Chapter 13-Mêl

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A few months after everything, everyone had gone through their own healing process. Olive and Emma found the healthiest option of just talking it all out. Claire, Bronwyn and the twins often cried together. Well the twins couldn't really cried. But they did wail a lot. Horace was oddly calm throughout the day but every once in a while came to you after a nightmare, seeking comfort in hugs and kind words even though he wished he could be strong about it all. Millard walked around naked per usual, except instead of walking around acting like everything was normal, he'd hide himself away in corners, never revealing his spot or coming out until the whole house was looking for him. Hugh had to comfort Fiona multiple times, and when she talked about it they both ended up crying. Enoch found the worst option and bottled up his emotions, only letting them out when alone. (A/n: Enoch's method of coping sound familiar?)

And you were the new ymbryne of the home and wouldn't pester the children with your own emotions, instead comforting them. You tried your hardest to stay strong for any frightened and crying child that came your way, only letting the tears slip once they were gone. You still visited and talked to Alma daily, as though she could hear you.

Everyone seemed to be getting better, slowly but surely. Today there was a knock on the door. You answered it, hoping it wouldn't be anything bad, but was pleased to find it was only a young girl. One of her eyes were pure black and her hair was a dark brown, but she wore the biggest grin. "Hello, ma'am. My name is Mêl." She spoke in a thick Welsh accent as she extended her hand to you.

You took it and gave it a firm shake before dropping your hand away again. "My name is Miss Grandala. A pleasure."

"Likewise. But I've got something I need to speak with you of, if you don't mind?" She asked with a grin, her eyes momentarily glancing at something behind you. But when you looked back nothing was there.

"Very well. Come along, we can speak in my study." You began walking down the hall, assuming she'd follow. "Emma." You stopped the girl in the hall. "Watch the children, I'm not sure how long I'll be but I need to speak with this girl." You gestured to Mêl behind you. Emma nodded and walked off.

You brought the girl back to your study, of which used to be Alma's you reminded yourself with a pang. You sat at Alma's, no, your desk, and gestured for the girl to begin speaking as she sat across from you. "I'll het straight to it. My ymbryne, Miss Kestrel, sent me hear after news of your recent misfortune got around. It's only been round two months now, right?" She asked, getting only a slow unsure nod in response. You were tense and upset with the subject. "If you'd allow me to explain my peculiarity, you'll understand the reason for my visit."

You gave her a strange look but urged her to continue. "I can see the dead. Ghosts basically. And communicate with them. My eye is the reason for that." She pointed to the pure black one. "I've seen two here. A young boy and a woman. The boy led me to the house after I entered the loop. Then he went to go and watch a young girl with curly brown hair play in the yard. I assume they are in some way related. As of right now the woman is standing in the room." She looked at something behind you and then pointed. "Can you see?" You turned in your chair and your jaw dropped when you saw Alma there. She seemed much more pale and ghostly, duh. She was looking at her own hands in awe before looking at at you with the biggest grin ever on her face.

"I'm still practicing with my peculiarity, but if I did this right, you should be able to hear, touch and see her."

You nodded, at a loss for words at the moment. You reached your hand towards her, moving to grab her own. And your hand actually closed on hers. You lifted both of your hands, staring at them in awe. You reached your other hand up to cup her cheek, finding you could to that too. Overjoyed you jumped forward and wrapped your arms around her, holding on tightly. It drew a laugh from her as she hugged back. Your head snapped up at the noise. "I can hear you. A-and see you. And you're here! Oh, I've missed you so much, Alma." You couldn't stop the tears that left your eyes and you held onto her for dear life.

"I've always been here, darling. I'm never leaving." She gave you a smile and a kiss on the cheek before turning her attention to Mêl. "Thank you. For allowing her to see me."

"It's no problem at all. And if you'd like to show your children, I'd have no problem with it. But you might want to do it sooner rather than later as I'm still not very good with my peculiarity and it can be rather draining. You guys can get a goodbye in. And if you'd want I'm sure I could visit occasionally. Once or twice a year. I'm afraid it couldn't be very frequent though."

"That'd be wonderful! You may visit whenever you like, I don't mind if it's only every so often. We have eternity to wait after all." You said, never letting go of Alma.

"If you want I could also show you the boy? He appeared a minute ago and has been smiling at this interaction since."

"Victor. Yes, I'd love to see him."

She gave a curt nod and soon a young boy appeared just as Alma had. He was pale as well but looked rather happy. "Miss Grandala, it's a pleasure to meet you. Though I do wish it had been while I was alive.." He shook his head at the unpleasantness of the matter. "But I'm glad nonetheless!"

"It's wonderful to meet you too, Victor." You gave him a smile. "So." You turned back to Mêl. "Shall we show the children?"


"MISS PEREGRINE!" Half the children screamed, jumping up from where they sat then they saw her. You didn't stop the group as they ran over to take turns hugging her, each getting to speak with her for a minute. Even Enoch ran over. They were curious when you told them there was more to see. But the confusion quickly died away when Victor appeared in front of them. Bronwyn was the first to run over and give him the biggest hug she could. Everyone else seemed to respect this and stand back until she'd finished.

When it was time to say goodbye you allowed the children to go first. They all left before your turn. Mêl had to stay in the room but turned her back for the sake of privacy. Alma gave you a short kiss before pulling back and looking at you with the biggest smile you'd ever seen on her. "Please keep talking to me after this. I love hearing about your day and how everything's going."

"You follow me around all day anyway, wouldn't you already know?" You asked with a small laugh.

"I enjoy hearing your voice." You said simply, pulling you into another hug. "I think it's time I go. But I'll see you again, when Mêl visits." You nodded silently, holding her against you in a tight grip, your face buried in her shoulder. "Goodbye, darling." She hesitated a moment before continuing. "I love you."

"Goodbye, I love you too." You said, still not removing yourself from her. Though soon she faded away and your arms closed around nothing. You knew she was probably still there but you couldn't see her.

"I'm sorry I couldn't have allowed you more time together." Mêl said, turning around. Her hand was raised, rubbing her eye as though it were in pain.

"It's perfectly alright. Thank you. It was very kind of you to travel all this way and allow us to see them even if only for a few hours. You're welcome back here whenever." You gave her a smile and led her to the door where you saw her off. You'd finally gotten to say goodbye. And now that you knew Alma was following you around you'd try to do less embarrassing things for fear she was watching. Though you continued speaking to her daily, even about the most random things when you lacked a better topic. You occasionally read to her and Victor, more than happy to provide entertainment for the two.

And for now, that'd be enough.


A bit happier.

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