the tiger roars first

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Okai so wow, people apparently like Tora more than i thought they would THANK YOUS O MICH ALL OF YOU!!

"Get your arm off me," I spoke through gritted teeth.

"You know, everyone must assume you whispering the most sweetest words to me," he chuckled.

"Well you know what they say about people who assume, they're as-"

"Okay, we'll stop there," he held his hand over my mouth.

"Why haven't you let go of me for the past two hours?"

"Because I hold onto th-"

"I don't want to hear it. I swear if I have to hear anymore of your flirting I will rip my ears off," I groaned.

"Don't, you have pretty ears."

"I knew you'd give a stupid response."

"No need to be so stubborn," he smiled and I rolled my eyes at him.

With a sigh, my eyes caught the light of Tora and I's office on.

I remember turning it off after I left.

"Look over everyone, I've got to grab something from my office real quick," without giving him a second to argue, I pushed myself into the crowd of students.

My hood was still over my head and my eyes were hidden from view, yet my steps were bold.

It probably was a lost student who needed help.

And so with a sigh, I opened the doors, finding the lights off again and I blinked.

"Great, and now I'm going crazy without him too," I breathed out.

Turning to flick on the lights, something caught my eye, over Tora's desk.

I stepped closer, my hands brushing against the edge as I felt tears nearly well my eyes.

The name plate of Tora Igarashi was moved, only to have President Leo in it's place.

I picked up the engraved piece, holding it in my hand. I ran my fingers over the lettering, admiring each symbol.

"I'm sorry I let you down," my voice was steady, despite me being on the verge of tears.

I brought over the name plate, placing it onto my desk.

Proudly having his name next to mine, I smiled as I spoke.

"We're meant to be side to side, always and forever."

I went down on a simple knee, resting my forehead against the edge of my desk.

I let out a deep breath, standing tall and as I looked out the window, my thoughts went to the words I had spoken before.

"I love Tora."

And I did, I do.

Without a doubt, but when I said it earlier, I felt as though I had said it with another meaning.

Of course I loved him, I cared about him like no other.

Yet I realized I may have started loving him in a way other than what I told myself.

And I knew I wasn't supposed to.

It was frustrating.

How his simple name would have my heart flutter and I'd be smiling without even realizing.

He'd have my heart race like no other.

And despite some of his antics irritating me, he made me happier.

No one had my trust like he did, how I'd endlessly worry about him when he'd get hurt and he'd give me an amused chuckle in response. Giving me some sort of flirt reply to which I'd roll my eyes or step on his foot.

Even if it broke me apart, I would do anything for him.

To protect him.

Walking over to stand directly in front of the glass, I looked out to see the sky, my gaze going to the bright moon that shone with the stars.

The same sky that had parted us would bring us together again.

I was sure of it.

And as I reached my hand up towards the moon, almost as if to grasp it into my hold, something else held onto my hand in its grasp.

About to let out a scream, a hand was placed over my mouth and I stood still.

Chills ran over my spine as the familiar scent wrapped around me after so long.

I closed my eyes as he brought me to his chest, my back pressed against him while his arms came around my torso.

The lights were still off, the moonlight giving off a dim light over us.

"Told you we always will find our way back to each other, no matter how much we're separated," he spoke softly by my ear.

"Tora," I breathed out, turning around to pull him close to me.

Afraid that if I let go, he'd walk away like he had done before.

Maybe that's what I should have done earlier.

I shouldn't have let him walk away when he could have needed me.

I should have kept him in my arms then.

"Stop crying, I'm right here," his words were comforting, his arms never leaving me as he kept his hand running through my hair.

"Tora," I cried out, holding him tighter and I clutched onto him like the air I breathed in.

"Hey, you haven't slept well, have you?" He scolded, picking me off my feet as he walked us over to my chair with my desk.

"You don't look so well either," I shot back.

He chuckled simply, sitting down in my seat as he shifted me into his hold and I rested my head against his chest.

"I'm perfect now."

His answer made my breath hitch as he kissed my hair.

"I am too," I answered, smiling as he took my hand into his.

Tora's POV

She let her eyes flutter close as I ran my hand over her arm, lulling her to sleep.

Her steady breaths soothed me more than any therapy could have.

And as the moonlight shone over her features, her lashes casting slight shadows over her cheeks, my eyes drifted to her lips.

They didn't have any artificial color swiped over them, nor did she get any treatment done to them.

And as I ran my thumb over her bottom lip, I raised a brow.

They weren't the softest, yet they weren't chapped, a slightly rough composure.

Perfect for if my lips were to ever capture hers.

I leaned back, chuckling softly.

I remembered how she had told me she had never been kissed before, questioning why I wanted to know. The day I tied the ribbon in her hair and the grin that stretched over those same lips I had admired.

She had fell fast asleep as I softly spun the chair around. Each round only changing the light over her, her features lightening, then darkening.

And as we faced the window, I heard someone enter the room. With a raised brow, I didn't move, almost as though I had expected him.

"Princess?" He called out and I silently scoffed, realizing he didn't know I was here.

But who's choice was it to have another person take on my position?

Y/N's totally against it, then who could have a higher hand then her in the matter?

"Prince?" I responded, hearing the slight stutter in his steps when he heard my voice.

"Who are you?"

He now came to walk forward and I spun the chair around so that I was able to face him.

"The knight in shining armor who has the princess in his arms, instead of the prince's."

MeoW so liKe I have so many ideas I want to just do but then I'm like ha ha ha I didn't even finish the four month overdue assignments ... lol no regrets YOLOOOOOYOLLOOOYAAH

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