*Time skip to When there in UA*
Dekus pov
Classes have finally ended. So I'm heading to the dorms. Some days they feel a lot longer than others, especially when we have day training. I feel like Mr. Aizawa has been harder on us with training. I stop on my locker to grab my hero analysis book. When Uraraka slides in.
Hey, Deku kun! Hey Uraraka San What's up? I ask her, assuming she has something to gossip about or tell me. Well, I was actually going to invite you to something tonight! She says with a grin. Uraraka San It's a school night. I don't think we should be going anywhere, I tell her. No, it's not like that. Mina is hosting a sleepover tonight, and she asked me to invite you and Ilda. She tells me. I don't know... Not only is it a school night, Mr. Aizawa Give us a lot of homework today too.
Deku kun Please, we won't stay up that late. I really want you to be there! She tries to persuade me. What are we even going to do at the sleepover, huh? I asked her, I'm not sounding amused. Normal sleepover activities Like we're all going to make dinner as a group. Play games like Truth or Dare Spin the Bottle. You know things like that. Just hang out as friends. For the night... I mean, she hasn't really explained what she has planned, but Mina is always fun. Please come. I want you to have a good time. You always have your nose in a book or studying. You are really fitting the nerd title, huh.
Uraraka san I'll think about it. I'll go as long as I don't have a lot of homework, I tell her. Really, OMG, thank you! She shouts, hugging me aggressively. Oh, and plus, I heard Bakugou is actually coming tonight, she says with a somewhat evil grin. Really, but Kacchan hates sleepovers.
Yeah, why does he hate sleepovers? Is it because he's just not fun? She says, slightly chuckling to herself. No, it's because he goes to sleep at 8 PM every night. Sleepovers Messes with his sleep schedule, I tell her. Uh Deku kun Why do you know that? She asks. Ah well, I have known him since we were like 4, so I caught on, and plus, we never see him past 8:00 PM anyway, right? I tell her, trying not to sound too obsessive. Hmm, I guess you're right. Why does he sleep that early?
I think he's big on sleep. He's really on top of his health, I say. Starting to walk towards the dorm. I don't know. He seems like a weird guy to me. She says she is starting to follow me. He's really not, I guess, just has this life put together. Lucky for me, I can't even remember where I put my uniform half the time. She says, frowning.
As we enter the dorms There are a few people in the common room. Watching some show, I make eye contact with Mina. She stops the movie and stands up. Midoriya Are you coming to the sleepover tonight? She asks me. I uhm, I'll think about it It depends how much homework I have. Left, I say, rubbing the back of my neck. Oh sh*t, I forgot to ask Ilda. Does anybody know where he is? Uraraka Asks. Yeah, I think he's up in his room already. Kirishima replies. Ah, thanks, Kir! No problem Ura Kirishima replies. Anyways Seriously Midoriya Even if you have homework, just come anyway; you have to live a little. You can't keep your head in a book all year.
Mina I'll try to make it, I promise. I tell her, giving her a big smile. Yeah, you will trust me, it will be fun, she says while putting her arm on my shoulder. I should probably go now to do homework. OK OK, I'll let you go. But you better be there; I'm counting on you, Midoriya! I just smile and wave in response while I make my way over to the elevator.
*Time skip to an hour To an hour later*
As I'm busy doing my homework, feel a buzz. In my pocket I take out my phone and see a text from Kacchan.
💥Kacchan💥: Are you going to that sleepover thintonight?ht
Deku😡:Yeah,h I thinkso.o Are you?
💥Kacchan💥: Probably not anymore.
💥Kacchan💥: Calm down I'm only haljoking.ng
Deku😡:Wait,t why do you ask?
💥Kacchan💥: Because those damn extras Are you trying to force me to coodinner?er And I wanted to know if you wanted anything specific.
Deku😡: Really Aw You're actually askingme😊 So considerate of my feelings!
💥Kacchan💥: Shut up Deku Picbeforere I change mmind.nd
Deku😡:Oh,h come on, Kacchann You know what I like😊
💥Kacchan💥No,No don't.'t Just tell me what you want!
Deku😡: Do you seriously not remember😧
💥Kacchan💥No,No why would I remember something as useless as your favorite fo?d.
Deku😡: I don't know because it's been my favorite since we were 4😥
💥Kacchan💥: DekJustst hurry up and tell me what you want!
Deku😡: fine I wantKasudon😥 Remember that's my favorite food?
💥Kacchan💥: No Ananyway,ay that's all needed,ed sbye.ye
Deku😡: bye...😓
Why does Kacchan Have to be so mean. Did he seriously not remember my favorite food? I remember his It's spicy miso ramen (I don't know; probably that's what Google said🤓). I guess it makes sense why he wouldn't remember my favoritefood. Imean,n he has considered me his friend since we were like 6yearssold,dwhichh hurtsbecausee all I ever wantedwasstoo be his friend. I thought we were getting closerbackk in middleschool,lbutt then after we had that onefight,thee just shut me out and didn't give me a chance.
I guess it's my fault. He was just trying to be nice, but I ruined it just because I was having a bad day. Kacchan is all I ever wanted, and I wasted that chance on someone who blocked me without a single word or an explanation. I have to admit I do miss him sometimes. Kia was the old one who really got me through middle school. Other than my mom, he was the only one I had.
I was lost in thought when I heard a knock on the door. Umm Who is it? I call out. Deku kun It's me, Uraraka. Are you ready? We gotta be down there in 10 minutes. She tells me. What! I take time to see It's Already 5:50PM. I didn't even get to finish my homework. Uh yeah, just give me a minute; I have to change! I tell her. Okay, but make it quick. I'll meet you at the elevator, yeah?
Yeah, I'll be there! I call out Trying to find something decent to wear, I choose And all might hoodie with gray sweatpants. I dash out of my door and quickly run to the elevator. Out of breath, I say. Sorry, Uraraka san, I lost track of time! Yeah, yeah, whatever I'm starving for, let's go, Deku! We head into the elevator. Down to the common room where everyone else is.
Guys, is dinner ready? I'm starving! Uraraka says, leaning on the couch. It's almost ready. Pink cheeks Be fucking patient! Kacchan Yells from the kitchen. I am being patient; I'm just starving. She yells back at him. Of course you are Fat Ass. Kacchan Yells. WHAT DID-
Bakugou Apologize to Uraraka Now that was uncalled for Ilda Demands. Yeah, yeah, whatever Kacchan rolls his eyes. I take a seat on the couch. Not far, Uraraka follows me and sits down. Deku kun, I have no idea how you could have put up with him since you were 4. He's insane. He's not that bad. Once I get used to his personality, I tell her to smile. No, that should not be a personality. That is flaws bunched up into a ball. I know you say he's a really put-together person, but he's the rudest, most arrogant person I've ever met.
He really needs therapy, especially for his anger. She continues. Yeah, I guess. Although he's just like his mom, and I'm not sure she really believes in therapy, but god knows they both need it, I tell her. Really, I would have thought he was like his father. She smirks. No Kacchans Father is the sweetest.
Well, I would hope so. They both need someone to even it out, huh, she says. Yeah, I kind of feel bad for him. Auntie is a lot to deal with, but she's very nice. Once you get to meet her... Just like Kacchan, I tell her. Really nice I've known him for almost a year now, and he's been a bitch to me ever since I didn't even do anything to him! She complains. Unfortunately, I think he picks and chooses who he likes.
DINNERS READY COME FUCKING EAT! Obviously, Kacchan shouts to the class. We all gather up the table.
Wow, the food actually looks good. Uraraka Says. Oh shut up. Pink cheeks Kacchan Snarls. Well, I didn't say anything about you. She smiles. Oh my god, can you one stop bullying each other? Kaminari Cries Yeah Bakubabe Leave Ura Alone Mina Says, Hugging Uraraka.
Whatever, let's just start eating. I did a workby ass off for nothing, Kacchan complains.
After dinner, we all gather up in the common room to watch a movie. Mina picked out. It better be age-appropriate, Ilda says. Ilda We're 16 It's fine whatever movie we watch, Kirishima says. Not until you're 18, Ilda says. Okay, okay, you two be quiet; the movie is starting. Jiro and Kacchan Start to hand out popcorn.
Maybe this night will be fun!
*I won't be able to post As often because I start school on Monday So please be patient*
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