~Chapter 3~

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This is Sebastian's bike you will all see why later in this chapter the reason I put this up. Also comment if you think I should do a chapter or half a chapter in Sebastian's P.O.V!

{Katrinas P.O.V}

I found my ripped, black skinny jeans, superman cap, galaxy print converses and galaxy print jumper. I pulled my hair out of the lose pony tail I always put it in when I'm doing any type of work. Quickly I brushed my hair then changed into my clothes. Just as I was tying up my converses, the doorbell rang.

"You want me to get it Kat?!"

"No, I'll be done in a few more seconds."

I said this as I rushed to put on my galaxy print phone case, to match my clothes. I ran down the stairs and bumped into my brother. After giving him a quick hug goodbye, I opened the door and waved back at Damian. There sat Sebastian on the front steps. Once he heard the door open, he immediately shot up and smiled at me.

"You look good in galaxy print."

"Haha thanks, it's my favourite design of clothing."

"As you can tell mines more consistent of blacks, whites and greys."

"Yep I can see."

"Ok, get going you two."

"Sure lets go Kat."

"See ya Damian!" I shouted out to him as Sebastian dragged me along with him.

He pulled me all the way over to a motorbike.

"Oh no I'm not riding on that death trap!"

"Hey you're going to hurt my baby's feelings!"

"I don't care, I've never been on one and I never will be!"

"At least tell me what model it is, 'cause I'm a bit clueless about these type of things."

"I wasn't expecting you to ask that but ok, she's a Suzuki GSXR1000."

(My favourite motorbike, and that's is my reason for putting the photo up aha.)

"Cool and so where is your place?" I asked as he gave me his helmet to put on.

"About 20 minutes away from here."

"Uh don't you need this?"

"Oh yeah but I want to make sure you stay safe and I've been riding bikes since I was 11 so nothing's going to happen, I promise."Sebastian said as he straddled the bike and started up the massive engine.

"Ok good, I trust you to not let me get killed alright."

"You trust me?"

"Yeah of course I do, I mean why wouldn't I?"

"Well you've only known me for less then 24 hours and yet you trust me."

"I know when I find great people, you just happen to be one of them." I said while straddling the bike and wrapping my arms around his toned waist.

Man why do most boys have abs jeez.

"Hah, thanks I think." he said before we were off to his house.

To be honest riding the bike was pretty cool and I didn't mind being pressed up against Sebastian's back when I was afraid I was going to fall off. It's just what speed he was going. He kept going over the speed limit, I was not happy about that. I mean I don't want him to get a speeding ticket, just because he might of been trying to impress me.

After many hits on his chest and arms, we walked into his house or should I say mansion. It was HUGE. But what do you expect, he's from the most powerful pack in Australia. When he opened the door a little girl with bouncy bleach blonde hair came running at Sebastian. Sebastian had a huge smile on his face as he picked up the little girl.

"Seb Seb, your home!" she squealed, and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Yes, Laura I'm home, did you really miss me that much?"

"Of course I did, Seb Seb who's she?"

"Oh, Laura meet Katrina, Katrina meet my youngest little sister."

"Hi your very cute." I giggled when she reached out to touch my hair.

"Your really pretty!" She said happily and jumped out of Sebastian's arms, straight into mine.

"Aww, thanks but your even prettier then me." I said while moving her onto my right hip.

"Wow...shes never done that before."

"Do what?"

"Leave me for some else, she only does that with Luke and mum."

"Well I guess she likes me then haha."

"Yeah uhm lets go, I'll show you around."

"Oh sure, I wouldn't want to get lost in this huge place." I said as we walked into the biggest kitchen I've ever seen.

"Don't worry Seb Seb will save you like the princes do in the movies."

"Really now, that would be funny to see your brother riding on a horse and finding me huh."

"Yep, it would ahaha."

"So this is the kitchen, to your left is the ball room and to your right is the lounge room."

"Why do you guys have a ball room?"

"When the alphas turn 18 and they haven't found their mates yet, there will be a ball full of un-mated females that could potentially be my mate."

"Oh and Laura here likes to play prince and princesses."

"Cool, can I play sometime Laura?"

"Yeah let's play it when Seb Seb finishes showing you around!"

"Well then I guess we are going to have to go quicker."

"Alright lets go shall we?"


After about an hour of walking he showed me the back yard, the big pool on the third floor, all three game rooms as well as everyone's rooms. We ended up back in the kitchen, we had a bit of food and after we entered the ball room.

It was bigger then my house!

"Wait, what are you going to wear princess Kitty."

Over the past hour she's been calling me kitty. I don't mind it but my mum used to call me that. It's bringing back old memories from when I was little.

"Well, if we ask Prince Sebastian he might know what I'm going to wear."

"Ok let's go to him."

Sebastian was talking to what looked like a guy, looking exactly like him only a few years older. We kept on walking all the way to them and when we got there Laura let go of my hand. She ran all the way to the older looking Sebastian and jumped into his arms like she did earlier with Sebastian.

"Hi, I'm Luke and who, might I ask, is this beauty?"

"Hi I'm Katrina and I'm a friend of Sebastian's from school."

"Yeah she just started today, so I'm doing the best I can to not be a total dick around her."

"Yep, you do, do that quite a bit don't you?" Luke chuckled and put Laura back onto the ground.

"What's princess kitty going to wear?"

"Oh right, well I actually think I can find the perfect dress for you from mums fashion line."

"Ok show me the way then, I would get lost without you."

"Yeah you would, wouldn't you aha"

"Shut up and lets go 'Seb Seb' hehe."

"Sure kitten, this way and stay close unless you want to get lost."

"I'm staying close." I mumbled as we kept walking down the many hallways.

It only took a minute or two but the whole time I was just walking and staring at Sebastian's back. When we got to a door he opened it to reveal a massive room full of clothes. Everything ranging from bathing suits to complete ball room dresses. If you thought of a piece of clothing I'm sure you would be able to find it in here.

"Welcome to my mums fashion room, hang on a second because I think she might be in here."

"Yeah ok."

"MUM, YOU IN HERE?!" He hollered out to the entire room full of clothes

"Wow warning next time your gonna use that alpha voice, jeez that almost burst my eardrums!"

"Oh my moon goddess, I'm so sorry Kat I didn't mean to be that loud."

"It's ok just give me a warning yeah?"

"Of course."

A/N: Hello my chicken nuggets really hope you enjoy this and I'm very happy about the comments I've been getting. Thank you for waiting and I'm really sorry this one was kinda rushed but I hope it's long enough.

Should I do a chapter or half chapter in Sebastian's P.O.V?
It's all up to you guys, or should I say girls?

Chapter 4 here we come!

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