Part 2: Chapter 1

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My Popular Twin Sister-Part Two

So this is part two of the story and it's been two weeks since Cherry and her family have came back from the trip. Blah blah blah. Anyways this part is mostly going to focused on the characters Cherry, Colton, Rider, and mostly Peaches. So lets begin. Oh and I'm keeping it in Cherry's POV :)


(Two weeks later)

Everything is pretty much back to normal...........Ok, well as normal as it can get.

Colton's foot is stuck in a cast for three more weeks.

Peaches is creeping me out........Ok well she always creeps me out, but she doesn't creep me out as much as she would usually creep me out which is very creepy.

Rider has been quiet also and keeps fighting with some guy over the phone.

As for me, nothing really has change. Everyone at school still follows Peaches and hates my guts. Colton just says that they might jealous of me, which might be true. Like look, I have the most amazing, caring guy ever. I wonder what my life would of been if Colton and never met? Cause I can't see that.

Also, Colton's parents bought a house here in town so Colton and me can hang out when ever. Like I was shocked at first when Colton told me, but actually it was his parents that wanted to have a house in the town I live in. They also said they are going to take a break from the fame and see what's it like to live like normal people. Once Colton's dad finishes his movie he's been working on. The movie is said to come out in the summer, but right now it's almost winter. The days have been getting colder and it's been raining just a bit more the normal. I have to say, I do love the winter.

"Cherry, come on, we have to go." I turned around to see Peaches standing at my door wearing a pink t-shirt, jeans, black heels, and a fancy black jacket. See what I mean by she's creeping me out!! She has been calm and quiet for the last two weeks and I'm wondering what the heck Rider said to her. Oh, speaking of Rider he is actually living in town also, his dad is letting him stay with Colton and Kiki was all excited to have another kid in the house. I don't know why but whatever.

Oh, and what about Zee? Well, yay. Long story short he got sent to jail for trying to break into a store. I don't know, Zee's like 18 or 19 years old and I don't know what's wrong with him. Colton really doesn't care and neither does Rider. But when Colton's parents found out about it they were disappointed about him. Peaches didn't even care at all either, it's like she never knew the kid.

"I'm coming." I said and I gabbed my hoodie and my book bag and followed Peaches downstairs. I went into the kitchen and found my parents talking at the table. They then stopped talking, turned to us and smiled. My mom then got up and grabbed her keys and coat.

"Ok, lets go." My mom said and I nodded my head but Peaches just turned around and headed out to the car. I looked at her weird and then turned back to my mom. "You know why she's acting so strange?" My mom asked and I shrugged my shoulders. Actually I do know why she might be acting this way. I still got to ask Rider about that.


Once my mom dropped us off, Peaches went to go find her crowd while I went to go find either Rider or Colton. Mostly Rider, to finally ask what he had said to Peaches two weeks ago. I looked around in the front of the school but I didn't see any of them. I headed into the school and started to walk around looking for them.

"Cherry!" A certain guy yelled out from behind me and I turned around to face Colton. His right foot was in a red cast and he was using crutches to get around, I feel back for him but he keeps saying it's no big deal. I then saw Rider right behind him looking very annoyed and holding his phone in his hand. "Finally I found you." He say coming over to my side and putting his arm around my shoulders and giving me a quick side hug before letting go.

"I was looking for you too." I said and he smiled and nodded his head then looked over at Rider. I looked over at him and notice he was glaring down at his phone. "Rider are you ok?" I asked and he lifted his head and managed a smile.

"Fine darling, just angered at my-"

"Soooo, Cher we should get heading to class." Colton then interrupted and I looked at Rider quick and he shrugged his shoulders. "Come on Cher, Rider we'll see you at lunch." Colton then said and Rider nodded his head.

"See you later guys." Rider said and he headed off to his class. He was a grade above up so I won't be seeing him till lunch. I looked at Colton as we headed to our classrooms. I remember that happening when Roy, Rider, and I were at the hotel talking when Colton was kidnapped by his brother. Roy interrupted Rider when he was about to say that he could contact someone but I have no idea who he means. What the thing they are trying to keep, I know it's something.

"Why did you cut him off?" I finally asked Colton and he looked at me.

"Umm....well we really have to get to class and all plus it nothing important." He said managing to shrug his shoulders and I sighed. Sounds kinda important if Rider was cut off twice by two of his buddies. "Really it's nothing. I see you at lunch." He said a few minutes later and then he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and left heading to his class. I went into my class and sat down in the back away from the annoying kids upfront and Peaches.

Rider is a real mystery.

"Hello class, how was your weekend?" The teacher, Mrs. Cod, asked and a few kids raised their hands. The English teacher is awesome because we spend about ten minutes of class telling each other what we did over the weekend but I really don't talk about what I did, though Peaches does. The teacher looked at the kids and then smiled, "Cherry-"

"Huh?" I said confused.

"-What happened over your weekend?" She asked and all the kids turned to me. I bit my lip thinking, I hung out with Colton, and Rider most of the weekend at Colton's house. We just played video games, well they were teaching me how to play this one video game that involved racing around tracks. Then Kiki got bored, so while the guys were playing the game system I help Kiki make cookies and a giant chocolate cake. Note-to-self: Never have Kiki double the cake recipe it then turns into a giant muffin overflowing the cake pan while in the oven. But I have to say it was quite funny. Colton is actually happy that his parents are taking the winter off from the fame, he like being a normal teen. No wonder I like Colton, he doesn't care about money and fame. "Cherry, are you going to speak?" She asked again and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"I mostly hung out with Colton and Rider at Colton's house, they were teaching me how to play a game." I answer all the girls turned to me quickly.

"WAIT, Rider Stevens? The kid a grade above us?" A girl asked quickly and a few girls nodded their heads.

"Yes, Why?" I asked and four of them squealed happily like little girls.

"He is like the cutest thing ever-" Amy said.

"No more like HOT!" Ginger giggled

"Plus I heard he was built, very strong-" Sally told them.

"How can you tell, he always wears a hoodie or leather jacket?" Heather questioned.

"How about the blue highlights in his hair?" Amy said and Ginger giggled.

"Cherry?! Is Rider a good kid?" Sally then asked over the talking of the other girls and I stared at them in horror. If Rider was here right now he would be laughing like a idiot. The teacher then sighed shaking her head when there was a knock on the door and another teacher popped his head in.

"Mrs. Cod please come out for a minute." He said and she nodded her head and headed out of the classroom.

"So, Cherry is he a good kid?" Sally asked again once and the girls looked over at me.

"This is stupid." The guy, Greyson, sitting two desks away from me mumbled and I nodded my head.

"Tell me about it." I said and he smiled.

"Come on Cherry, is he a good kid or what?" Sally asked and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not answering that." I told her and she glared at me and crossed her arms turning around.

"Peaches is Rider a good kid?" Sally then asked Peaches and Peaches turned around looking over at her friend.

"Yay, he's nice I guess." Peaches said and she turned back to her other friends and started talking with them. Ok she acts like she always does in school, but at home is quiet if she isn't doing anything. But she's mostly out doing photo shoots and going to the mall with friends.

"Class stop talking." She told us and everyone went quiet. She then looked over at the door, " We have a new student today, and I guess some of you guys remember who she is." She said and then a girl walked in. She had dark brown hair and brown eyes and she was wearing jeans, a pink v-neck shirt with a white tank-top under it, and black boots. NO WAY!!! SHE'S BACK. "This is Daisy Western." The teacher said and I smiled a bit.

"CHERRY GIRL I MISSED YA!" Daisy then yelled happily and she ran to the back of the class and gave me a hug.

"I can't believe it your back." I said shocked and she nodded her head and sat down in the seat next to me.

"Yay my dad's job got relocated to this town and we're back!" She said and I laughed. I missed her energy and the way she can brighten anyone's mood. Maybe she can brighten Rider's mood at lunch. "Now, you and Colton are still together, right? Wait, I just remember his family bought a house here didn't they so you two can be together. Oh, and how about this Rider kid I heard you guys talking about in here. You know what we have to catch up, I was going to but I lost your phone number again and you know I don't remember much. Anyways-"

"Ok Daisy I know you got back and all, but save it for lunch and the free period." Mrs, Cod said surprised at Daisy's energy.

"OK, Mrs. Cod." She said turning around so she was sitting in her sit right. She then turned to me and smiled, and I smiled back. Maybe this isn't going to be such a bad day.


Third period was finally over and I was heading off to lunch. Daisy, so far is only in my first period class and man can she talk. I just can't believe that she's back. My best friend. I swear I'm dreaming.

"Hey darling." Rider then said and he caught up to me and started walking by my side.

"Hey." I said and he looked down at his phone. I looked down at it and saw he got a text message. " I have a question that's been bothering me, care to answer." I asked and he nodded his head. "What did you tell Peaches when we were at Colton's other house?" I asked and he looked up and grinned.

"You don't want to know, darling. " He said and I glared at him. "Had some bad words in it." He added and I punched him in the shoulder. He then laughed. "Come on you had to see her face, it was soooo funny." He told me and I crossed my arms.

"You are one messed up kid." I told him and he shrugged his shoulders.

" I thought I was your annoying, sarcastic, flirting friend, and now I'm a messed up kid?" He complained and I rolled my eyes.

"No your still a annoying, flirting, sarcastic friend." I said and he nodded his head.

"Well I'm not that sarcastic." He said with sarcasm and I rolled my eyes again.

"Sure you are." I mumbled as we got to the lunch room and I notice Colton sitting at the one table his crutches under the table and out of the way. I snuck over there hoping to scare the heck out of him but failed when he turned around quickly.

"I'm not falling for that trick for the fifth time." He said pointing at me and I glared at him playfully. "Sup, Rider." Colton then said as he sat down across from him and I sat down on the left side of Colton.

"Fine though my-"

"Give me your phone." Colton then said interrupting him once again and Rider headed him his phone. "This is so annoying." He then mumbled as he started texting the mystery person I have no idea who they are. After a minute Colton gave him back the phone and Rider looked at him and grinned slightly.

"Nice one, Colton."

"OK, I'm confused." I said and they looked at me.

"Confused how?" Rider asked and I turned to him.

"Who's the person your texting and fighting with over the phone, Like really this has happened three times." I told them and they looked at each other and back at me.

"Ohh, come on Colton, why not tell her. She's going to find out sooner or later." Rider said and Colton shook his head.

"No, not yet. Maybe another time." Colton told him and I punched him in the shoulder. "What? I just don't want you to be shocked and all." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, I'll wait." I said and Colton placed his arm around me.

"I know you will." He whispered and I turned my head and kissed his cheek. "Thank you." He said and I laughed.

"Cherry, Cherry, CHERRY!" Daisy then yelled and she ran over to where I was at and sat down quickly next to Rider like she didn't know he was there. "Oh my goodness, Peaches is over there talking about you guys and saying stuff which I know aren't true in any possible way." She told me and I sighed, and Colton pulled me closer to him since his arm is still around me. "OMG It's Colton! Cherry told me about you!" She said and then she turned to Rider who was looking at her amazed, " And you must be Rider Stevens." She then pointed to him and he nodded his head.

"Umm..Yay, and who are you?" He asked and Daisy narrow her eyes at him, I have no idea why but that's Daisy.

"Daisy, Cherry's best friend." She told him and Rider turned to me.

"Really? I thought I was your best friend darling!"

"Your pushing it Rider." I said and he grinned. Daisy kept staring at him but then quickly turned to me.

"Did he just call you darling?" She asked and I nodded my head. "Why? Wait don't tell me! Let me guess, when you guys first met, Rider thought you were cute looking and started calling you darling and hasn't stopped since." She said and I nodded my head shocked.

"Hey it was that or 'cupcake'." Rider mumbled and both me and Colton glared at him.

"Ok, Rider. For the last time stop flirting with my girlfriend, greez." Colton said to Rider and Rider looked up and shrugged his shoulders. Daisy just kept laughing at us.

"Man, now I'm happy to be back." Daisy said and I laughed shaking my head.

"Daisy I have a question?" I asked and she turned to me.

"Answer away."

"Can you put Rider in a good mood?" I asked with an evil grin on my face and Rider raised and eyebrow at me.

"I could try, but he looks like a hard one to crack." She said and Rider rolled his eyes.

"Good luck." He mumbled and Daisy looked like she was thinking.

"You look like your having family problems? With a brother maybe?" She said and Rider and Colton both turned their heads to her.

"What!?" They both said at the same time and Daisy clapped her hands once.

"It's true then! I always seem to know what's wrong with a person, that's why I know." She told them and I looked at them weird.

"Rider you have a brother?" I asked and he groaned slapping his phone down onto the table and running his hands threw his hair.



hehehehehe don't you guys hate cliffhangers and what a great way to end the first chapter to part two of this story. hehehehe,






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