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dying on the inside.
Early May, 1957

I looked at Valentina's store, which has the word "CLOSED" in a bright orange neon. However the lights inside the room were still on. Bright and yellow, as I walked to the door, turning the door handle, stepping into the store, sighing as I turned to the tables.

Valentina wasn't there, but instead the jets were. Some were laying on the wall, while others were seated on seats and tables. They looked at me, making me guess that they were having a conversation that I had interrupted. Crap. I needed somewhere where I could think. Definitely, Not with the jets. I turned to the door before I felt a rush come through my mind. The least I could do for riff, is to be with the people he loved, I didn't have to talk to them but just be with their presence.

I walked over to the table. Ice and Tiger were in one side. While Velma, and Karen were in the other. They watched as I walked to their side, making a spot for me as they moved closer to the wall. After a minute of the jets just staring the conversation went to normal.

I wasn't listening to most of the parts, I was just thinking about him. Riff. Why didn't he stay with me. I remembered, as I grabbed my purse. I looked at the shirt that Riff had left in my room after we slept together. I was gonna give it to him. I couldn't anymore obviously. I let my arms go through the holes, it was the closest I had to him at the moment. It was a little big on me, but it felt like him. Then I grabbed the letter, unfolding it as I started to read.

Dear Rebecca,

If you're reading this, I'm either dead. Or we're married in the future, and I'm showing this to you. (I'm writing this in may of 1957.) But I'm writing this before the rumble, I purchased a gun, and I'm sure you already know. I don't know how, but I know you do. I'm not planning on using it, but the jets want it, and they think it'll be a good idea. I'm just like "Okay." But that doesn't matter. I hope the rumble doesn't go bad. I just want the jets to win, so this could be normal. And we could be a normal couple in the west side, like Jim and Judy from Rebel without a cause. I'm sure you'd want that.  If I'm dead right now. I want you to know this. I love you so much Rebecca. I hate that our last memory together was us saying goodbye through your window. However I'm glad that we were , and we weren't sad or mad. I hate you Rebecca O'Hara. I hate your brown hair, and your smile, especially when I can see your dimples. I hate when you work, and I can't see you for those hours. I hate when you're mad at me, I hate your style. Especially, those stupid hats you like to wear, that look beautiful on you. I hate that you stop me from smoking, even though I know you're helping me. I really hate you Rebecca, a lot. But mostly I hate that you chose to fall in love with a guy like me. You're worth more. I'll see you soon Rebecca. Hopefully not too soon. In 50 years, I'll be here waiting for you. I love you. Riff.

I cleaned the tears of my cheek with my hand. It was humiliating about how I was just crying in front of the jets but I didn't care. I looked at my purse, realizing the shirt that I was gonna give back to Riff was still inside. I slowly took it out before wrapping it over me. I felt a part of him.

"Bernardo's friend Chino, he has Riff's gun." Anybody's spoke, as I sighed. Idiots I thought. "Oh Jesus." I heard Ice exclaim. "And he's hunting for Tony." Anybody's continued. "What are we gonna do?"

"I don't know." Ice responded. I watched as Anybody's left, "Wait." Ice spoke as they turned. "You've done good, buddy boy." Ice spoke. Anybody's smiled. That was probably the nicest thing the jets have done. Ice was the leader of the jets now I suppose. I watched as Anybody's opened the door, before I heard gasps. I looked at Anita, who had clearly been crying like me. "Leave." Anybody's whispered. It would've been a mean thing to say, but he was helping her, even if she didn't know. She slowly entered the store, as some of the jets stood.

"I want to see your friend Tony." She spoke clearly. "He's here?, he's supposed to be." She spoke. I wondered, about how she knew he was supposed to be here, but then I remembered Maria. "I have a message for him." She spoke.
"Where is Valentina?" She asked, concerned that no one was speaking. I wanted to speak, but I didn't know what the jets were planning.

"You're Bernardo's girl." One of the jets spoke. "We saw you at the gym." An other one spoke. I heard one of them ask her something but I had zoned out. Knowing them it was probably disrespectful, I didn't wanna say anything yet especially since I didn't even hear what they had said.

"Valentina, es Anita! Puedes subir? Porfavor Que tengo." I heard Anita yell. I felt the jets stand up, she wasn't saying anything disrespectful. If they had payed attention to Spanish those idiots would've known. "No Spanish. Not with us, not today." Tiger said standing up in front of her. I looked at Anita who attempted to walk forward, as A-Rab stopped her. She walked to the door, to exit as two jets closed the door.

"You heard her boys, she wants to pass." Ice spoke, crossing his arms over one another. "Hmm, she's too dark to pass."
A-Rab replied.

"Let her go." I spoke standing up, as Anita and the rest of the jets turned to me. "She's not doing anything to you all."
I spoke as Ice looked me up and down before turning to Anita. "Why don't you dance first?" Action asked lifting his hand. I heard the jukebox click, playing the song that played at the gym yesterday. I watched as Numbers walked over to her. "Dance with me Darling, like you danced at the gym." He spoke to her. "Can you stop." I sighed looking at Ice who was just staring. "Cutting in." Action said pushing Numbers away, as he started dancing. "Stop it." I spoke. I grabbed Actions shoulder pushing him to the side, before A-Rab grabbed Anita. I watched as he pushed her to the center. Taking off her jacket, As I heard another jet say something to her. Making her slap him before they grabbed her. "Let her go!" I yelled, as Velma, and Karen started yelling as well who stood next to me. "Ice enough!" I continued yelling looking around at him.

I grabbed Actions shoulder, attempting to pull him away as he grabbed my waist. "Let me go, Let her go!" I yelled grabbing Ice's arm. I wanted Tony to be here, he would defend both me and Anita. But Ice was the closest to him and to Riff. He turned to me, instead of helping her or me, he signaled to Action, telling him to let me out as he carried me out of the shop I tried to fight it off, lending my hand to Anita, so I could pull her out with me. She took my hand, as Tiger grabbed the top of my hand to pull hers away. "Help me!" She yelled, as he pulled my hand away. "No!" I yelled, as Action let me go outside of the shop, as I got my balance quickly running back inside before they shut the doors.

I ran to the door, hitting it immediately. "Don't hurt her!" I yelled hitting it as much as I can, in attempt to get Valentina'a attention. "Don't hurt her, please!" I yelled again, as Valentina came out of the stairs stopping them.

I couldn't hear anything, but I watched as Anita told something to Valentina, causing her to cover her mouth in shock. Anita came my way, opening the door to leave. She stared at me, as I stared at her as well. "I'm sorry." I whispered. "I'm sorry for us too." She spoke, not smiling, but I could tell she was genuine. I felt so bad for her. The jets had hurt her, they didn't hurt me, because I was "one of them." I hated them either way. I opened the door entering, as Valentina left to go to the basement.

"We're sorry." I heard, as I turned behind me. All the jets looked at me, they only felt sorry because they knew Riff would probably hate them because they disrespected me and someone I was trying to help. Riff wasn't that great, but if I tried to stop someone he would help me. "Fuck off." I responded, walking to the basement with Valentina. I wanted to speak to her, and only her.

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