Chapter 80

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I'm feeling bored at home so I decided to go to a cafe. I decide to sit in the corner.

I sighed.

Usually when I'm with Jiyeon time flies so fast that I wanted it to stop already but now that I'm all by myself I feel like time goes too slow.

Hmm. What could I've been doing now if Jiyeon was here?

Maybe she will ask me to go to the mall and buy her ice cream. She just loves those. Maybe she will ask me to sing for her. Maybe she will complain about how busy her classmates while she's so relaxed.

Maybe if she's here I won't be alone. I won't be this lonely.

I suddenly feel like someone is looking at me. I look outside and saw a car passing by.

My eyes widen and my heart beats so fast.

Did I just saw Jiyeon on the car?

I immediately go outside and ride on motorbike to follow the car but I lost it.


Jiyeon must be alive.

I wanna see her.

I go back home and call Hyomin.

"Hyomin-ah I think I just saw Jiyeon" I happily said.

"Mwo?" She surprisingly ask

"Are you sure it's her? Maybe you just see her because you think about her so much" she said.

"Right. Maybe that's why" I said and hang up.

Maybe it's not her but my heart could never be mistaken.

Even if that was just a glimpse and she's wearing glassed I cannot be mistaken. She's the only person who can make my heart flutters.

I don't know why but I decided to go out once again and my motorbike takes in front of Soyeon's house.

I notice that our friends cars where here. Are they planning to party without me?

I walk towards the door but I stopped.

"Soyeon unnie Eunjung unnie is not yet here" I heard Areumie's voice from here.

"We didn't invite Eunjung. She doesn't have to know about this" I heard Boram.

They purposely not invited me?

"We saw Jiyeon" I heard Soyeon said.

They saw Jiyeon?

I smiled.

So that means the girl that I saw was Jiyeon.

"Why Eunjung can't know about this?" I heard Taeyeon ask

Yeah. Why can't I know about this?

"It's because she is with a man now"

A man?

Jiyeonnie is with a man now?

"Wait are you guys sure that it was really Jiyeon? You could've been mistaken by it"

"We are very sure that it's her coz we talk to her. She even live with the man now" Soyeon said

My tears unknowingly start to fall.

Jiyeon was with a man now. Maybe he can make her happier that's why she decided not come back and forget about me.

If that is what her happiness will be I'm willing to let her go even if it hurts a lot. Maybe it was my fault after all. If I didn't leave her she wouldn't be missing maybe she will not look for someone else but I'm happy that she's still alive at least I can still look at her from a far.

I don't know how long I've been standing here in front of the door while crying silently.


I could sense hatred in my friend's aura. I don't know but I wanted to hear Jirong's explanation first. Maybe something happen.

I know how deep her love for Eunjung unnie was and it wouldn't change that easy. Maybe they are just mistaken by it.

"Anyway. Yoongie and I have to leave now. We gotta meet mom and dad" Taeyeon said and we bid our goodbye then walk towards the door.

"Eunjung unnie" I mouthed when I saw her standing in front of the door way while crying.

Did she just hear the whole conversation?

"E-Eunjungie" Soyeon unnie peek on the door

Soon the others come over.

Hyomin unnie hugged her.

She must have heard everything.

"It's ok. She isn't worth for your tears" She said while comforting her.

"Who- who is the guy?" Eunjung unnie ask.

"We didn't know Eunjung. They immediately headed to their condo and didn't talk to us longer" Boram unnie sadly explains.

"So they live together" Eunjung unnie said.

I could feel her pain. I wanna see Jiyeon and talk to her.

I need answers

"Rambo unnie may I know where is this condo located?" I secretly ask Boram unnie and she gave me the address.

Taeyeon and I leave them first coz like what she said we have to meet mom and dad.

"Tae can we drop by her for a little while?" I ask her.


"I ask Boram unnie about Jiyeon. They say that they are here" I explain

"Yoongie, how would you know which one is theirs?" She asks.

Right how would I know?

"We will check each door" i said and go out the car.

"Why are you so eager to see Jiyeon?" She asks while we knocked on each door asking if they know Jiyeon.

"Because I need answers" I said.

"What if Jiyeon is really with that man?" She asks.

"What if no Tae? If you don't wanna look for her leave me here alone" I irritably said

"Hey, where not gonna fight because of this right?... ok I'm sorry now let's look for her" She said and we continue searching.

But we found nothing.

No Jiyeon.

I sighed

"Let's just go now Tae" I said

"Don't worry we will go look for in some other time" she said

I just smile at her.

I'm really eager to know what happen a year ago.


I'm lying here in bed as usual. We are not in Myungsoo's condo anymore. We transfer to Hyeri's house.

I still don't meet my parents or any of my friends. I don't know how will I face them this time. Jungie is happy now she might not be looking for me anymore. She don't need me anymore

"Jiyeon-ah do you wanna come out? You've been lying here for days already. Here Hyeri wanna talk to you" Myungsoo said and put the phone on my hand.

"Jiyeonnie" She greeted me cheerfully.

"Hyeri" I greet her back.

"Yah why so lifeless? Anyway you should go and meet your friends and your sister it's their graduation day in your school. If you just didn't meet an accident maybe you will graduate with them and who knows you might perform with them too" She said



"Stop kidding Hyeri-ah you know I have a stage fright" I said.

"Mwo? You don't remember that you overcome that fright already? Your girlfriend helps you so" She said.

Honestly there are scenes like that on my mind but they are not clear and Jungie help me overcome my fear?

What else does she do for me before?

I hope I won't remember those so that it won't hurt anymore.

"No I don't" I said.

"Haist. Anyway I'm telling you that you did perform in front of the crowd before but don't force yourself to remember. Ask Oppa to bring you to your school" She said.

"Arasso" I just replied.

I didn't tell Hyeri about Jungie. I don't wanna burden her she has her own problem too.

"Another thing Jiyeonnie I will arrive today too but I can't make it to the graduation. So see you" She said we hang up.

I sighed

Should I go there?


"Yah Eunjung gets up there. We will go to our dongsaengs graduation today. Move now" I keep nagging at Eunjung who is hiding under her blanket.

Since she found out about Jiyeon she never wanna go out of their house but as her friends we don't allow her to be like this and don't let her be alone by herself so there is always someone who pester her.

"Just go by yourself. I'm staying here" She complains.

"Yah Eunjung don't be like this. If Jiyeon could be happy then you should be happy too. Don't slump yourself there "I said.

"That's it I want to be happy for her even if it hurts but it's hard for me. She could be happy and I can't that's so unfair Sso" she said under the covers.

She's crying again.

"Eunjungie that's why you should start to move on. We are here for you. You will never be alone" I said

I really hate Jiyeon for doing this to Eunjung. Several days already pass since we last meet each other but she never make a move to talk to us. It's ok if she loves someone else now. We can't force her to love someone but she could she at least try to reach out to everyone? We are not strangers. Did she forget our friendship because of that man?

After having a hard time and with the help of some words of wisdom I finally convinced her to attend the graduation.


"Wow finally our beautiful hobaes are going to graduate. I'm so proud of you girls" I said and hug each of them.

"Soyeonnie sounds like an omma" Hyomin starts to tease me.

"YAH Park Hyomin I don't care if you had tons of fans around here" I said and pinch her earlobe.

"Yah, yah Sso, that hurts stop it. Ouch" She complains and tries to release herself.

"Haha now Hyomin unnie gets her punishment from Sso omma" Areumie said and I glare at her

"Uhm Sweetie aren't we busy? Let's go" She said and drag Suzy

It's very obvious that she's just trying to escape.

"Lee Areum you are not going anywhere!" I said and smirked at her.

"Aigoo. Sso stop it already. The ceremony is about to start" Rambo said.

Well they should be thankful to my Rambo.


I'm so happy that finally we are graduates even though mom and dad can't make it here today its ok.

"Finally Sweetie. Congratulations to the both of us" Areum said and hug me tight.

"Neh. We are not students anymore. I'm so happy" I said and hug her back.

"I wish Jiyeon was here too" Yoona said.

"Don't mention her name here Yoona my mood is just too good to be ruined" IU said.

Right. She's back now but why she can't come home and explain things? I suddenly wanna forget that I have a sister.

Is she that happy with her new boyfriend that she can't even make time for us for her family?

Doesn't she know how much we got worried for her? How much sleepless nights we been through when she was gone?

"Sweetie" Areumie wipes my tears.

I just smile and hug her again.

I'm in pain because of her. I should be happy today.

"Suzy-ah" I broke the hug and face the owner of the voice.

It's her. She never change. She's wearing sunglasses and holding on a man's arm. Is this her boyfriend?

I clenched my fist.

I saw my friends got surprise too. No one dares to speak.

"Girls let's take your pi-"Hyomin unnie's words got cut when she saw Jiyeon. She was with others and Eunjung.

I frowned when I saw that the man seems to whisper something to her.

Can't they be more insensitive?

"Why are you here Jiyeon? You shouldn't have come here" Qri unnie said.


I still decided to meet them. I admit that I missed them so much though I don't remember everything about us.

"They are over there. Are you sure you wanna talk to them right now? Aren't you feeling anything? Is your head ok?" Myungsoo worriedly ask me

"I'm ok Myungie. I miss them a lot already. I'll be fine coz your with me. You are a great doctor so I trust you" I said

Sometimes he worried like an appa.

"Ok. I'm just worried you got another severe headache again." He said

"We will go there and meet, Suzy, Yoona, Areum, IU and a girl with Yoona. She's not included in the picture that Hyeri gave me" He said.

A girl with Yoona? That must be Taeyeon unnie.

"Suzy-ah" I called her and look down coz I'm not sure where exactly her position was.

There was silence in them.

I guess they are surprised.

"Girls let's take your pi-"

Is that Hyomin?

"Now the whole gang is here" I heard Myungsoo whispered to me.

Everyone is here? That means...

Jungie is here too.

I suddenly felt nervous and speechless.

What should I do now?

"Why are you here Jiyeon? You shouldn't have come here" I heard Qri's voice.

Why does she sounded like she's angry at me?

Why do I feel like I did something wrong?

"Let's go now guys." That's Soyeon unnie's voice.

I wanted to say something but no words coming out of my mouth.

I heard them leaving.

I'm so confused

"I'm happy for you" I heard her voice.

The voice that I missed so much.

What does she say?

She's happy for me?

She's happy for me for what? Which part of my life now she should be happy?

Is she happy because I'm in this situation? Because I can't see now?

Are they mad because of that?

I didn't wish to be like this.

I never did want to forget about them.

"Jiyeon they already left" I heard Myungsoo said.

"Myungie why are they like that? They're acting as if I did a crime." I said and cry.

"I-I don't know Ji-jiyeon. I'm sorry" He said and hug me.

"What are you sorry for?" I ask him

"Uhmm I-I'm s-sorry because your friends treat you that way. Yeah that's it" he said.

"You don't have to pity me Myungie" I just said.


When I got inside the car I can't control my feelings anymore. I didn't know it could hurt this much.

I break down and cry. I don't care if my friends see me. I need to let this out.

She didn't even dare to look at me and just keep close to that man.

I hope she could be really happy now.

"Eunjung unnie I'm sorry if my sister was so insensitive" Suzy apologizes.

"She shouldn't have come here." I heard Hyomin said.

"Anyway ulijima Eunjungie. Let's just prepare coz tomorrow we will go to the beach and have fun. Let's forget about Jiyeon now" Soyeon said.

Forget her? It wouldn't be that easy coz if I could I already forget about her a long time ago.


I just arrive in Korea right now but I'm rushing home. Myungsoo told me that Jiyeon fainted again because of severe headache.

I wonder what happen. Does she remember everything now?

I'm worried about her.

Is it dangerous for her to have that kind of headache most of the time?

I park my car and literally run inside the house and go upstairs.

I immediately to Jiyeon's room.

"Hey what happen?" I worriedly ask.

I saw Jiyeon lying on the bed. She's asleep. I think she's ok now. I turn to look at Myungsoo. He's crying.

"Yah Oppa why are you crying?" I ask.

I got nervous.

Did something worst happen to Jiyeon?

"It's all my fault Hyeri-ah. It's all my fault." He said

I got confused

"It's all your fault? What is it? What did you do Kim Myungsoo" I ask him.

"Jiyeon is hated by her friends because of me" he said.


Is that the reason Jiyeon fainted again?

I pull him outside the room.


Then he started telling me the story.


He's gone crazy. I wanted to take Jiyeon away from him but Jiyeon needs a doctor.

"You are going to fix this. You are going to tell her the truth Myungsoo." I said sternly.

"What truth?"


Omg too much drama.

Haha Sorry guys!

Please bear with it a little bit more I know you want happy moments and we will definetly get there soon.

Thanks for reading!!

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