Rachel VS Agent S

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Rachel : ...Who the heck are you? And what do you want from me ?

Agent S : Oh, my dear~ I've been fascinated by you since the very day Dot recruited you !


Agent S : Who I am doesn't matter... What matter is that you are finally here ! I will get the honor to fight the new prodige of the EPF !

Rachel : Okay look. We don't have the time for your weirdness. Release our friend and this story won't end messy, got it ?

Agent S : Oh, but our fun is just starting, darling !

The white penguin threw Paige against a wall, from which some weird robotic arms got out and tied the Puffle Handler very thightly.

Dot and Rachel : PAIGE !

Rachel grabbed on of her favourite weapon... an axe. And she immeditaly jumped on Agent S. The opponent dodged a few seconds before our protagonist hit them, and she ended up planting her weapon in the ground. Meawhile, Dot ran to Paige and tried to break the robotic arms, without any sucess. 

Rachel then swang her axe toward Agent S, who fought back with a metal stick, blocking her attack. So she decided to jump by pressing her arms against the two weapons pressing against each other and did a flip and landed behind her ennemy, taking them by surprise and kicking them in the back. Agent S ended up lying on the floor, and noticed that the yellow penguin was preparing herself to knock them out by hitting them with the handle of her axe. They got up on their flippers, then swung from the bottom of their body into the air, then they made a pond and immediatly got up. Then they tried to make Rachel trip, but she jumped and tried to hit them once again, before they grab her weapon and pulls her against another wall. Rachel groaned and immediatly went back on her feet, holding her axe tightly. Due to the hit on her head, she was a little dizzy, but she didn't care. 

During the fight, the disguise gal managed to find something interesting on the mecanic arms : they seemed ro be controlled by someone... but who ? Agent S was the only one in the room, and they were fighting her orange haired coworker... Then who ?...

She then had an idea and looked in the corners of the ceiling... at first there was nothing, but soon she noticed a little light flashing inside the metal of the walls...she looked more closely, and realized that this was the light of a camera. Someone was spying on them, and used those robotic arms to tie up Paige. She grabbed her spy gadget and called Gary.

Gary : Agent D ! Is everything alright ?! I-Wait why do I hear fighting noices in the background ?!

Dot : Okay so let's make it quick : Rachel and I were investigatin in the corridor when we heard Paige screaming. We ran to the source of the noices and saw that she got attacked by the agent who was with Laura earlier ! They threw her against a wall and some robotic arms emerged from it and now she is tied up ! And I think I know who control those things ! I noticed  a camera's light inside the walls !


Dot : Yeah... So we need you and Rookie to find a way to take the control of those things, or to find who is controlling them.

Gary : Alright. Do not worry, I think I may have a gadget who can help you... And what about Rachel and the agent ?

Dot : They are fighting... Rachel doesn't look to struggle too much, but I think this is better to hurry up.

Gary : Understood ! Rookie, grab my bag and try to find a little remote !

Rookie, in the background : Aye aye, captain !

Gary : While agent Rookie and I try to find the Remote 3000, try to find another way to free Puffle Handler, or help agent Rachel.

Dot : Yes G.

The call ended, and Dot glanced back at the two fighter, to notice that they were both slightly sore and exhausted. But Rachel looked determined to defeat her opponent.

Agent S : Whoa ! You are sure very brave and stubborn ! I was wrong about you... I love it...

Rachel : Shut  up. I am going to turn you, your boss and your dumb agency into dust.

The yellow agent threw her axe to Agent S, who dodged it easily.

Agent S : Oh... You are running out of strategy, dear... Look like this is almost o-


The white penguin's eyes widden, as they started to feel a huge and sharp pain on a part of their back and arm.

The axe swings back to Rachel, like a boomerang, and she grabs it with a smirks. The agent falls on their knees, grimacing in pain. The wound on their back was'nt that deep of course, the weapon just efflorerated them, but it was enough to cause an injury. 

A little bit a blood were flowed on the axe, and our protagonist watched their opponent.

Rachel : ...I have to admit, you are pretty strong... It's a shale that you are our ennmy... you would have been a great help to the EPF...

Agent S : I know... But if I did, I would have never go the chance to fight you...

Rachel : Why are you so... focused on me ? (without wanting to seem selfish)

Agent S : There is... something special in you... You remind me of somebody I used to work with... 

Rachel : ...Who ?

Agent S : Oh, it's been so long... and they always kept a fake identity... the "Agent 432"...

Rachel : ...What-

The robotic arms suddenly let Paige go, and went back inside the wall.

Dot : G and Rookie succeeded to stop those things ! 

Paige : Yeah ! And now...

The Puffle Handler blew in her whistle, and Loop appears, to throw her lasso to the agent S and tie them up.

Dot : Now let's go back to the others before something happens to them too...

Rachel : Okay... And we take this creep with us, I presume ?

Paige : Yeah...

Agent S : No wonder why Laura is so scared of you guys... You really are a great team ! She has no chance against you !

Dot : Wait... What ?

Paige : But ya're on her side, aren't ya ? What's the point to work with someone who'll fail ?

Agent S : I've already say it... To fight Rachel.

Rachel : 

Rachel : Okay once this mission is done who SERIOUSLY need to take this penguin away from me.

Dot and Paige : Agree.

And so, the trio and the Elite Puffles ran through the corridors, making sure to not get caught by more agents, and dragging their prisonner with them.

~~To be continued...~~

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