Chapter 14:

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Harry's Pov:

He walked out of science to go to English and he saw Louis disappear into a room he know wasn't used for anything. He heard the door close. He walked over to it and opened the door and he felt his heart broke. He never imagined what he saw in front of him. Zayn and Louis kissing. Right up against the wall.

"LOUIS?! ZAYN?!" He tried to keep his voice calm.

Louis seemed to have pushed Zayn away and looked at him. "Harry no this isn't what it looks like!"

"No it's pretty much what it looks like. He was all over me Harry." Zayn wrapped his arm around Louis. Harry quickly teared up and took off out of the room and down the hall. By the time he reached the door he couldn't see. Tears were just streaming down his cheeks. He got the door open and took off running towards his house. He got there five minutes flat. He opened the door and he couldn't even get two steps in before he knew he was on the ground. Just kill me already dad. Just kill me already. Please let me die. I don't care anymore.. He felt pain everywhere and his dad slammed the door closed. He was leaving. Probably to go drink. Harry laid there for a few minutes and sniffled. Finally he got up and walked to his room. He closed and locked the door. He fell on the floor and saw something he would have never thought he'd be happy to see. A razor. He picked it right up and rolled his sleeve up and it just ripped through his skin. He screamed with pain. But he knew no one was there to hear him scream. No one. Just himself. He rolled his shirt up and thoroughly cut his stomach. Finally he took his pants off and coated his legs. After that he laid on the ground and cried feeling himself bleed all over. He closed his eyes. Maybe the pain would end soon..

Harry heard his phone go off. He sighed and sat up covered in dry blood and looked at his phone. It said Lou ;) and a picture of him in his white outfit popped up. Tears quickly filled his eyes and he pushed his phone away. He just got up and slowly walked out to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Perfect. There was a full case of beer. 30 of them at least. He picked them up and took the case to his room and locked his door and started to chug them down until he couldn't see straight. He got really dizzy and laid on the ground and closed his eyes. Maybe it'll go away soon...

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