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Liked by rylandlynch, gildestjoer, kylalaufer, and 21,347 others

itazalea hey friends just here to say my new song 'I miss you' is finally out!! I'm sure you already know who I wrote this song about 😅


rydelfunk oooh I'm so happy for you 😘🥳

kylalufer yesss!! I've been waiting so long for this moment!!

gatordestjeor sooo proud of you!!

username ok go off queen

username1 100% sure that this about gordy

username2 you're so pretty like I can't do this anymore
↳ itsazalea pls you're gorgeous fr miss girl 😘

gordydestjeor 🤩🤩


hey y'all I know it's been a hot minute, but I'm hopefully going to be writing more seeing as though my work schedule as sporadical like it has been for the past months, also now that I'm finished school I can do more writing :)

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