Before Bella came to town
Managing to pull a lust-stricken Jessica away from standing in the middle of the hall, I roll my eyes at her
"Jessica, you need to stop staring, you look like a creep" I whisper shout at her as we walk away from the family and I swear I hear someone chuckle
"How can you not swoon, Leah? They look like Gods!" She says again as we round a corner, out of sight
I push her out the way of people walking by and I open her eyes with my fingers and I blow in them. She shouts as she clenched them shut and she moves away from me as my arms drop
"What was that for?!" She shouts as some people glance at us
"I'm blowing all the love Potion out of your face." I say as I make fun of her and she rolls her eyes
"I might get some decease from your onion breath" She says as she continues to swat me away.
I laugh as I grab her arm and begin to pull us down the corridor to class.
"I haven't eaten any onion, all I had was a slice of toast!" I complain as we walk
Rubbing my eyes, I walk out the room and as soon as my foot steps over the threshold I have an arm draped around my shoulders
"What's up Arizona!" He shouts as we begin our walk down the corridor to get to the History block
"How many times have I got to tell you, Mike! I only lived in Arizona for a year after I was born. Plus I don't remember anything!" I remind him as he just shrugs and manoeuvres us around a corner with his arm over me.
"Tomato, potato" He shrugs in return as I just laugh.
After arriving outside my history class room, I turn to Mike.
"Thanks for walking me, you'd best go to geography" I tell him
"Can't I just skip and sit with you in here?" He asks and I laugh
"You know that you can't, now go and be with Jessica in Geography, I'm sure she's missing you" I say knowing full well that Jessica likes him.
He rolls his eyes
"It's ok... I can tell when I'm not wanted" He says, mocking tears as he pushes me into the classroom and runs away before I could smack him one.
I shake my head as I chuckle and turn to see every one in the room staring at me. I stop still as I hear Mr McLeans voice.
"Glad that you could join us, Miss Swan" He says, sarcastically "New year, new seating plan" He says and I fight the urge to groan out loud at the same sentence I will expect to hear from every teacher all day
"Lucky you" He says, tearing me away from my thoughts as I look at him "You have the pleasure of sitting next to Jasper Hale"
I'm glad that he gestures to who he is before he turns back to the board, because I wouldn't have known as Jasper is new.
I sit besides the golden haired boy as I pull out my notebook and a pen from my backpack. I don't look at him, afraid of making it even more awkward for the both of us then it already is.
"Alright, first thing that we are going to do today is Partner work" Mr McLean says and I internally groan. Of course we are, why would anything go the way I want it to?
"First thing I want you to do is to think of a time period and discuss the issues going on at that time" He finishes
I turn to Jasper and I tell him what my favourite time period is and to my surprise, he says the exact same one.
"Let's do-"
"1861, American Civil War"
"1861, American Civil War"
Edited and updated 2025
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