tightly tying loose ends

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"Well I figured since you weren't going to, I would inste-"

"OhmYGOSH YOU ARE ACTUALLY GOING TO KISS ME," I took a deep breath in and he blinked at me.

"You're right about that, I sure am."

Before I could further wheeze, he pushed his lips onto mine and I was taken back by the pressure he put forth into the kiss. Letting my arms go around him to keep him close to me, he deepened the kiss, his lips firmly pressed over mine.

His hands tugged me forward into his chest, taking the opportunity to kiss me harder, our lips tightly locked while he held my waist and my hands were tangled in his hair.

"Well, gee golly. That sure isn't what I expected to return to."

"Don't mind little old me, just here doing my thing, you two go on."

We both pulled away at my brother's sudden entrance in the room, both of us breathing heavily as we stared at him, bags in his hands.

"YoU MISSED IT LEO, I CAUGHT THEM SMOOCHING!" He shouted as the other male poked his head in as well, groaning.

"Fine, fine, a deal is a deal," he shoved his hand into his pocket as he pulled money out.

"HA! Told you I'd know my sister better than you would, loser," he stuck his tongue out at Leo, only to get his ear pulled seconds later by Misaki as she walked in with drinks.

"We also reported in the files that you guys got from the administration office as well so the legal work has already started, the case over Sir Igarashi taken place to form," Misaki informed us.

"Look, sis! I got you a cat," Takumi set some bags down, holding one bag as he pulled a cat out of the bag and I slightly freaked out.


"No harm done, it's friendly, see!"

"Yeah, so friendly, I see," I retorted with a laugh at his scratched up skin.

"Maybe Misa can take care of me like she did when I got sick before at my ho-"

"Misa will do no such thing!" Misaki cut him off with red cheeks as she pushed him away.

"Y/N chAAAANN!" He whined, running over to throw himself at me.

"You'll be fine, my brother," I smiled at him, the feelings having no words for me as I now had my family with me.

"I told you," Tora crossed his arms with a huff. "Whenever you cried when you were little, I told you, you did have a family," he proudly stated and I grinned wider.

"He was the one to work through everything just to bring us together," Takumi pointed out, resting his head over my lap.

"Those nights and days," my eyes widened. "How you were never around for the student council around the timing of the fair," I remembered. "You found my brother during that, right? The last time I asked, you didn't answer me clearly."

"It's why I said I always had important business or work to get done," Tora looked away shyly and I wanted to start sobbing.

"He even broke into my house to get my hair for the DNA matches r-"

"You noticed that?" Tora snapped his head back to stare at Takumi as he gave a light shrug. "And you never told me you knew?"

"Didn't find it that necessary."

I ran a hand through Takumi's hair, kissing his head lightly.

"You mean the world to me, Kum Kum," I smiled softly down at him, my heart happy to have a family that I never knew I did.

"Yeah, okay, so he's getting more attention than me and that makes me start to regret my decision of finding him," Tora stated, whining loudly and I laughed.

"Look who's whining now," Takumi teased and Tora only scoffed at him.

We all sat together to eat, and I smiled at the group of the five of us.

Blood and non blood family.

My family.


Tora's POV

We had returned back to hotel we were staying at, dismissed from the hospital as Y/N and I were still assigned to rest for recovery.

We all had slept in the main room, insists of Leo due to his want of watching movies all night as soon as we had came back.

I yawned, stretching as something caught my eye by the door.

I walked over, rubbing my eyes as I leaned down to pick up the paper that was slid under the door.

My eyes widened as all sleep and tiredness washed away at the sight of the papers and I hurried to shove my feet into my shoes, letting my instincts guide me.

With a last glance over at a sleeping Y/N, I held my hand over the doorknob before turning back to walk over to her. Leaning down, I kissed her lips lightly, gently holding her face for a quick moment before letting go.

"I love you with all of my being."

Rushing back to the door, I left the room with my final words, my mind racing with anger.


"Oh how lovely it'd be when her pathetic life fades away before my eyes, like a dart striking its target."

I grit my teeth at the voice of my own blood family.

"On the contrary, I'm here to interfere wholeheartedly," I growled, stepping out from my hidden position, my fingers gripping onto the dart my father had thrown forward in the air.

When I glanced over at the board, I saw a photo of Y/N pinned over where the dart would strike fully on point.

"Son?" He turned to face me, shock clear in his eyes as he addressed me.

In that moment, I realized what differed between me and my love.

The amount of love she held for her family was the amount of hate I held for my family.

Even within a difference there was a similarity between us.


"You don't deserve to talk to me with that form due to all you've done," I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I was not expecting you to arrive in Italy here," he blinked at me, tilting his head to the side. "But no matter, I'm sure whatever purposes you're here for will stand no worth," he shrugged carelessly, a nasty smirk curling over his lips.

He still thought he had the upper hand.

I held back my own smirk, proud to have the name of the tiger.

Ready to pounce out of the blue, no mercy for the prey once the predator leaps.

"Is that so?" I questioned, wanting to see what he'd say.

"Quite so, I'm sure you're here for that girl," he spat the words out coldly and I held back the twitch of my index finger. "Even after her marriage and her husband having taken your prior position," he went on and I made a mental note to fix that with Leo when I got back to the hotel. "But no worries, I made things simple for you, she won't stick to you after today. Her clingy glue will dry and fall off once she receives the gift I sent her."

Despite the anger that coursed deeply through my veins and was ready to flow openly, I felt satisfaction, as well as getting my answer securely.

So he did send those papers then.

Perfect, then my work was done.

And so was my act.

"That must be why I was kissing her last night, and kissed her lips before I came to you, your gift in my hands so I can throw it back in your face," I smirked, the arrogance now in my attitude present, causing my chin to raise.

I watched his eyes widen slightly for a moment before narrowing as he stepped closer towards me.

Not yet.

"What are you going to do, father?" I spat the word back at him as I seethed. "I've fallen in love with her long ago and there's nothing you could ever do in all your lifetimes to come to tear us apart."


I'm bloody sobbinG

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