Chapter 4: Into the Spotlight Part II

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30 minutes before Aegis' reinforcements arrival...

An explosion was heard in the distance. Two individuals were seen hidden wearing ghillie suits from the abandoned Reunion temporary hideout in the building they were on. One was holding a mic and another one was holding a camera. On the ground next to them was a briefcase.

( You know, the one worn by the crossbow and caster guys that either needs to be blocked, use detectors or some operator's skills which can see or detect invisible enemies )

Reporter: Come on, hurry up with that drone. We're gonna lose the "scoop".

Cameramen: Oh come on, give me some credit here.

The cameraman then opened the briefcase revealing a remote and a drone. The cameraman then activated the drone then made it fly to a position overlooking the battlefield. The cameraman then set-up the camera facing the reporter.

Cameraman: I need a raise.

Reporter: Oh come on, it can't be that bad. We are literally the only eyes here in Chernobog in the moment. The world need to see the truth!

Cameraman: 😓 I'm really not paid enough for this shit.

Reporter: Oh shush it with that face of yours. Who knows, maybe we'll really get a raise if this is done right.

Cameraman: Fine, fine. Ok ready?

Reporter: Yes!

Cameraman: Ok, rolling in 3.....2.....1.....👍!

Rhodes Island Pharmaceutical LTD, Mobile Base Ark, Command Center...

The news about Chernobog was shown on a large holographic screen with Kal'tsit and a woman watching it.

Kal'tsit: Heh, the media sure are persistent, aren't they?

???: They sure are.

Kal'tsit: And pray tell, Closure, did you come here again because you want to ask my help because of your predicament that is related to the explosion I heard in factory B201?

Closure just sheepishly smiled at Kal'tsit. Kal'tsit had a tick mark on her face but sighed and calmed down before continuing the watch the news.

Kal'tsit: Hmm, I always wanted to see what kind of surprises my associate has in store.

Closure: Associate? You mean that guy with a mysterious air around him but has very technologically enhanced things that looks like it came from a science fiction movie? I mean look at this.

She showed Kal'tsit the picture of Kal'tsit's "associate".

( Yes the oc which is Us uses the weapons in the image )

Closure: But to make armor like that with materials unknown to Terra and with capabilities and weapons basically unknown to many, even us, with only a few that had heard glimpses or rumors of his existence. AND TO THINK HE WAS YOUR ASSOCIATE!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME! All that precious-

Kal'tsit turned around and glared at her with menacing aura. Closure knew what that look meant "Shut up". She just pouted and looked back to the screen.

Kal'tsit: There is no point in asking me a question with no definite answer. Even I do not know his reasons for helping us.

Closure: Really? Pretty sure he just want something in return or he just wants to strike a partnership or something since Rhodes Island is a pharmaceutical company.

Kal'tsit: You have a point but remember that I have already experienced multiple attempts of other businessmen or politicians to undermine or tried to manipulate every time we do "talks". But he who actually approached me didn't seem like the type to do that.

Closure: Huh? Really?

Kal'tsit: Well I only made that theory based on his attempts on a "first impression", if you could call it that.

Closure: Hmm?

Kal'tsit: A man once said that "Actions speak louder than words". That is exactly what he demonstrated in our talks.

Closure: He threatened you to work with him?

Kal'tsit: More like him cutting to the chase. He said that words is a waste of time and that time is gold. He also gave me something.

Closure: What something?

Kal'tsit then took out a briefcase then opened it, revealing a familiar blue cube.
Closure looks at the cube with curiosity.

Kal'tsit: Remember the report that Amiya gave to us about a man who cured a bunch of infected kids with a blue orb?

Closure then looked at Kal'tsit then at the cube. She then realized what she just said.

Closure: You mean to tell me that this cube is the same one in the reports? The same cube which can CURE oripathy? But I thought it was an orb?

Kal'tsit then also took out an Originium shard although this shard is crystal clear rather than the brown tainted one.

Closure: Why is the color of this shard similar to a diamond?

Kal'tsit: He said that while he checked the orb for the reason it became black, the orb then cracked until this thing fell out of it. He then tried to study it then told me about the result and I can say it is very confusing.

Closure: Why?

Kal'tsit then held the shard while looking at it with fascination.

Kal'tsit: He said that this is a pure originium shard.

Kal'tsit: Pure?

Kal'tsit: Even I was confused on what he said, but he explained to me that the orb not only removed every inch of originium in a person's body, it also purifies the stored originium inside the orb then the outcome is this. He also changed its form to a cube for some reason.

Closure: Wait, so he can create these things en masse then? This could change the world, Kal'tsit!

Kal'tsit: And? Remember that he could've shown himself with this item and given it to the world but he didn't.

Closure: But this literally cures oripathy, no longer will the infected be discriminated and no more fear of oripathy.

Kal'tsit: You think it was that easy? Introducing this to the world may add more chaos than it is. We need to be slow but sure, ok? No need to add more alcohol to the wound, even if how effective it is. Do not worry, we have the means of curing the disease that plagued our world for who knows how long. The only thing we can now is wait for things to slowly cool off for now.

Closure: You're right. If only......

Ka'tsit: There are people who would try to exploit this and make even more problems for us. I think my associate even knows this too since he even mentioned to our talks about "accusing Rhodes Island of hiding this from the public" or "blaming Rhodes Island for not saving other infected near deathbeds" or "companies trying to give dirt to Rhodes Island by making whatever reason they can for not globalizing this yet".

Closure: You have a point.

An explosion was heard, making the room shake a little then an alarm was heard. Kal'tsit then turned to Closure with a menacing look. Closure then realized that Kal'tsit knows what that explosion is. She then did the one thing most people would do in a situation like this. A smoke afterimage was left on where she stood followed by a door abruptly opening. Kal'tsit just closed the door then continuing to watch the news but not forgetting what punishment she would give the vampire later.

1 minute before Aegis' arrival....

Reporter: As you can see from our drone that is currently encircling the warzone, Rhodes Island operators with Penguin Logistics are currently engaged with numerous Reunion forces. They are holding out, but the question is how long? You getting this?

Cameraman: *thumbs up*

An explosion suddenly shook the building they are on.

Reporter: And it would seem that the fighting seems to be more and more deadly as originium slugs became more and more numerous. Wonder where those came from?

A loud explosion was heard and the two media people immediately looked over to the source.

Reporter: An explosion? Enemy mortar? Explosive Arts? Explosive spider slugs? It would seem, ladies and gentleman, that Reunion is not holding back even though their enemies are just a small group of people.

Before she could say another word again, gunfire traces and missile streaks from unknown directions began shredding the enemy troops to bits. This scenario was seen by the drones' camera or to say the truth, the whole of Terra. ( well those with internet I guess )

Reporter: Uh, you know where that came from?

Cameraman: Why are you asking me?

4 unknown flying machines de cloaked from their hiding positions. Three machines fired at the enemy with devastating results with the big one with the most kills while the bigger one landed on the ground. Both of the witnesses just looked at the scene with wide eyes. The reporter then snapped out of her stupor and continued talking

Reporter: Hey are you getting this? What seems to be VTOL aircraft with a design unknown to us just appeared out of thin air and it would seem that the other three have lots of weapons because of their tremendous firepower while the other one seems to be a transport. The organization or company that owns these things are completely unknown.

Multiple metal creatures began jumping out of the transport carrier and the dragonship.

Reporter: Hey can you zoom in?

Cameraman then zooms in on the scene.

Reporter: Holy crap those are robots. Columbia has been attempting to create something like those but with little success and yet this unknown organization just deployed lots of them. I mean just look at them.

The bigger droids(juggernaut) were firing lasers and missiles while some of the small ones(assault droid) decided to go melee or ranged. The enemy stood no chance as their weapons can't even pierce the droids' energy shields. The droids fought back with sheer efficiency. The gunships still keeps on supporting the ground troops while tanking ballista, arrows and arts thrown at them.

Reporter: The robots are pushing them back and they haven't even lost a single one. The robots seems to have some sort of shield as ranged and arts  shots just seem to be deflected or just bounce off of them. The guns that the small drones have have bear a striking resemblance to the Laterano "bullpup" rifle but shoots lasers instead of bullets. The big ones on the other hand has giant laser cannons already attached to their hands and what seems to be missile pods which Laterano and Columbia have in their anti air defense systems. How these walking mechanical behemoths and the "aircraft" have such precise coordination and devastating firepower is still a question to us as it is to our fellow viewers. Oh and it would seem that the bigger airship that seems to be a transport seems to be evacuating the operators. Could this unknown organization have any ties with Rhodes Island or with the Penguin Logistics? And it would seem that the bigger airship and one of the smaller, heavily armed airship just left, leaving behind the rest of its group. Why leave them though?

Cameraman: Um, hey. I think that robot is looking at us.

Reporter: What?

They saw that the droids have stopped walking and seems to be inspecting their surroundings with one of them looking at their position and them specifically. The robot then began to point at their position with some of the bots on standby beginning to walk towards them.

Cameraman: I think we're screwed.

3rd Person Perspective

All around the world, those with connections to the media and those who, well have internet and TV witnessed the battle, no a massacre between the unknown forces and Reunion. They then heard the panicking voice of the cameraman about robots running to their place and the reporter leaving a will if they were captured. The last thing the people of Terra saw where 2 yellow glowing eyes staring at the camera before the camera fell down showing the robots apprehending the two and injecting them with depressants. The camera then began glitching with the studio saying about technical difficulties.

The world's reaction was all mixed.

- When Ursus saw that Chernobog is really falling with their fake news debunked, they then began to mobilize their armies for a full assault to take back Chernobog while being wary of the unknown organization currently in there. In their minds was only two things and that is to take back Chernobog and never messing with the tin cans with futuristic weaponry.

- Sarkaz mercenaries watching the news was interested at the robots' abilities and the weapons they used and their coordination and ability to make the job easier, though some were just fascinated with the explosions and their effectiveness, one of them a certain Sarkaz girl currently in Rhodes Island.

- Lungmen was still on full alert since the attack on their mobile city and just intensified their defense when the news on Chernobog was heard. Wei Yenwu was very curious about the organization and was making plans on meeting with the said organization and was also making plans for Lungmen's reconstruction and the mystery of the "Ghost".

- Laterano was already planning on sending multiple intelligence units to Chernobog to find out about the organization as they were intrigued and fascinated by the various technologies that was showcased, particularly the firearms and the vehicles that dealt the massive blow to the enemy forces.

- Columbia however has different mixed reactions. The scientific community(mostly Rhine Lab) was drooling for knowledge about the capabilities of the unknown organization and the science behind it, the military(focusing on Blacksteel) was trying to find out how to replicate the technology since most of the tech showcased in the news were either a work in progress or already made but still in prototype stage.

- Reunion of course isn't happy with the recent development. Talulah destroys the television in anger while ordering Reunion troops and reinforcements to quickly subjugate Chernobog while at the same time gather intelligence about the unknown enemy and what their weaknesses are.

- Other countries just watched the news with different mixed reactions but almost all want an answer to a question. Just what is this organization and what change will it make to the entirety of Terra.

All meanwhile our dear MC, Y/N is just rubbing his head in frustrationbecause of the most obvious scene that was in his monitor right now.

Y/N: I should have read more Arknights fic. Most of them have this kind of scene right now. Argh! Now what do I do? Now everyone, with internet of course, now knows about us. *sighs*

Histoire: Well sir, this is also a good thing for us as you don't need to hide anymore. And at least they don't know our company name yet.

Y/N: Seriously, that's the first thing gou can say?

Histoire: Think about it sir, if what you're explanations to me about the books you read say, most of the world views your actions with a positive view. I think you just unintentionally boosted your PR, sir.

Y/N: Right, and what about those with neutral of negative views. I'm more scared about the neutral ones more than the negative ines for some reason.

Histoire: Sir, I handle the politics remember? And now I know why you hate politics.

Y/N: Yes, now if you'll excuse me I'll just go to bed for my headache to be gone while at the same time thinking what actions should I make next. *sighs* From a cashier in a fast food restaurant to the most powerful man in the planet. What a blessing and a curse. I'll just make some skills while I rest. It's been a long day.

And that's a wrap. To be honest, I had a a hard time writing this chapter to be honest. The hard ones where Kal'tsit and Closure interaction and the world's reactions. I had to adjust lots of dialogues just to fit with their personality and the world building, if you can call it that. Now everyone knows the existence of the "unknown" organization. What would be the next scene. Tune in next time! And sorry for the late update!

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