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Hyy guys....
I'm your author kim_kiwa
I hope you all are doing fine
From the request of my beloved friends I'm starting the season 2 deadly obsession....if you have guys didn't read it then you can read it on my account and even if you don't want to read  you can start from here!!
Please support guys...
And please don't copy my work otherwise consequences will not be good.


You're the best person in life!!

You're my life itself doll!!

The girl who deeply loves a boy....!! But !??
Is the boy also loves her or just..............🖤

Please always be with me.. please never leave me...!!

I'll always near you doll...most near..even no one can touch you... you're mine!!

He promised her to always be with her...but he broke

He left.

He left her.

Will he return!??

. After 10 years .


A brutal king
He's one look is just enough to kill the man by fear.

I miss you doll...But don't worry your king is coming to capture you...mine doll..only mine!!

He was gone leaving her..but now is he coming!???

???? - princess..come here fast we are getting late!!

A cute royal princess...with a happy face but sorrow inside...why??

Why you leave me tahir??..I HATE YOU

He left her?

A tragic story of her love and his obsession.


Guys... I'm sorry for making it this late actually my health was so good that's why.
And about this new will continue from the last chapter of deadly obsession but soon the track will come on a new storyline...I hope you all enjoyed this too
Keep supporting and loving.

Thank you

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