed my hand on his shoulders and walked me in. We were greeted by the nurse at the reception who seemed so cheerful. I think he had his coffee late that day.
I was then taken to the emergency room and got consulted. The questions they asked were like the ones I heard in medical dramas most of the time. But the tests that followed were many and the only one I knew was X-ray.
They tested everything in my body, even my brain to measure the seismic shock that I might have gotten which was funny concerning the fact that, the only seismic I heard of was in Physics. How was I supposed to know there were other seismic apart from the Physics one?
The doctor said I had no other problem apart from the bruises and a bit of unusual body temperature which was explainable. He prescribed medicines that I could apply to the bruises and to drink. He advised me not to stress myself or the bruises.
He went to pay for the services and the medicines which clearly must have cost a lot but since he paid with the money in his wallet, it must be a small amount of money for him. We got out still inclined on his shoulders and went directly to his car where the woman we left was sleeping. He watched her for a good minute before opening the door to his side and enter in the car.
"So kid, where should I drop you off?" He asked after leaving the hospital premises.
"Any guest house near Gandhi School. And I'm Aarush, it's better than a kid."
"Okay, I'm Roy Agniholtri. And why didn't they ask for your name at the hospital?" Roy asked me looking at me with confusion.
"If I'm correct, you are a big shot and this is a police case so they swept it under the rug and no records taken, just treatment."
"Umm, that makes sense. But don't you have a home maybe or parents? It's not safe to stay in guest houses for a kid your age."
"I am sixteen. And I told you, the name is Aarush." I replied calmly. "Just take me to the guest house and I'll be fine."
"I insist that I take you home." He was persistent.
"I just left home and I'm not going back until I sort some things out."
"Do you wanna talk about it? I mean if you don't it's fine. But it's weird the way you say it."
Ooh God! That man was a nice definition of dumb.
"I fought with my father and he chased me away. And to be precise, I don't wish to answer any more questions right now."
I nearly thought we were done when it was quiet for nearly five minutes that he drove towards the school road. I was wrong.
"Where are you going to live the whole time as you wait for your father to come around? I bet you don't have enough money to rent a room for a long time."
That was a point. I didn't know why he picked it but yeah, it disturbed my mind as well.
"Yes, I don't have that money. Actually, I'm going to reach out before the weekend, he'll be fine by then. And I don't want to be far from school during these days." I sounded pathetic.
"You are in school?!"
I swear he didn't know how to express his
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