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Hii dear guys..
How are you all?
I hope you all are doing fine

Let's start...

After college

Yn gets out of college. She raises her head and looks in front and a big smile appears on her face. Tahir was standing in front. She runs away and hugs him.
She said with a verge of crying tone.

Yn - I missed you tahir.

Tahir kisses her nose and said

Tahir - I also missed you doll.

She smiles after listening to him. She separates from him and looks inside the car. There was no driver that meant he drove himself here. Her smiles bigger and she exclaimed in a cute requesting tone.

Yn - today I'll drive while you watch my driving.

After speaking, she went and sat in the driving seat. He takes a deep breath and sits on the passenger seat as she starts the car.

After some time, she stops the car and looks at Tahir. She gets down from the car. He also gets down from the car and sees that they were near a cliff.

She pulls his hand and takes him to the cliff.

Tahir - why have we come here doll?

Yn - this place is my favorite place... After you left, whenever I missed you a lot, I used to come here. This place gives great relaxation and i had a dream of coming here with my lover and today i came with you ..my love!!

While speaking, she starts looking at him lovingly. He placed his hand on her cheek.

Tahir - I know everything about you, doll?

Yn - You must know..! But I have a promise that yn will remain only yours till her last breath. Only tahir's.

His heartbeat increases after listening to her. By bowing down on her face he said

Tahir - you will remain mine doll. I won't even let you go anywhere.

She came forward and put her lips on his as they rammed in their deep kiss.

After sometime they are sitting on a cliff while holding each other's hand. Suddenly she raised her head and asked

Yn - what is love for you tahir?

Tahir - kaid (Capturing) Doll, Keep the one you love so close to you that she can never go away from you. Imprison her in that captivity she got everything but not freedom.

Her eyes glatter with a shade of fear as she listened to him but she said looking into his eyes

Yn - it is not love but it's obsession tahir.

Tahir - Obsession is also a part of love, isn't it doll? So having an obsession is not wrong. Let's go now

He said while placing his hands on her cheeks. He stood up but yn didn't. He looked at her and took a step but got frozen by her words.

Yn - I have accepted everything of yours, Tahir. Your love with obsession also.

He turns back finding her looking into his eyes. She knows that he is a little surprised like how she knows about my obsession

Yn - don't be shocked, obsession is visible in your eyes tahir,  Now let me go. Mom and dad must be waiting.

She moves towards the car. He also took a deep breath and followed her.

In college

The students were in the auditorium. There was going to be some announcement. Yn and her friend Aanchal were standing together.

Dean - There is an event in the college after two days, Fashion designing event. This event will be recognized at the national level. So all the students who are interested in fashion designing. They can apply for this. Well from our college we have yn mehra Which has been topping in every competition till now. So yn you have more pressure about it! Thankyou!

Dean leaves after speaking. Yn smiled sadly after listening to his words. Till then someone said some words from behind

Kunal - she wins every competition indeed but what she does for it. She must know what she does to win?

On hearing this, yn turns and sees Kunal, the most spoiled student of school. He is highly jealous from yn and he and she always has a fight.

Watching him standing there, she gritted her teeth and said

Yn - what did you say Kunal Shekhawat?

Kunal smiles mockingly and said

Kunal - the same thing you heard daddy's princess.

While he was saying yn slaps him. His face turns to one side. Suddenly he  raises his head and raises his hand on yn but she holds Kunal's hand.

She shook his hand and shouted

Yn - how dare you Kunal Shekhawat? Who are you ? Whatever comes in your mouth, you keep barking. This college is neither yours nor your father's.

Kunal - control your fucking language yn mehra. You don't have the right to go after my father.

Yn - same for you. You also don't have the right to judge my character.

Kunal - I will not leave you hn mehra.

Yn - let's see..

Saying this she left and went to the garden. She calls someone while sitting on the bench.

on call

Yn - I need you.

She disconnects the call after saying this. Slowly tears start flowing from her eyes.
She wishpered looking towards the sky

Yn - why? Why me? every time this!? Why do tears come in my destiny? Why do you have to suffer the pain of betrayal? Me ? It is a very bad feeling to be cheated by someone. a little even if you have faith and it is broken, you start doubting yourself that I what did I do that I got cheated?

Her throat choked while speaking

Then her eyes go to one side. Someone was coming from there. She stands up from the bench and runs towards that person and hugs that person.
It was Tahir

Tahir - shhh doll don't cry I

Yn - Why does this happen to me? I never think bad about anyone, yet bad things happen to me. Why?

Tahir kisses her hair after listening to yn. He separates yn from himself and cleans her tears

Yn - doll You are so innocent that people take advantage of you but the Tahir singhaniya will not spare those who do this.

While speaking, his eyes had become cold. She looks at his expression. Somewhere she understood that he was talking about Kunal.

Yn - you'll do nothing Tahir.

Tahir - why not doll?? It's not only your  matter. Every matter of yours is mine because you are mine. Got it.

While speaking he tightens his hands on her waist. Obsession could be clearly felt in his voice.
She places her hands on his hand on her waist. He looked at her eyes which were moist. He immediately leaves her waist and starts caressing it. He said caressing her waist inside the shrug

Tahir - I'm sorry doll I was just angry

Yn - it's ok tahir. I have to go from here. I'm tired with all this.

He kisses yn's forehead and takes her in bridal style. She is surprised and puts her arms around his neck and said while buring her face in his chest

Yn - we are in college. What will everyone think if they see us like this?

He starts moving forward and said in his husky voice

Tahir - like I care doll. If this college comes to know that you are mine then that's good.

She nods after listening to him. She knew very well that he was not going to listen.

I'm sorry for being late but it was cause of my studies..I had some exams that's why I was busy.
I hope you'll enjoy this part
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