I Have Fingers!!

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(Poor Cinni, Eh Oh well, I am The author, but I will Admit that I feel Kind of bad hurting her like That. . . . Well atleast She ain't dead!! Oh and the Pic isn't her the last pic Was this Was just a filler Although her Hair is alot longer then that!)

(Cinni pov)

OW!! that was all that came to my mind, OWW!!!! My shoulder inflamed with pain shooting everywhere, I screamed and blacked out.

(Venus pov)

Cinni's shoulder went back into place and her scream went down as she blacked out. We moved it back when her mutation had stopped. She kind of looked human but as a dog. "Is everything okay!!" Mikey whispered yelled above. I glanced up at his worried face, "It's okay Mikey, she's fine." His shoulders sagged in relief.

I looked back at Cinni even though she was covered in fur she was still indecent. With me and the other girls it didn't really matter but with Cinni she just looked indecent. I huffed and looked back up,"I'm going to regret this." I mumbled and saw Mona smirking, "Mikey?"

His head popped back, "Yes? What is it?"

I took a breathe, "Do you think you can go and find some girl clothes for Cinni, please."

"Why?" Mikey cocked his head confused.

Before I could explain the circumstances, Mona huffed, "Because she's naked Nitwit!!"

"But dogs don't wear clothes? They have fur." Mikey reasoned.

"JUST GO!!" Mona hissed, Mikey bolted away.

"Really that's how you handled it?" I glared at Mona, Her attitude sometimes!

"Hey it made him move didn't it!" she sneared back.

"Shh, You guys are going to wake up Cinni!" Nari looked at both of us, her long black hair falling over her face. Nari was usually the peacekeeper between us but when she got mad she could be as scary as Master Splinter, a quiet anger. Me and Mona shut up at her hard facial expressions.

"Here you go!" a pair of dark brown short shorts and a purple bikini top fell down. I felt my face heat up as I held out the shorts, Mona smirked as she held the top, "Wow Mikey, I didn't know you were like that!"

Mikey tilted his head again confused, "Like what?" Oh ignorance is bliss!

I stuffed my hand over Mona's month before she could say anything. "Nothing Mikey thank you!!"

Nari's face was probably as red as mine as she saw Cinni's outfit, Mona snikered and helped up put the clothes on. Of course Mikey found some that were a little too small, that just added wood to the fire as Mona's snikering turned into a laugh. I readjusted Cinni's pink necklace and waited for Mona to finish laughing.

Sicko! "Mikey you can call the guys back now." He smiled and soon the guys were looking over the edge.

"Is everything okay down there?" Don inquired, he was so cute!

Mona snickered again, I smacked her arm as Nari answered, "Yes everything is fine, I think we can go back now." The guys started to jump down, they stared at Cinni's new body.

"Wow!" Raph muttered, Mona glared at him.

Leo cleared his throat, "Um, shouldn't we, er get going?"

Don looked to his brothers and then at me he face asking, who should take Cinni?  

I sighed and me and Mona helped to pick up Cinni's body. She was surprisingly light and tiny, smaller than Nari! Cinni had long Wavey brown hair that reached her fluffy tail makeing her hair look longer than it already was. Me and Mona carefully carried her body down.

Mikey was never far away he was becoming annoying, but it was a cute annoying. Cinni would make a small noise and he would stiffen up, until she stopped. Getting her down the to the sewer was easier than the fire escape, mona just jumped down and I lowered Cinni's body down to her.

Half way to the lair Cinni woke up, jerking out of our grasp she fell backwards. She would've hit the floor if Mikey hadn't been there. "Cinni! Cinni! Cinni it's okay, It's okay!"

Cinni looked up into Mikey's face and whimpered, before looking slowly down to her body and screaming.

(Cinni's pov)

I looked at Mikey's face and I felt wrong, my body felt wrong my position was wrong! I looked down my body and I had Fingers! Human Legs! and I was-I was- I couldn't take it I opened my mouth and screamed and I jerked myself out of Mikeys' arms. I crawled a few feet away from my family and stared at myself. I even had clothes like a human!

Someone walked towards me, I tried to back away but fell instead. I whimpered as I looked up at Mikey long hair obsuring my vision. What's happening to me? Mikey had tears in his eyes as he held his arms open for me. I curled myself into a ball of fluff as his arms went around my new upright body. As gently as he has ever been he picked me up and continued walking.

My body shook, I was terrified I didn't know what was going on all I knew was that Mikey was sorry, for what I don't know. I curled tighter in his grasp as he talked to me. The soothing motion of the sway and his voice calmed me down but only slightly.

We got to the lair and Master Splinter came out of the dojo. Master Splinter! Maybe he could help me?! I Looked at him and whined, he blinked, "My sons what has happened? Bring her to the dojo." Leo was talking to Master Splinter as we followed him.

We went into the dojo and sat down, I stayed in Mikey's lap as they talked to eachother. "I see, My sons I wish to try something with Cinni that might help her. Venus I would appreciant the help, the rest of you, out." Every one went to get out and Mikey moved as well. I whined as he got up leaving me on the ground. Please don't leave me!

"Sensei! Please may I stay?!" Mikey looked at Splinter pleadingly.

Splinter shook his head sadly, "I'm sorry my son but no."

Mikey looked down at me and knelt by me, "Cinni I'm going to be right outside okay!" he gave me a sad smile and left quickly.

I watched him leave and whined, before looking at Venus and Splinter. "Venus what we are about to do will require immense consintration. We can not allow any mistakes do you understand."

"Hai Sensei."

"I don't know if this will work but we must try."

"What is it that we can do?"

Splinter looked into my eyes, I saw determination in his strong gaze, He was going to help me and I needed to trust him. I sat up straighter ready, because I did trust him.

"We are Going to unlock her human abilities. Her chi is blocked from the mutegen, she cannot unblock it herself. Will you be able to do this?!"

Venus took a breathe and looked at me, "Hai Sensei!" and then the room glowed blue and yellow and they helped me unblock my chi.

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