17. missing

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Dedication: Ellie_Eaton64 because she was the first one that kind of guessed what really happened.

chapter seventeen:

it had been almost three days already and tobias was still ignoring tris and she had no idea why. had she done something wrong? said something that ticked him off?

she doubted it because the last time they talked tobias seemed okay and he kept telling her how much he loved her and they were just being their normal cute selves.

so what changed?

she was on the verge of booking a flight out to Greece.

and some may think she's crazy and clingy but no one liked being ignored, let's face it. and it was worse when the person didn't know the reason why.

her anger washed away when her question was answered.

it was around midnight, tris was in her office working on some new designs. the tv in the corner of the room was on but on mute because she just wanted some silence so she could concentrate and not mess up.

she had been doing that a lot lately since tobias was clouding her mind.

she was almost finished with the beautiful two piece swimwear she had in mind when andrew burst through the door.

"they can't find him, i'm sorry. i tried, i really did!" he cried as he buried his face in his hands. tris was looking really confused and puzzled by what he was saying.

"dad what's wrong? who can't find who?" she said placing her papers away in a folder.

"four! he's missing, i'm so sorry baby girl" he exclaimed. tris could feel her heart dropping to the pit of her stomach, her blood turning cold and her mind going blank.

she gulped and crossed her arms, "dad, what the heck is going on?" she murmured, looking at her father warily.

she gave him a look, demanding an explanation with her eyes, and he took a deep breath before sitting down.

"as you may already know, four and natalie were planning to visit that island close to Greece on Tuesday. but natalie had something else she had to do but she allowed four to go.

and well, they lost them. the helicopter just vanished in thin air and no one knows what happened. i didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry, I thought I could fix it. I sent people to the island to look for the helicopter but they just can't find it.

they think they're dead. I'm so sorry" he cried once again.

tris stared at her father with her hand covering her mouth and her eyes tearing. he couldn't be dead.

tobias wouldn't leave her or aaron or his mother. he had to be out there somewhere.

she couldn't believe what she was hearing. she had been so mad at him for ignoring her and now she was finding out that he didn't mean for any of it to happen.

he was missing, probably hurt in the middle of an island or the freaking ocean and here tris was, getting angry at him over something so stupid.

"we gotta get there"

"i know, i know. tomorrow we can book..".

"no, now dad. you call peete up and tell him to get the jet ready because I'm leaving tonight. like it or not" she said before rushing out of the office and into her room.

she grabbed the suitcase she had for emergencies like this where she didn't have time to pack. she then went down the stairs and saw that their driver was already waiting for them.

his dad was inside the car and she glared at him, hopping inside and sitting as far away from him as possible.

why would he hide it from her? she had the right to know. and aaron did too and his mother.

oh my god his family!

"does evelyn know? and aaron? did you tell them!?" tris asked her dad. his eyes widened and he quickly nodded his head recognizing the names.

"we are gonna pick them up, they're gonna fly with us" he reassured her.

tris let out a breath of relief because at least they were aware of what's happening. and thankfully she didn't have to deliver the bitter news to her new family.

three minutes later aaron was rushing out of his house with his mom following behind. she held in her hand a suitcase and andrew quickly stepped out to greet her.

while the parents talked aaron got inside the car and tris' heart broke when she saw his puffy red eyes and the dry tears in his cheeks.

when he spotted her his eyes watered again and she held her arms out as he jumped into them, letting out a loud sob. tris pulled the little boy to her lap and brushed his hair.

"is he dead?" he asked crying loudly in her chest, burying his face in her neck.

she shook her head and rubbed his back soothingly.

"no honey, he's gonna be fine. don't cry aaron, you'll see. he's gonna be just fine, yeah? I promise" she murmured.

she wanted to believe those words but she just didn't know if she could keep that promise.

she really hoped so because she knew that even though she had only know tobias for eight months, she couldn't function without him.

living would be helł if he wasn't by her side.

so she prayed to God that her boyfriend was alright and waiting for them to find him.


it was cold. really cold.

and dark.

tobias could hear loud waves in the distance as they crashed against the rocks and covered his body in water. he shivered and cuddled into himself, trying so hard to keep his body warm.

where was he?

why was he so cold?

tobias slowly opened his eyes and looked around, being met by the pitch black sky and beautiful stars that brighten the chilly night.

he could only feel pain. pain in his back from the rocks pressing against his skin, pain from his side where he could feel a bruise forming and pain in his head where the blood was dripping down.

he forced himself to sit up and yelled out in agony when he felt something ripping his side, right on his shoulder.

he looked down and saw a blade stabbing his shoulder with blood gushing out. he whimpered as he touched it gently at first, the gripped the end of it and pulled it out. He had to bite his lip to keep himself from screaming.

"where am I?" he cried looking around. all he could see was the ocean around him and the cave next to him.

he was laying on a few rocks outside of it and he could see from the corner of his eyes, parts of the helicopter.

he couldn't remember much.

just the last few minutes of flying when the pilot said they were out of fuel for some strange reasons. his last thought before passing out was his family and tris.


was she okay? did she know about his accident? how long has it been?

and what about aaron? and his mom? did they know he was alive? he didn't want them worrying about him.

he gathered all his strength and stood up, loosing his balance for just a brief second. he held onto a rock next to him and limped towards the remains of the helicopter.

he couldn't see the pilot anywhere so maybe he was washed away by the water.

he shuddered at the thought and grabbed a box that was broken and most likely wet on the insides.

he hoped to find food. he was starving and loosing blood and feeling really dizzy.

luckily he found some things that would come in handy, at least it would help him survive for a couple of nights.

there was some can food inside they kept in case of emergencies (probably ones like this) and water bottles with a half drank gatore.

there was also a small blanket on the corner that was a little wet but that was fine. sadly he couldn't find any pillows but he grabbed a parachute (that he should've used!) and decided to use it as one.

tobias made sure to grab the first aid kit before crawling inside the cave and looking around with the help of a flashlight connected to the parachute.

he sat down and cuddled into himself, shivering as the chilly air hit him with force. his slightly wet blanket was making matters worse yet it still helped him. tobias just wished he was home snuggling with tris in front of the comforting fireplace, with aaron laying in the floor as they watched ridiculous cartoons.

but a man can only dream.

he closed his eyes and soon fell under a heavy sleep, dreaming of his perfect life back home.


Day #1

as soon as the car pulled up in front of the hotel, tris shot up from her chair and bolted towards the front desk. thankfully they already had a manager waiting for them with their room keys, because tris didn't have time and the patience to wait.

her dad was gonna be sleeping on the room next to her and aaron was gonna be sharing a room with evelyn. they murmured their good nights and headed to bed.

well; they did because tris couldn't sleep. she crawled under the bed after taking a shower and changing into her pajamas. tris placed her laptop on her lap and began her search.

she was trying to find any islands or places nearby the island, making sure she was familiar with the surroundings so she could know where to look.

she mapped it out and grinned when seeing how accurate everything looked.

she was confident on them finding tobias. they had helicopters around the ocean and mysterious island along with some search boats.

andrew was making sure everyone out there was looking for him. natalie was gonna head down to the hotel to help them search for the missing boy.

tris had already fallen asleep by the time the clock hit 3 in the morning. she was exhausted and jet lag was hitting hard. She was having a not so peaceful dream when the door flew open, waking her up right away.

andrew had his phone pressed to his ear with watery eyes and shaken hands.

"dad? dad what's wrong?" she asked sitting up and rubbing her eyes tiredly.

he let out a shaky breath and Tris's heart dropped as he muttered the next words.

"tris.. they found a body"


alright! hello! don't shoot.

now keep in mind that tobias pov takes place three or two days before tris flew to Greece. that happened when she wasn't even aware of tobias missing.


It's up a little late today I'm just struggling with english homework right now and it just sucks. Whatever I'll do it later XD

question for this chapter:
- favorite place to be?

- universal studios :)
will double update just wait. Need to get english out of the way first!

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