Welcome to Club Penguin !

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Rachel jumped out of bed with this yelling. She landed on the ground.

"Uuuuuuuugh..." she groaned.

She got up slowly, scrathing the back of her head, only opening one eyes, blinded by the sunshine through the window.

"Did he really need to scream like that ?" asked Rachel to Yarr, who answered by nodding.

The yellow penguin prepared herself, put on an ouftit like this :

(Author note : Please pretend she isn't wearing the necknacle.)

She then packed up her stuff, and went outside of the room, to face the immense island...

"Whoa..." she whispered to herself.

The island was full of life and happiness. We could see a lot of penguins, doing snowball fights, talking, making snowguins, snow castles...

"This island looks like the perfect place to relax !" declared Rachel, excited.

"Hahahar ! It sure be ! Ya will love this place ! Every penguin be very friendly and kind-hearted !" answered Rockhopper.

"Did you used to live here ?" asked Rachel.

"For a couple of years. But it be awesome years ! Especially when I met him..." answered Rockhopper, slightly blushing and looking at the mountains of the island, looking like he was day dreaming.

Rachel made a smug face to this, than looked back at the island.

This place... It was her place. She felt it.

"Well... Guess it be time to say bye 'til the next meet, mate !" suddenly said Rockhopper, snapping Rachel back to reality.


Rachel was kinda sad to leave Rockhopper after two weeks traveling together through the sea...

She then felt a flipper on her shoulder.

It was Rockhopper, looking at her and smiling, a determined expression on his face.

"Arr ! Don't be sad, mate ! We will meet again, I be sure of it !"

Rachel stayed surprised and silent, but then smiled back.

"Yeah ! And you will tell me your newest adventures !" she said with enthusiasm.

"I sure will ! And ya will tell me how be yar new life in Club Penguin !" answered Rockhopper in a laugh.

"Yarr ! Yarr !" yelped Yarr with a tone of happiness.

"Yup Yarr. Rockhopper will need you to watch over him." said Rachel on a teasing tone.

"HEY ! Me don't need someone to watch over me ! >:T" groaned Rockhopper.

Yarr roller his eyes and Rachel answered :

"Yeaaaaah, sure -w-"

After one last laugh, our protagoniste said Bye to her two new pirates friends, with a small heartache as she watched their ship sailing away, toward new adventures...

"Now it's my turn to starts my new adventures..." said Rachel to herself, proud, kinda worried, but... confident.

Welcome to Club Penguin, Rachel.

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