Found Jimin but...

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- Other side -
- Jhope and suga -

- Jhope pov -

We were almost near the building this building was near the forest area away from the city

Suga - just once I will find him I will make sure to kill him in the most painful way

Jhope - me to we here Suga

*I said while looking the building infront of us*

I stopped our car in infront the building and both of us came out of the car
looking around

Suga was the first who came out and jhope came after him

Suga - let's go Jhope we don't have time

Jhope - Suga wait there will be mans of that brat so be careful

Suga - hmm

- Other side Jimin -
Jimin pov

I opened my eyes and see that I am was at some different place

I was feeling pain in my head and body I was tied up with a chair I looked around and it was a building not the basement where I was before my mouth was covered with a cloth
There were mans surrounding me
That is when someone came inside

??? - so you got up

He Sit in front of me

I looked at him as usual he was waring a mask I was trying hard not to cry but tears already left my eyes

??? - why are you crying baby boy

I tried to say something but my mouth is covered with the cloth

??? - let me open this I didn't even talk to you right

He opened my cloth

Jimin - plea-se l-et m-e g-o w-hat did I d-o t-o y-ou ple-ase let m-e go

??? - you didn't do anything but your husbands did

I looked at him

??? - THEY KILLED MY BROTHER *shouted in anger*

I got really scared when he shouted at him

??? - they killed him and you know why I bought you here for my revenge
They will come here to save you and I will kill them and you t-

He was cut off by the door breaking sound

I looked at the where the sound came
and suga and jhope were standing there

??? - wow look they are already here and that also without any guards

Jhope - we don't need guards like you

Suga - and we didn't come alone we bought your death with us *smirk*

- Author pov -

But Sopes smirk disappeared and turned in worriedness when they noticed jimin tied up with the chair

All covered with wounds

Jhope - you mf why did you kidnapped jimin

Suga - and why did you do this all who are you

Sope eyes became bloody red

??? - you don't know me

He removed his face mask

??? - lee minwo lee kin brother

Suga - lee kin who we killed for killing a innocent school girl

Minwo - Yes you mf and I will kill you today *smirk* guards kill them

Soon there was a fight jimin was watching everything silently Sope were beating all the guards seeing this minwo got little scared

He looked at jimin and then took his gun and pointed at jimin

Minwo - enough stop there

Sope looked at minwo who was pointing his gun at jimin

Jhope - you leave him

Suga - minwo leave him remove your gun *shouted*

Minwo - don't shout or I will shoot him guards hold them

Suga - now leave him minwo

A smirk came on minwo's face

Minwo - guards beat both of them

The guards started to beat Sope while jimin was shouting and begging them to stop while crying

Jimin - n-o please stop *crying*

Jimin - no st-op lea-ve the-m *crying*

Sope got badly beaten up

Minwo - stop

The guards stopped and moved a little side Jimin Was badly crying

Minwo - let's end this drama now who should I kill first Suga or jhope you or jimin hmm you killed my brother so let's kill jimin first right

Suga - leave him minw- ahh

one guard hit Suga

Minwo points his gun at jimins head

Jimin closed his tightly and



Hi everyone how are you all
After a long time
I am updating this story

My exams are still not over but I thought of updating and also I thought of new storys

I already gave the part

So if you want then you can checkout

One is yoonmin story

My Cold husband

Second is a gxg ff
a short story Not a fan base
Cold Ceo

So take care of yourself
Eat well and drink alot of water
See you in the next part

Namjin's daughter here
Author star 🌟

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