1: The video

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Music blasted through his ears, bright lights almost blinding him but he was too wasted to care. America sat there on a couch in the corner of the bar, a bottle of whisky in his hand. He couldn't remember why or how he was there, but the commotion around him and the toxins of his drink blocked out all of his thoughts. Little did he know, he's not the only country there.

A couple of hours passed, it only felt like minutes to america but where he checked his phone-

'2 Am?!' His eyes shot wide open as he sprung to a sitting position from his original resting place.

'i didn't think I spent THAT long here....' His eyes quickly fell normal, his intoxicated state taking over once again. He's not like most people who get flirty or what not while drunk(no offense!).
The only thing drinking ever did to him was make him blank minded and look like he had no purpose, to which he acted as so sometimes.

The american lifted his bottle to take another sip but realized it was empty when nothing came out. He let out a tired sigh before standing up, grabbing his coat and walking out of the bar. But before he made it to the door, a girl clung to his arm, clearly not in the right state of mind.

"Babe don't *hic* leave without me.." she said, her words were slurred slightly and she was clearly tired. Feeling a bit uncomfortable, he tore his arm from her grip and continued speed walking out the door. When he was successfully out the bar he took a deep breath in, smelling the fresh air. It was refreshing and felt good to lungs after being around the constant scent of beer, vodka, and whisky. His head was cleared a little bit, being freed from the chaos inside. He started walking home since he only lived 34 minutes or so away.

When America arrived home, the first thing he did was go to his room and pass out on his bed. He had completely forgotten about his economy work from UN, but in all honesty........he should be worried about something else.

America woke up and was immediately struck with a headache. He groaned and sat up in bed. He looked over at his night stand at the clock. It was 7:12 Am. He rubbed his eyes a little before standing up, stumbling a bit, and walked to the bathroom. He turned on the sink, splashing his face with water and taking a quick shower. When he got out, he put on his black N.A.T.O T-shirt. Some ripped jeans, and some of his old combat boots. He walked back over to his bed and picked up his phone. But when he did he saw he had A LOT of messages from his family, friends, and even UN himself. He opened them up and his confused face was replaced with one of shock and fear. Everyone was calling him names, cussing him out, etc. His brother Canada had sent him a link to a video so he opened it and his jaw dropped.

It was a video of him at the bar. But his actions were way off. The video showed him starting fights with people, chugging down beer, and near the end it even showed him assaulting someone. Tears welled up in his eyes. He couldn't believe it. Someone had recorded him last night and the edited the footage to make it look like he did things he didn't do. He sat on his bed, looking at his phone, tears strolling down his face as he read through the comments of the video. He droppes his phone on the bed hand over his mouth. The fact that someone would practically frame him like this made him feel sick. He suddenly heard his phone go off. He hesitantly picked it up, he had got a message from UN.

UN: America.

America: yes?

UN: Were having an early meeting. You specifically need to be there.

America: .....is it about the video?

UN: so you saw it?

America: yea...

UN: so you understand why your going to this meeting then?

America: yes.

America knew exactly why HE specifically needed to go. They were just going to question him and tell at him. But most of all......there gonna judge him.
The video wasn't even true! But it looked so real...but who is that good at editing. UN had texted america the meeting time, he only had 30 minutes to get to the meeting. Well he was already dressed so might as well. He got up and exited his house. He got in his car, but right before he started the car he had a thought.

'do I really wanna deal with them? I already know what's gonna happen if I go. But what if........what I don't go....?' He thought to himself. He was really debating his options now. The only ones who were his real friends went missing a good while ago. Yea he has his family but they don't understand him like they did. He let out a long sigh. He knew what he wanted and what he didn't want. But if he left, where would he go? Where would he hide? Would they find him? He put the questions in the back of his mind, starting his car and driving off. He was halfway to the meeting building. He sat there at the red light, while waiting the questions came back. He was so lost in thought he didn't notice the light change. He was brought out of his thoughts being startled by the loud sound of screeching tires. He looked up at the sound right before there was a crash and he blacked out.


Hi! This is GargoyalGecko! And this is my new account!

Also first chapter! Of My Monsters, stay tuned!


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