10. couple

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dedication: itzelf4 <4

chapter ten:

tris was awoken the next morning by a noise coming from the corner of the room.

she rubbed her eyes and looked around, feeling slightly confused when she noticed that she wasn't in her room.

but memories from last night flashed in her mind when she saw four looking around in his closet, taking out a dark suit. he grabbed a button up shirt and matched the blazer and pants with a tie.

"what time is it?" tris asked startling four. he turned around and fought back a smile when he saw how cute tris looked in the morning.

her massy hair was all over her face but it looked adorable.

he made sure the towel wrapped around his waist was tight and secure before walking towards the bed.

"seven" he said sitting, the bed dipping down.

"why are you up so early!?" she whined looking at the clock hanging from the wall. he chuckled seeing her reaction because four knew that tris wasn't a morning  person.

she would always wake up around eleven and have breakfast thirty to forty minutes later.

and he knew that because that was part of his job. to know where tris was.

"i work remember?"

"yeah but you only have to work when I'm outside the house, so why be up so early?"

"i dunno, sometimes i just walk around" he shrugged. she had a point but he still had to show andrew that he wasn't lazying around.

suddenly a grin was forming on tris's lips and four gave her a warning look because he knew that when she did that, she had an idea.

and it usually brought trouble.

"no no, forget about it"

"about what? you didn't even let me talk!" she pouted.

"i don't need to hear you, i know it's bad" he said shaking his head as he chuckled humorlessly. she quickly stood up and grabbed his hand to stop him from going inside the bathroom.

"listen, i was thinking well maybe we could go to the beach for the day" she said as she looked up at four with a hopeful expression.

tris was smiling and dying to hear his answer.

"i uh no I don't know"

"please? I promise you we'll have lots of fun, yeah?" she said tugging onto his hand and saying 'please' over and over again. it was honestly driving him crazy so he just agreed, like he always did.

"alright fine, you win. we'll go to the beach just stop pouting" he said rubbing his face with his free hand.

she cheered and jumped up and down with a big smile playing on her rosy pink lips.

"thank you! thank you! thank you!" she exclaimed, feelings happiness washing over her body. she wanted to spend the day with four to try to get him to at least like her.

and she knew that he must at least feel something towards her since he was the one that kissed her first.

"yeah yeah" four said chuckling and rolling his eyes at her adorable, childish actions, "go change and I'll wait for you. down here"

"okay" she murmured and quickly kissed his cheek before running out the room.

and he just smiled.


"where?" four asked as he looked at tris, trying not to drool over her body.

she was wearing really short shorts that made her tan legs look so desirable and a light blue two piece swimsuit with ruffles. her eyes were hidden by a pair of shades and her blond hair was up in a messy bun.

four wore dark blue colored swim trunks as he held onto tris's chair, umbrella and bag.

tris was looking for a spot far from all the girls that were drooling over four since he was shirtless and his six pack was showing.

she beamed when she found one near a bunch of hot guys that were smiling and winking at her. four tensed up as he noticed and shook his head when she murmured here.

"definitely not"

"why?" she asked seeming confused. he just shrugged trying to look for a reasonable answer. and he failed miserably at finding one.

"too much sand"

"what? four that makes no sense there's s--"

"here is perfect" four said as he dropped her stuff in the sand next to a group of guys that had girlfriends. perfect.

she groaned but agreed.   

she scolded four when she noticed that her chair had gotten sand all over it but he just laughed and shrugged, setting up their little tent.

he laid on the hot sand under the shade of his tent and closed his eyes even though he had his shades on.

"what are you doing?" tris asked as she sat down on her chair and looked down at four.

"I'm gonna take a nap" he said as he placed his hands behind his head and sighed happily. tris frowned not understanding why he would want to take a nap when he could enjoy his day off.

there were kids running around, playing in the water and making sand castles as their parents watched them.

a couple of feet away there was a group of girls playing volleyball with a couple of guys next to them, kicking a soccer ball.

"come on! we didn't come to the beach so you could take a nap" she said standing up and then sitting on four's lap as she poked his chest.

he looked up and tensed a little, trying not to get hard as tris moved around touching his crotch. she was sitting on his legs and her hands were pressed to his chest.

but he put a expressionless face and raised a brow, laying back down.

"well what do you suggest?"

she thought about it for a second before grinning, "let's play 20 questions, yeah? i mean, i know some important stuff about you, but I don't know your favorite movie and things like that"

he let out a breath realizing that she was right. they knew some juicy things about each other but they didn't know the simple stuff.

so they played.

"so can i start?" she asked.

"sure, you got 19 questions left" he murmured and she smacked his chest as he laughed, "fine, 20"

"favorite color?"

"seriously?" he asked. if he was her, he would use his questions to get something juicy out of him. but he was thankful at the same time because he didn't want her asking about his past or anything close to that.

"just tell me" she pouted.

"black, no never mind. grey, yeah definitely grey"

why? most would ask.

because of her eyes. and much to his relief tris didn't question it. she just nodded and flashed the smile that had four's heart beating so fast and loud that tris could probably hear it.

"now you ask"

he grabbed her hand and played with her fingers as he though about his question.

most would think they were a couple and yeah, they knew they probably looked like one.

but they weren't a couple, and both of them really wanted to get together. and maybe they could but things were always complicated.

"what makes you smile?" he asked her, this time opening his eyes to see her reaction. he fixed his shades and pushed them away, leaving them tangled in his hair.

she thought about it as she tried not to smile when their fingers intertwined.

"being around the ones I love"

he knew he would probably regret what he was going to do, but he did it anyways, "does it include me?"

she gulped and felt as her cheeks turned red, "it's not your turn" she said sticking her tongue out and putting her hands on her sides.

four sighed, "alright what's your question"

"is four your real name?" she asked him. tris knew that it wasn't but she just wanted it to be confirmed by him.


"what's your name then?"

"not your turn" he said, doing a high pitched voice trying to mimic tris who smacked his chest and huffed.

"i don't talk like that"

"sure you do" he said pinching her cheek and grinning as she scrunched up her nose.

"alright my turn, does it include me?"

"i'm hungry" tris said as she got up and dusted the sand off herself. tobias stood up and grabbed her hand.

"oh no you don't"

he pulled her hand and she ended up falling on top of him, their chest pressed together and their faces inches away.

"answer me" he whispered, his hot breath hitting her lips. she felt shivers down her spine and goosebumps forming on her skin.


"answer me tris"

"what happens if I don't" she said with a small smirk and her brows raised. and it just kind of happened.

four smashed his lips against tris's and they moved together in a desperate kiss that answered all of his questions as their hearts raced.

but tris, out of breath, whispered to him, "yeah"


"four stop ignoring me!" tris finally snapped as she slammed her hand against the table. the people eating around them turned their heads to give them looks but thankfully went back to minding their business.

after the kiss had happened four had gotten up and said that he was hungry. so they packed up and went to a small restaurant near the beach.

tris had been constantly trying to form a conversation but four just wouldn't let her. he would only nod or pretend that he hadn't heard her.

and tris had been ignoring it for a while but now she was beyond mad because he couldn't do that. make her think that he liked her and then go back to hating her.

"what!?" he yelled back, feeling annoyed.

she narrowed her brows and pointed her index finger at him, "outside. now"

and just like that, she walked out of the restaurant not looking back to see if four was following because she knew he would.

he grabbed his wallet and dropped a fifty dollar bill on the table before angrily stomping out of the place.

he looked around and spotted a blond leaning against a wall, her back facing him.

he took a deep breath and looked up at the sky before walking towards the girl.

"what do you want?" he asked in her ear making her jump. she turned around and grabbed him by his shirt -the one he had to put on if he wanted to go inside the restaurant- and dragging him to a place that wasn't too crowded.

"why do you do that?" she asked him crossing his arms and staring at him with anger written all over her face.

"do what?" he played dumb.

"you kiss me and then ignore me! stop playing around with me, I'm not a toy!" she yelled pushing him.

he grabbed her wrists and stepped closer to her, both of them staring at each other.

"don't push me" he sneered.

"don't ignore me!"

"listen I don't want you getting the wrong idea, alright? just because we kiss it doesn't mean i like you and it doesn't me we have to date" he said pushing her against a wall, but not harshly.

their bodies were pressed together and their breathing was ragged, as the fire between them intensified.

"you don't like me?" she challenged as he shook his head looking down at her, and her desirable lips.


"are you sure?" she said, their lips being just inches apart.



and he couldn't resist it anymore. he crashed their lips together and passionately kissed her, his hands going to her waist and under her shirt. his finger caressing her soft and delicate skin.

she placed her arms around his neck and kissed him back. four licked and bit her lower lip, moaning when their tongues met and fought for dominance.

but of course she gave up after a while and allowed him to take control, her fingers pulling his hair earning a moan from four.

"we.. shouldn't.. be doing.. this" four murmured in between kisses. she just hummed not being able to concentrate in anything else but kissing the man that had stolen her heart.

they finally pulled back when they heard wolf whistles as a couple of guys passed by. four flicked them off but his eyes were still on her.

they tried to even their breaths and panted as they did so. finally, after minutes of silence and heavy breaths four whispered to her, "tris we can't date, you know that"

"why not?" she asked furrowing her brows. her arms were still around his neck and his' were still on her hips.

"because i work for you dad. i'm suppose to be protecting you not dating you. do you know how pissed your dad would be if he found out?" he murmured to her, afraid that someone could hear him.

"why does he have to find out?" she whined. she just wanted to date him, to call him hers when all those whores tried flirting with him.

and so did he. four wanted her to be his' desperately.

but it was dangerous.

for one, he could risk not seeing tris ever again and he needed the job. he needed the money to finish paying for his apartment and for Aaron's medicines and doctors appointments.

"someone always finds out" he murmured pressing his forehead against hers and pecking her lips once again.

"please, can we just try?" she asked shrugging her shoulders. she didn't want to seem so desperate but she was. and the only thing she cared about at the moment was four and her.

and where they stood.

he hesitated looking down at their beach sandals that were pressed together. he finally sighed and nodded.

"tell you what, we go on a date friday and we'll see what happens after that. yeah?" he asked lifting her chin up when she looked down at his chest.

she nodded and he smiled, pressing their lips together and letting them move against each other for a couple of minutes.

just like the first kiss, tris and four felt sparks. they always felt sparks and goosebumps formed on their skin.

they were falling in love.

and they didn't mind.

well i don't have much to say so... did you like the chapter?
2 chapters in one day!

please comment or vote, I really appreciate it. ☻

question for this chapter:
who's your celebrity crush. (remember, it can't be divergent related)

Mateo Carvajal

now for the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!

I am working on a new book. It is not high school related, or college or anything like that. no, it's about tobias and tris when they were kids.

you know like a fanfic of them as kids and them falling in love I guess..?

now comment if you think it sounds interesting, if you might read it. either way I don't think I will post it before this book is over or close to the end.

also I did not proof read because I'm just not feeling like it today, I'm sorry.

that was all, thanks for reading once again and don't forget to tell me your thoughts! I love reading your comments and really appreciate it when you do write me.

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