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Dance At The Gym: Blues, Promenade and Mambo.

Early May, 1957.

I curled my hair, parting it in the middle so I could clip it back. "Mom asked where are you going?" My younger brother Isaac asked, stepping into my bedroom. "A dance." I responded, finishing another curl and parting it on the side.

"Really?" He asked as I nodded. "With who?" He asked. It came to me. My family don't know I have a boyfriend, when Riff stayed with me in the hospital, the nurse told me that my parents had left.

"With a friend." I responded walking over to my jewelry box.

"A guy friend?" I heard my moms voice from my door. Shit, I was never the type to hide secrets from my mom but I didn't know if I wanted her to know this particular secret. If I told her yes, she would ask who, and if I said who, I bet she'd know his name. "Maybe." I responded safely, as I picked a gold necklace, with a pendant with the letter R for my name on it.

"Who?" She asked. Panic. "Some guy from school." I responded walking over to my mirror, as I put the necklace around my neck. She knew I was avoiding the question, but it was just left to see how'd she react to it. Would she pressure me into giving her his name, or would she just brush it up.

She nodded walking over to my door. "Have fun and, stay safe Rebecca. You know how those gangs are." Oh yeah, I know how they are. I had finished everything. My hair was done, I had my jewelry in place, my dress was nice, and I was done. Then I remembered my shoes. I walked to my drawer, picking up blue small heels, with a elastic on the top so they couldn't slip off.

I heard a small knock on my window, as I walked over to it, moving the curtains, and pulling the window up. "Hey." Riff spoke, smiling with a smirk as he sat in the fire escape like in the morning.

"Give me a second." I spoke, walking over to my drawer once again so I could grab my flats. If I went on the fire escape with my heels, they would probably get stuck in between the bars. I put on my ballerina flats, that I wore in the morning and grabbed my heels by the elastic top.

I stepped out of the window, pulling it down as soon as I was on the fire escape. "There." I whispered as he nodded, we walked down the stairs as I looked at the Jets and their dates in the bottom. Ice with Karen, Mouthpiece with Velma, and so on.

"Great let's go." Riff said turning to the right, as I followed by the side of him. I watched as he reached for my hand, as I gave it him. "I like the dress." He spoke as I smiled. "Thanks, I did wear blue." I responded as he nodded.
"Thank you, by the way." He said, turning to me.

I smiled, as we continued walking. We finally reached the gym, in which everyone went onto the floor, except me and Riff.

"Here let me help." He said, as I sat down on a bench. I watched as he took off my flats, and placing the heels on my foot, then tying it with the elastic.

"I feel like Cinderella." I spoke, causing us both to laugh.

"You watched that movie?" He asked, as he grabbed the other heel so he could put it on me.

"Of course, you?" I asked as I watched him put the elastic through the holes. "Yes, didn't really like it though." He responded as he finished the heel.

"Why not?" I asked, standing up as I took his hand. "I doubt she was the only person with that shoe size." He spoke as I laughed. "You're right on that." I said, as he walked to a spot in the gym.

"Ok Becca, I really hope all the times we've dance helped right now." He said smiling. "Oh please," I responded as he laughed. I heard the jazz music, as I watched him set into the mood, as he twirled me. "Are you ready?" He asked.

"I guess?" I responded laughing. I watched, as he picked me up, dancing in the side, as he twirled me with his arm above me, extending my arms as I jumped in a spin. He grabbed me by the top of my arm, then spinning before pulling me right to him. Then, I kicked up, as I landed with my legs extended, one farther to where I had my weight on.

"You're doing great." He whispered causing me to laugh. Then he twirled me once more, before putting one arm around my back, and his other hand on the front of my stomach. I kicked front, then extending my arms before going back to him. Then we spaced out, spinning, before he grabbed my hand and pulled me to his opposite side. Then I extended my arms once again as the part of the music repeated, then spinning as he put his arms around my waist, and I put mine on the back of his neck.

Then as the music repeat one final time, I extended my arms then spinning back to him, like we had done repeatedly in the past 15 seconds. The music changed to a slight slower stage, as I put my arm on top of his shoulder and the other around his back. We both seemed to notice as Velma and Mouthpiece turned to the side to look as Anita and Bernardo came walking in.

I caught Anita's stare immediately, I really wanted to know what she thought when she saw me with Riff. Bernardo as well, who I felt saw me more as an ally before, now someone who's dating the man who's been making the sharks lives hell.

The jets that were on the other side of the gym, came walking to our side immediately as the sharks took the other side as theirs.

I watched as Bernardo spinned Anita so quick, before they grabbed each other's hands, as he lifted her up, causing her to spin towards my way and Riffs. She stopped at the sight of me, her eyes on me.

"Nice Date." I heard her whisper. I didn't know to respond, so I just stood there stunned. Before Riff pulled my back to him.

The music continued, as we spinned, before jumping and extending my leg in between. At a final move, we jumped before he grabbed my arm and I spinned on the side of him, as I landed on the floor, he pulled me towards him, as we both leaned to to each other's lips before he clashed into someone else. I looked, my mouth dropped as I saw Bernardo and Anita on the other side of us.

Bernardo called Riff something, before Riff called back. "You wanna dance buddy?" I heard him say repeatedly. I tried to yell at him, before I felt an arm pull me back. I looked to see Velma, "Be careful." She whispered. She's right by separating me by the jets because now all the jets were clashing into each other.

"Riff!" I yelled walking over to him, trying to grab his arm.
Then a whistle came from Officer Krupkee as he pushed the jets and sharks to the side, along with two other cops.

"Contain the aggression, okay?" I heard a school worker yell.

"What's the matter with you guys, pretty girls want to dance and all you can think of is to beat up on eachother." Krupkee stated. I walked over to Riff, where he pulled me towards him by my back.  "That wasn't funny." I whispered.

He didn't respond, but considering the fact that he looked at me told me he did hear me. "Alright, tonight is a social experiment, boys and girl girls. Brotherhood and all that. And you're the Guinea pigs." The School worker, spoke causing most of the jets to make the noises of guinea pigs.

"Thank you, right on cue." The school worker responded to the noise. "Be nice to each other, give us some hope, just for a little bit. Then you can revert back to your true feral selves." He continued speaking. I looked at Riff, who put his arms on my lower back. He could tell I was sort of mad at him. "They started it." Was the way he responded.

"Real mature." I responded back.

"Now, boys get into a big circle facing in, and girls, make a small circle on the inside facing out." The School worker instructed.

"Esperate, esperate. Y a ustedes donde le toca?" Wait, wait. And where do you go? One of the sharks asked causing most of the sharks to laugh.

"Speak English, in school sponsored functions. Now, everyone please!" He yelled as everyone continued talking.
Then a whistle was blown as everyone turned. "You heard the man!" Krupkee yelled pointing to the gym floor. Everyone looked at each other.

I watched as Bernardo, walked onto the center of the gym being cheered on, as he extended his arm to Anita. Which she took. I watched as Riff slowly removed his hands from my back and started to walk to the center of the gym. Shit.
He extended his arm, as I let my hand drop on his. The jets cheered as we walked to our spot, as we stood facing each other. Music started to play. "Boys, step it right. Girls, left. And when the music stops, ya dance with whoever's in front of ya." The school worker instructed. I turned to the left walking in the circle as everyone did.

The music stopped, as I turned. A shark stood across from me, I wouldn't have a problem dancing with one. I'd gladly do it. But considering Riff had landed with Anita, they'd do something to stop it.

"Oye, Javi, ponle fuego, vamos!" Anita yelled, before the band started to play mambo music. I watched as Anita took Bernardo's hand, before Riff came spinning in the side and grabbing my hand. As he pulled me up as my leg extended. A couple stood in between us before Riff let go off my hand so he could go to the other side. I put arm around as his shoulder, and he put his hand on my waist. We turned to see  Anita and Bernardo who stood at least 2 feet away.

"Come on! Give it a chance!" It's gonna.." the school worked called before being clashed by other people.

Most of the jets came to Riff's side, as everyone got onto their positions. I reminded myself mentally, just dance and after you can speak to Riff about this.

"Mambo!" The sharks yelled, before the jets called back with the same word.

"Go!" They yelled, as everyone spaced out to dance. I kicked my legs then spinning on one leg while the other stayed in the air. Then standing in on the front of my heels with my hands in the air. "Tony!" Riff yelled. I turned to where Riff was staring, as I saw Tony walking into the gym. Honestly, I was surprised to see Tony here, I never thought he'd get out of Valentina's shop. Riff grabbed my hand, as we left the dance to walk over to Tony stood in the corner of the gym.

"I knew you'd come, buddy boy, I knew you'd come!" Riff exclaimed, patting his hands on Tony's shoulders. I waved from a distance, before Riff grabbed my hand again "Hey! Come and dance, yeah?" He asked as we walked over to the dance floor once again.

Me and Riff founded our spot, before the music changed tone as the Sharks got into a single line and raced against us.

"Mambo!" They cheered as the girls extended a leg then turned to kick it again before snapping their fingers to us. I hated rivalry, it's crazy these gang things actually happened and not just in the presentations the school board gave us.

The song changed tone again, but this time the boys dances forward before the girls then went into their way. I watched as Anita kicked forward, opposite of me and Riff.

"All right, let's go boys." Riff spoke turning to me before getting into place as the other jets did. I looked at the girls next to me, all of them going into a positions before the jets danced forward.

I followed Riff, extending my arm before doing a long spin. Then I ran forward before Riff grabbed my hand as Me and Anita's faced stood centimeters apart. I watched as Riff attempted to speak or probably jump Bernardo as a shark was holding him back. "Riff!" I yelled grabbing his hand, as I lead him to the dance floor as he turned to see what was grabbing him. "Oh, hey Becca." He greeted as he followed me. "Don't hey Becca me." I whispered as we walked to the Jets side of the gym.

I clapped to the sound of the music before going to Riff as we each extended our arms opposite of each other.

I extended my leg as Riff grabbed my waist and lifted me up, before he put his hand on my back and spinned. I never noticed how much Riff loved dancing especially, i didn't particularly like it but it was fun with him. I wouldn't tell him that though. Everyone continued dancing, spinning, letting your arms swing and more. The music slowed to a more jazz, as i put my hand on the back of Riffs neck and the other on his arm.

We followed each move of the dance as I looked at him. "Are you mad?" I heard him ask. "Not yet." I said letting my head rest on his chest. "But a little annoyed." I whispered. He let his head rest on top of mine. "Are you having fun?" He asked. "When I'm dancing yeah." I replied. We heard a loud sound as we turned to the corner of the gym to see Tony pushed onto the benches and Benardo in front of him.

"Shit." Me and Riff whispered at the same time as we sprinted over there to see what was happening.

Riff went next to Tony as I stood about 2 feet away from him. I overheard Anita comforting Maria. "I just wanted to dance with her." Tony defended himself. "She don't wanna dance with you, American." Bernardo said going up to Tony.

Officer Krupkee ran up to Barnardo as I looked at Maria who only had eyes for Tony. Then it came to me. Tony had danced with Maria. Anita ran up to Bernardo, "ya tranquillo, no paso nada." She exclaimed to Bernardo.

I looked at Riff who was smiling at Tony. "Riff let's not start anything!" I yelled to him as he put his arm around my shoulder.  I watched as Bernardo raced towards Tony, Riff must've noticed as well because I watched as he ran and stopped Bernardo.

He whispered something to Bernardo who seemed to agree as he and 2 other sharks left the gym.

He caught my stare. He could tell I was a little disappointed as he lip synced, Don't leave.

My petty self, would definitely leave just to not give him what he wanted, but I couldn't leave the gym by myself.  It was night in the west side, and there were other creeps then the jets. So instead I walked over to the food table and poured myself a cup of soda as I stood in the corner of the gym watching everyone dance. Only 2 jets had left with Riff so there was only 2 other girls who were alone like me. However they had found someone to dance with.

Maybe I could as well, but I never knew how to talk to guys at all. So instead I just stood there in the corner and drank my soda. Watching people dance, go under the bleachers and get yelled at by teachers. I heard the distant sound of a door opening as I turned to see who arrived.

I looked at Riff, who's stare looked around the room and stopped at mine. He ran towards me before stopping his tracks. "Do you want to go home?" He asked.

I nodded as I walked to the side of him. "I'm sorry." He spoke. "I know this isn't what you were expecting." He said turning to glance at me. I sighed. "Did you plan to fight the sharks?" I asked as we stepped out of the gym and walked in the hallway.

"Me and the jets did, and i'd do anything for the jets, I hope you know that." He responded as we left the building and stepped onto the street. I knew. The jets were like his brothers, his family, while I was eating thanksgiving with my parents, he was with the jets.

"I know." I responded. "What'd did you plan?" I asked as He turned to me. "A rumble." He responded. My heart dropped. He could tell I was shocked and disapproving.

"It's my plan, the jets need to win. If we win I hope to resign from the jets. And focus on you and school." He spoke. "However if they win, the jets will see us a failure. And I can't let that happen." He said. In a way, I understood him. But I didn't think that a rumble would be the best way to retire.

"What will you do if the sharks win?" I asked. "I don't know." He responded.

"Just leave them alone, Riff." I spoke as I stared at his eyes. "I can't." He responded in the most saddened voice. I took his hand, holding it as we continued walking.

"Did you have fun?" He asked. "I honestly expected it, but I didn't want it to happen." I responded referencing all the fights and the Tony thing.

"I can't believe Tony kissed Bernardo's sister." I spoke as we reached the stairs to go up to the fire escape.

"Me either do you think he knew it was her?" He asked. "Probably not." I responded taking off my heels to put on my ballerina flats.

He handed me my flats as I placed them on my feet.

I got on the stairs as he followed me, before reaching the window of my room. I unlocked it as I looked at Riff who stood there waiting. "Thanks for coming with me." He thanked, I smiled as we both leaned in to kiss eachother. His hands in the back of my jawline.

We pulled away as I looked at him. "I don't want you to leave." I whispered, remembering my mom or father might be awake.

"Me either." He whispered back as I leaned on the brick wall of the fire escape. I kissed him this time, as I almost got on my tip toes. I was about 6 inches shorter then him, so sometimes I did have to stand taller then I actually am. Since I was wearing ballerinas flats I just looked shorter then normal, since I usually wear platforms.

He pulled me closer. As his hand that was in my jawline moved to the back of my neck. And the other on my lower back. I pulled away for a second as I pulled the window of my room up so we could step in. Almost falling over the railing. I got inside, as I pulled him inside seeing his legs come inside. When he was inside he leaned to me as I grabbed his blazer. "Wait." I whispered.  I walked over to my door, checking the hallway of the apartment before locking it. He grabbed me kissing me, as I grabbed the back of his blazer trying to pull it off. He noticed as he pulled away. "Are you sure?" He asked. I remember when he asked me that a two months ago, but by the look he gave me this. I was sure he wasn't thinking about someone else. So I nodded as he put his lips on me, trailing it down to my neck as I moved my head back. 

I pulled his blazer down leaving him in his shirt, as I felt his hands on the zipper of my dress, attempting to move it down. "This would be a horrible time for your zipper to be stuck." He whispered causing me to laugh. "Who cares." I whispered back. I was okay with him ripping the dress, but eventually the zipper came down. As he grabbed my thighs, pulling me up to place me on my bed. He didn't remove the dress, but it was loose from the top so if he moved the strap on my shoulder it would fall. I watched as he got on top of me, kissing my lips as he put his hands on my back, pulling me closer to him, my chest pressed up against his.

Eventually the night continued, the moon shinning through the window as if it glowed just for me and Riff. A perfect night.

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