Beru Tamakawa

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Beru Tamakawa

Hero Name : Kitty

Gender : Female

Eye Color : Yellow

Hair Color : White

Lip Color : Light Pink

Birthday : February 22

Zodiac : Pisces

Birthstone : Amethyst

Quirk : Cat : She has cat ears and a tail. She also has retractable sharp claws. She has a tapetum lucidum, which is a reflective layer behind the retina that sends light that passes through the retina back into the eye. And she can also hear much higher-pitched sounds, up to 64 kHz, which is 1.6 octaves above the range of a human, and even 1 octave above the range of a dog. And she has a larger olfactory epithelium than humans (about 20 cm2), meaning that she has a more acute sense of smell. So basically she can do what a cat can do.

Personality : She is a sweet girl but has a tiny temper. Since her dad is a police officer she kinda always says yes sir and acts very professional.

Fun Facts:
Beru has a love hate relationship with cat toys. Like a cat she would get distracted by it and start playing with it.

As a joke her classmates would bring a cat toy and put it in front of her and she would play with it but then she would remember where she was and grab the toy and break it in half.

She hates Catnip; it makes her feel like throwing up.

Her favorite Hero is The Wild Wild Pussy Cats

Beru never knew her mom. Her mom died after giving birth to her. Her mother's name was Yuki Shiroi and she was sick and dying and she wanted a chance to be a mother before she died.

When she is angry at someone or someone makes her upset. She will hiss like a cat at them.

She has a pet Female Cat. Named SnowFlake.

She is dating Kosei Tsuburaba.

Cat Toys
The Wild Wild Pussy Cats
Climbing Trees
Loves Nyan Cat
Love cuddles.

She has a love hate relationship with water. She’s okay with showering and baths. But hates getting water splashed on her.

The Wild Wild Pussy Cats inspire her to become a Hero.

Her Favorite Wild Wild Pussy Cat is Pixie-Bob. Because she thinks she has the best costume and best quirk.

Favorite Food, Drink & Dessert :
Anything with milk. For example, MilkShakes / Fujiya Milky / Fujiya Milky Super Creamy / Lotte Cafca / Kasugai Milk no Kuni / UHA Tokuno Milk 8.2

Mother : Yuki Shiroi {Deceased}
Father : Sansa Tamakawa

Boyfriend  : Kosei Tsuburaba [Aeris]

Pet : SnowFlake [Cat](Female)

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