Family! [Hina x Aqua oneshot!]

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Request by: CocoaBeaniee123

"Ah, You're here too?"

Hina, who wore a baseball cap, and glasses was at the mall buying some new clothes, perks up to see Aqua standing there with his usual cold stare.

"Oh, hey. Didn't expect to see you here." Hina greeted as the boy approached her. "Well, I just came here to do some errands. You know how Ruby is." Aqua puffs, his gaze looking at some of the clothes Hina was looking at.

"Guessing you're looking for a new outfit?" Aqua asked, which Hina nodded as she held up the outfits. "Yeah, it's been getting colder since the seasons are changing. I wanted something warm to wear." Hina explains.

"Say, do you mind giving your opinions on it?" Hina suggested, making Aqua place a finger on his chin. "Well, don't be mad if I make you wear something hideous." Aqua teased.

"Please, I can make anything work." Hina said smugly.

As Aqua ponders, he feels a slight tug on his pants as a child's voice follows with it. "Dada, Mama?" The two automatically looked down to see a child probably around 10.

"Oh- you're not… I'm sorry mister." The boy said meekly as he looked around. "Uh- are you looking for your parents?" Aqua asked in an awkward tone as the boy nodded. "Yea! But, I can't find them anywhere…" The boy explains, tears forming in his eyes.

"Well… we can help you look for them." Hina offers, catching Aqua by surprise. "Really! Please help me!" The boy pleaded as Hina nodded, extending a hand towards him in which he happily grabbed.


As the three walked down the mall, Aqua slightly leaned down to Hina's ear. "Hey- y'know you can't get caught since you're an idol and all." Aqua whispered. "I know that, we'll just keep it low. Once we find this kid's patents, we're outta here." Hina whispered back.

"Are you guys dating?" The boy bluntly asks, making Hina and Aqua pull away from each other. "Nonono! He has someone else, I'm just his uh… friend." Hina explains.

"Yea, sure. You guys look like Mama and Papa. That's why I went up to you!" The boy said suspiciously. "Look like you're parents? So, your dad has blonde hair?" Hina asked, in which the boy nodded. "Yea! My dad dyed his hair blonde so he can look cooler! Someday, I wanna dye my hair a cool color!" The boy said proudly.

"Well, I hope you get the chance." Hina gently smiled.


After more walking, the boy suddenly stops, slightly crouching. "My feet hurt from walking! Can you carry me mister!" The boy asked, tugging at Aqua's pants again.

Aqua stares at the boy with slight annoyance before sighing, crouching down so the boy can get up. "Thank you!" The boy smiles, climbing up Aqua's back and wrapping his arms around.

"Aww, you guys look so cute." Hina teased, getting a slight glare from Aqua.


A few hours later, it was almost time for the mall to close, and there were still no signs of the boy's parents. "Man, I won't be surprised if his parents suddenly poofed out." Hina sighs, taking a seat by the benches.

"It's almost closing time, maybe we should go to the security guards." Aqua suggested. "Yeah, maybe…." Hina sighs, standing up before she looks at the boy, seeing he has already fallen asleep.

"Seems he got sleepy…" Hina mumbled as she slightly steps forward, brushing some of his hair out of his face. "Uh- Hina…" Aqua whispered, his face slightly red as the two were a little to close.

"Ah- sorry…" Hina mumbled, pulling away with an embarrassed look. The two continued to walk in silence, with occasional glances at each other. But nothing was much said.

After some time, Aqua speaks up. "Hey, I was wondering if you want to hang out tomorrow…"

"Really? Where will we go?" Hina asked, curiously. "I don't know… maybe a ramen place." Aqua mumbled, glancing at Hina.

"Well…" Hina mumbles, glancing at Aqua before looking away. Suddenly, she spots a secure guard with two other adults, one with blonde hair. "Hey! Isn't that them!" Hina points, catching Aqua's attention.

The two quickly jog towards the parents as the other three look with relieved faces. "Oh my god! My baby, you found my baby!" The mother cried out as Aqua handed the boy to his father.

"Thank you so much for finding our son!" The father thanks as Hina and Aqua nodded with small smiles. "Well, it was nothing. We were mistaken for you guys." Hina explains.

"I can see why, are you two on a date?" The mother asked, automatically making Hina and Aqua shake their heads. "Man, young love these days." The father sighs happily.

"Well then, if everything is resolved. Please leave since the mall is closing." The security guard suggested as they clapped their hands together.

"Well, thank you two again. Bye bye." The mother smiles as the family of three leave. Aqua and Hina stared at the three leaving, a sudden sadness hitting their hearts.

Maybe… they could have that life along with Sarina…

Hina lets out a sigh, trying to ignore her sad thoughts. "Well guess we shou-" before Hina could finish her sentence, she slightly stumbles forward in which Aqua quickly catches her. "Are you okay?" Aqua asked, concerned.

"Yeah… I think I did too much walking…" Hina mumbled. Aqua stays silent before he quickly gives Hina a piggyback ride and starts walking out.

Hina, who was taken off guard by this, didn't say anything. Instead she just wraps her arms around his neck.


After an hour, the two were approaching Hina's house. "Hey Aqua…" Hina mumbles as Aqua hums in response. "I can meet up with you at 2pm tomorrow…" Hina said.

"Well, I'll send you the address of the ramen shop… or I can pick you up…" Aqua suggested.

"I think you picking me up sounds good."

"Okay then, it's a deal…"


ART BY: Zuly_jass ON INSTA!!

Sorry I haven't been active. School just started and I wanna have good grades this year. But ima try my best to update!! Anyways have a good day/night!!!

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