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We've reached the end of Season 1! Thank you so much for all the support and all the kind comments from all of you! I appreciate it!

Now before we get into season 2, I have several things I would like to discuss with all of you.

First and foremost: Who should Optimus do his internship with?

The whole point of the internships is for students to go and learn what it means to be a Pro Hero from someone else. However, since Optimus already knows the ins and outs, there's not much point for him to learn. The only thing I could see him doing is learning how to operate as a hero in the MHA world, which to him is very flawed. Also, another reason I thought of was that he is probably going to maybe help out his classmates as they intern. Example: He'd go with Shoto as he interns under Endeavor to give him moral support.

I saying this now but I do plan for Optimus and Stain to have an epic sword fight. That was one of my main motivations for writing this fanfic. I would love to see these two fight, not only in swords but also ideologies. So I'd want to place Optimus in an internship where he'd be in Hosu during the attack.

My second concern is this: Should I make a separate story that covers the events of season 2 and end this one here? I'm okay continuing this story as is, but if you want me to split it up into multiple stories, I'd be down for that.

What do you guys think?

These are my two main concerns. And I'd like at least the second one addressed before I start writing Season 2. I'll give you guys a week.

Let me know what you want to have happen.

For the internship, I'll keep that open till after the Sports Festival.

Once again thank you all so much for supporting me with this story.

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