3. bodyguard

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that's josh holloway and he will be playing andrew!

chapter three:

the next morning beatrice expected to wake up to the smell of her well prepared breakfast, consisting of over medium eggs, two slices of bacon, one pancake bathed in syrup and fresh fruit.

but instead she woke up to her name being called by meredith. she groaned loudly when she felt herself being shaken up with a pair of cold hands. she recognized them as her nan's.

"what?" she grumbled.

"wake up hun, your father wants you to get ready" she whispered. beatrice rolled on her bed and stared up at the ceiling, groaning loudly as she stretched.

"why?" she whined.

"he has to talk to you, now get up and take a shower. he's waiting for you at his office" was the last thing meredith said before she walked out of the room, closing the door.

beatrice groaned once again before getting up from her comfortable and cozy bed, and stumbling towards the bathroom.

after washing her face and brushing her teeth, beatrice got in the shower and allowed the warm water to wash out all her worries.

she wondered why her dad wanted to talk. probably about yesterday. maybe he was just worried and wanted to make sure that she was doing alright.

minutes later she was going through her closet trying to pick something to wear. she grabbed something simple seeing as she didn't have any plans on going out that day.

so now she was wearing her favorite black leggings, a warm cozy grey sweater that exposed some of her shoulder with a simple white bralette underneath and some white nike's.

she brushed her blond locks and allowed her hair loose, finishing off by applying some lip balm and concealer.

beatrice checked her phone and replied to some texts from celeste and zion. she promised she would explain everything that happened the day before when she found some time.

"dad? did you need me?" beatrice asked as she went inside the office, after knocking, her eyes still on her phone.

but she stopped on her tracks when in the corner of her eye she spotted that familiar guy.

there he sat, dressed in a black suit with a black button up shirt and a black tie. he held in his hand a cup of coffee and his left leg rested in his lap.

her dad was sitting across him, behind his desk with a pen between his long fingers. there were a couple of papers sprawled on the desk.

"morning sweetheart" andrew said as he pushed his chair back and stood, going towards his daughter. his arms wrapped around her shoulders and he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"good morning. what's going on?" she asked, her brows furrowed. he smiled and turned to look at the handsome man who was staring at them with a neutral expression.

"sit down honey" his dad ordered and she obeyed, sitting in the leather chair next to the man. she pulled her legs up to the chair and neatly placed her hands in her lap. she glanced to the side and gave an acknowledging nod and smile to the stranger.

"so? what are we doing here?" she asked hoping she wasn't coming off as rude.

"this is four" andrew said as he looked through some of the papers.

"wait, like.. the number?" beatrice asked confused as to why anyone would name their kid that. the guy, four, nodded.

"exactly like the number" he said in his deep voice that she remembered so well from yesterday. she nodded her head and turned back to face her dad, who had a smile on his face.

"is he working for you?" she asked and watched as her dad nodded his head, scratching the back of his neck.

he knew she wouldn't like the idea he had in mind but he was hoping she would at least understand after yesterday's events. traumatic events.

"yeah you could say that" andrew chuckles nervously.

beatrice furrowed her brows and looked at her dad then at four.

what a weird name, she thought.

"dad, just say it"

he sighed and pulled his chair closer to the desk, pressing his elbows against the table.

"four will be your new personal bodyguard" he said as beatrice's eyes widened.

"wait" she said looking at her dad with her mouth hanging open, "you mean like he'll be following me around and everything?"

"mmm yeah" her dad said, his shoulders slouching. he knew what was coming.

"no, heck no. i don't need a bodyguard following me around so you can leave" she said looking at four who had a small smile and raised brows as he watched how they bickered, "and you better stop smiling" she sneered.

he held back a chuckle because she just looked like an angry kitten.

"beatrice, calm down. and after yesterday you definitely need someone around to protect you. so four is gonna be your bodyguard wether you like it or not"

she stared at him angrily before stomping her leg and rushing out the room.

some may say that she was overreacting a little, and yeah maybe she was. but beatrice didn't want him nor anyone following her around, watching her every move.

sure she had drivers that took her everywhere but they didn't go inside the mall with her and celeste, or a restaurant when she had dates with zion.

things were gonna change, she knew that for a fact.

meanwhile, andrew was showing four around the house while they discussed his schedule and payment.

four was stunned when he heard how much money he was gonna get just for looking after a girl. but he knew beatrice wasn't just any other girl, she was different.

he could feel it. he also felt like that name, beatrice, didn't suit her.

"this will be your room, if you need anything just let me know or beatrice. and about her attitude, she'll warm up to you. just give it some time" andrew said as he opened a door and let him inside.

"thank you mr. kopetsky" he said as he shook the older man's hand.

andrew checked his watch and sighed, "well i have a meeting in ten minutes so i have to leave. you know where her room is and just make sure she doesn't sneak out" he pleaded.

"don't worry sir, that won't happen" he promised. being an FBI agent (well ex agent) there was no way that a twenty year old little brat could slip away from his fingers.

and andrew knew that.

when the man left, tobias decided to just take a look around his room. it was like a king was gonna be sleeping there. it was like his kitchen, living room and bedroom all in one.

he looked around and found many suits stacked in the closet. brand new suits, with many shoes and button up shirts. it was sort of like a uniform.

he didn't mind. as long as he didn't have to wear any hats or anything.

plus his boss had said that he could wear regular clothes if he ever felt uncomfortable wearing the suits.

he also noticed they had gotten him shampoos, shaving cream, bags full of new calvin klein boxers and socks.

he had everything be needed.

this was the perfect job for him. he was protecting someone, getting well paid and has everything he needed or wanted.

but he knew things weren't gonna be easy.

"a bodyguard? ha!" celeste laughed loudly, beatrice rolling her eyes as she threw the phone in the bed.

she was laying in bed with her laptop on her lap as she chatted with celeste.

"it's not funny, cece. i bet you would freak if you had one" beatrice grumbled under her breath as she continue looking through clothes and dresses she wanted to buy.

her shopping cart was full and the price was already over $1,000. she planed on donating some of the things to charity because she knew she really didn't need that much clothes.

hell, her closet was a freaking miniature mall.

"now don't get angry with me miss. I'm siding with your father in this one, alright? after that night anything can happen so stop being such a drama queen, get ready and drive down to Aizu"

"what for?"

"well gabor is leaving tomorrow for italia, something about business and such. I figured we all could just go out and have some fun" celeste said. beatrice could hear as she paced around the room, probably trying to find something to wear.

"we partied last week"

"please!" cece begged. beatrice bit her lip and sighed loudly as she closes her laptop. she needed to say goodbye to gabor since she probably won't be seeing him for weeks.

his business trips were usually long and cece would join him when they took longer than a month.

beatrice would sometimes go if she liked the place they were heading to. like paris, sydney or rome.

"fine" she said, finally giving in and jumping up from her bed. she checked the time in her phone and rolled her eyes, 10pm. that meant they were gonna be partying for hours and hours and beatrice really wasn't in the mood.

but she could leave whenever she wanted to.

so she picked out a new black dress she had gotten with celeste days ago and threw it on the bed. after taking a shower, curling her hair and doing her makeup -al under thirty minutes- beatrice changed into the beautiful strapped dress and grabbed a pair of matching stilettos.

[from: celeste ]

we will meet you in Aizu in ten, don't be late!

beatrice quickly typed down a reply before going outside. she checked the hallways to make sure four, Meredith or her dad weren't around.

she knew her dad was out once she saw his bedroom door open. plus she hadn't heard him coming in.

so she quietly walked down the stairs, making sure to be extremely quiet.

this was her first time going out since her dad hired four and she didn't want him with her. so she was gonna try to sneak out without him seeing her. and heck, maybe it could work.

and, maybe her dad could realize he sucked and would fire his pretty ass.

she furrowed her brows realizing he just complimented the guys bum.

ignoring her thoughts, beatrice walked down the hallway that led to the garage.

she sighed in relief and cheered when she made it without no one spotting her.

"oh yeah! he's fired! he's fired! he's fir--"

"who's fired?" a voice interrupted her joy making her jump. she looked back as the lights turned on.

four was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and he sure didn't look happy.

just like beatrice.

"what are you doing!? you almost gave me a heart attack!" she sneered at him.

"going somewhere?"

"none of your business"

"really? because your father doesn't seem to think so" he said raising a brow and annoyingly tapping his leg.

"i don't care what you or my father think, i'm leaving. like it or not" she said turning around and heading towards her Ferrari F12berlinetta.

"alright" four said nodding his head and grabbing a pair of keys from a box that hung from the wall, "lets go"

"let's not, you're not coming with me" she argued as she tried opening the door but failed miserably as four kept locking them, "stop"

"what part of i'm your bloody bodyguard don't you understand. should I draw it for you?" he said sarcastically.

beatrice frowned and rolled her eyes ignoring his sarcastic remark. she didn't have time for those arguments, she had a party to attend to.

not that she wanted to go in the first place, she just wanted to get away from four. and piss him off a little.

"now move, if you want to go then I'm afraid I'll have to come along. and listen here, don't you ever try to sneak out again. I'm telling you now that it won't work" he told her sternly, pointing his index finger at her.

she stared at him with anger written all over her face and sighed heavily before walking towards the passenger seat.

four unlocked the doors and both of them got in, him turning on the engine.

he held back a smirk as he heard it come to live. he had never had the chance to get so close to those types of cars, and heck he had never driven them.

to say he was excited was an understatement. and yeah, he's mature and tough and all. but he's still a man, and he still liked cars.

"where to?"

"the club down boone avenue, aizu" she told him as she grabbed her phone and began texting zion, telling him to meet her inside the club.

"alright" he muttered, mentally groaning. he knew the club, it was one of the biggest clubs around the city.

it was gonna be a long night.

"stop" he told as he came to a stop in a red light.

"stop what?"

"messing with radio, just pick a freaking song" he said in annoyance. she had been changing the radio stations from the moment they drove out of her place.

it was getting to his nerves.

"I can do whatever I want, this is my car and I'm your boss!" she huffed and continued picking out random songs.

"that's enough!" he said punching the steering wheel and turning off the car.

"what are you doing? there are cars behind us" she said looking back and then at him.

"to the heck with the cars! we are not moving until you stop acting like a freaking little immature brat and make my life a little bit easier!" he snapped. his patience was running low and beatrice could see that.

"I'm gonna fire your ass number boy!" she threatened. she expected him to beg, or to apologize. but no, he did the exact opposite.

four burst into laughter.

"what's so funny?"

"you! acting like you own the world! well sorry to break it to you but you don't. the only one that can fire me is your dad so why don't you sit back little princess and let me do my job" he said as he turned the engine back on just as the cars behind them started honking.

Beatrice opened her mouth to say something but there was nothing else to be said. so she just laid back, crossed her arms and stayed quiet the whole ride. cursing for picking the worst radio station.

minutes later four finally pulled up in front of the bright building. he quickly got out of the car handing the keys to the man working there and opened the door for beatrice.

she stepped out and allowed four to lead her inside the loud place that smelled like alcohol, sweat and smoke.

"where are your friends?" he asked her as he came closer, his breath fanning her skin. she shivered a little and took a step forward.

"in the bar by the vip area I think" she said and began walking away. four followed, helping her through the crowded place, making sure that she didn't get shoved by the sweaty bodies dancing around the dance floor.

beatrice looked around and sighed in relief as she finally spotted her best friend sitting in a red s shaped couch next to her boyfriend.

she smiled and went towards them sitting down next to celeste. zion was standing by the bar taking shots with his friends and beatrice decided to just talk to him later.

"so where is he?" cece asked as she wrapped an arm around beatrice and offered her a drink. she gladly grabbed it and took a sip.


"duh your new bodyguard" celeste said nudging her side.

beatrice rolled her eyes and pointed at four who was in the corner talking on his phone and checking out some girls that were dancing near him, probably also checking him out.

"hey you didn't mention he was so hot" celeste said as she looked at him with a small smirk. her eyes checking his muscular body out.

someone cleared their throat and she nervously chuckled as she wrapped her arms around gabor who didn't look very pleased. she kissed his lips and he rolled his eyes, beatrice just laughed.

they were definitely in love, and beatrice just wished that she could feel that way towards zion, or to the person that stole her heart.

it was around 1am and four wasn't happy. not because he was tired, he was used to partying 'till late. he was young, and he used to party all the time back when he was in high school.

but because he had to watch beatrice and her boyfriend flirt, kiss and dance the whole night.

every time they kissed or hugged four would feel a pang in his chest, and he didn't like that.

of course he just made up excuses, saying that hey maybe he was tired.

and maybe he just felt uncomfortable watching a couple showing so much affection in public.

so he just ignored the feelings and went through his phone, looking at random pictures. he had maybe a beer or two but not too much because he didn't want to get drunk.

he had to protect beatrice and make sure they didn't crash.

then he would really be fired. and he needed the money.

he actually had time to make an Instagram that he probably wouldn't be using. he was just bored out of his mind and his friends were probably sleeping so there was no one he could text or call.

all he could say was, that night really sucked.

and heck, he was relieved when beatrice finally asked him to take her home.

Third chapter up! yay for me.

this chapter was kind of boring and I apologize for that, I'm just trying to introduce four's character.

school has been stressing so far but I'm hanging on.

anyways, I know I promised I would update Fridays but I also specified that there would be days where the update would be up late. I have school guys and a life and it'll be hard for me to keep the chapters up every week.

but I promise you, I will try. Much love and thank you for the support you've given me so far!

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